White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School

Year 4 Teachers email addresses:




Summer Term  - Daily Learning and Videos
Below you will find the learning and daily hellos uploaded by your child's teacher.

Can anybody guess the song?

Still image for this video

Check out Year 4's fantastic letters home from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Year 4 Science- The Water Cycle. Fantastic learning Year 4, Well done!

Year 4's amazing theme park leaflets! Well done everyone!

Wednesday 6th May 2020 - 06.05.20

Good morning Kingfishers        (Bertie's bird nest video)

Good morning Kites

Kestrels - Mr Beattie says, "Good morning Kestrels. Unfortunately, I'm having technical issues and can't currently record a message for you. I'm really sorry. I hope you all have a great day."


06.05.20- Letter writing to Becky Bettesworth

06.05.20 - Maths - Make a whole

For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson - Make a whole (Summer Term, Week 1, Lesson 1). You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below. Please do not print the worksheet, instead write the answers straight into your book or squared paper.

Yesterday's answers - dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 100

06.05.20 Computing - the link is at the bottom

Tuesday 5th May 2020 - 05.05.20

Good morning Kingfishers
Good morning Kestrels

Good morning Kites


05.05.20- Can I plan a letter to Becky Bettesworth?

05.05.20 - Maths - Divide 1 or 2-digits by 100

For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson - Divide 1 or 2-digits by 100. You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below. Please do not print the worksheet, instead write the answers straight into your book or squared paper.

Monday 4th May (May the 4th be with you) 

Good morning Kestrels

Good morning Kites

Good morning Kingfishers


04.05.20- Art- Becky Bettesworth

04.05.20 - Maths - Hundredths on a place value grid

For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson - Hundredths on a place value grid. You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below. Please do not print the worksheet, instead write the answers straight into your book or squared paper.

Traditional tales

Lily Rundle.mp4

Still image for this video

Friday 1st May

Good morning Kites

Good morning Kestrels

Good morning Kingfishers

The Book of Hopes - A collection of stories and poems aiming to inspire hope during this time. 


01.05.20- Art- Becky Bettesworth
01.05.20 - Learning Journey - traditional tales 
01.05.20 - Maths - Hundredths as decimals

For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson  - Hundredths as decimals. You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below. Please do not print the worksheet, instead write the answers straight into your book or squared paper.

Yesterday's Math answer

01.05.20 Computing

Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning Kites
Good morning Kestrels 

Happy Thursday Kingfishers


30.04.20- Art- Becky Bettesworth
30.04.20 - Learning Journey - Planning Stage
30.04.20 - Maths - Hundredths

For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson  - Hundredths. You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below. Please do not print the worksheet, instead write the answers straight into your book or squared paper.

30/04/2020 - PE Quiz


As the weather is due to be rubbish for a couple of days, I have written a short sports quiz for you. There are some current questions, some historical research for you to do, an anagram to solve and a follow up clip to watch if you wish.


Hopefully this will keep you busy and thinking about the history of sport until the good weather returns next week!


Feel free to email me to let me know what you found out and what you thought of the sports performance clip at the end.


Good luck from Mr Leaman!

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning Kestrels

Good morning Kingfishers

Good morning Kites


29.04.20 - SPaG          SPaG Game (requires flash player)
29.04.20 - Learning Journey - prepositional phrases
29.04.20 - Maths - divide 2-digits by 10.
For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson  - Divide 2-digit by 10. You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below. Please do not print the worksheet, instead write the answers straight into your book or squared paper.

BBC - Great British Bunting

With so many events cancelled or restricted for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day on 8th May, BBC Radiowanted to come up with a way for people across the UK to mark the occasion and express their pride in our country and to remember and honour the men and women of WW2.


They have sent some guidance on making some bunting that you can display in your window, so we wanted to pass this on.


If you do make some bunting then we would love to see some photos of it.

29.4.20 Computing - Purple Mash

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good morning Kestrels

Happy Tuesday Kingfishers

Good Morning Kites!


28.04.20 - SPaG - Verbs        Commentary example
28.04.20 - Learning Journey - fronted adverbials
28.04.20 - Maths - Dividing 1 digit by 10
For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson  - Dividing 1 digit by 10. You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below. Please do not print the worksheet, instead write the answers straight into your book or squared paper.

Art - Session 4 Egyptian Hieroglyphic Alphabet

Monday 27th April 2020

Happy Monday Kingfishers!

Happy Monday Kites!
Good morning Kestrels - congratulations on winning TTRS :) 

27.04.20 - Learning Journey
27.04.20 - Maths - Tenths on a number line

For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson  - Tenths on a number line. You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below. Please do not print the worksheet, instead write the answers straight into your book or squared paper. 

27.04.20- TTRS battle. Who will win the TTRS battle this week- Kites, Kingfishers or Kestrels?


27.04.20 Computing

24.04.20 Computing - Purple Mash

23.04.20 - Thursday 23rd April 2020

Battle as of 4.30pm on Thursday

Kingfishers happiness pictures

23.04.20- SPaG- The Great British Lunch Off

23.04.20 - Learning Journey
23.04.20 - Maths - Lesson 3 - Tenths on a place value grid

For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson  - Tenths on a place value grid. You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below.

Maths Worksheet- Lesson 3- Tenths on a place value grid


Yesterday's Science

22.04.20 - Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Happy Wednesday Kingfishers       (Kingfishers - Riddle Answer: Dozens!)

Good morning Kites
Good morning Kestrels


22.04.20- SPaG- The Great British Lunch Off

22.04.20 - Science/Writing
22.04.20 - Maths - Lesson 2 - Tenths as decimals. 
For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson 2 - Tenths as decimals. You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below.

22.04.20 PE


Basketball has always been a popular sport at White Rock, and our nearest professional team are the Plymouth Raiders. Some of their staff have released a number of videos designed to challenge and develop your skill set.


Work your way through the videos from number 1 onward and see how many of these challenges you can complete using the correct techniques. Don't worry if you can't complete them all - simply find your own level of challenge.


You may use a ball of your choice (the bigger the ball the harder it gets!) If you have a basketball - brilliant! But if you don't any ball will still create a challenge for you.


Enjoy the challenge, and whilst you are on the Raiders YouTube page, check out some of their game footage to see how the game is played at a pro level in the UK.


Mr Leaman.

22.04.20 Computing - Hour of Code

21.04.20 - Tuesday 21st April 2020

Happy Tuesday Kingfishers

Good morning Kites
Good morning Kestrels


21.04.20 - Science/Writing

21.04.20 - Maths - Decimals lesson 1 - Recognise tenths and hundredths 
For this lesson, you will need: Your Remote Learning Book, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Please follow the link and watch the video for Lesson 1 - Recognise tenths and hundredths. You will then need to complete the worksheet with targeted questions below. 



https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/explore/lyrid-meteor-shower-when-and-where-see-it-uk - This link will take you to Royal Museum Greenwich's website which has information on The Lyrid meteor shower that is due to happen late this evening (21.04.20) into early Wednesday morning. This may spark children's curiosity about Space!



Art - Session 3

Picasso - Three Musicians

20.04.20 Computing - Purple Mash

Chloe's video

Still image for this video
17.04.20 PE
17.04.20 Computing - Purple Mash

16.04.20 - Thursday 16th April 2020

Good morning Kingfishers

Good Morning Kites 
Good morning Kestrels (Scroll down for Happy Birthday message) 

Use this document for your string telephone enquiry

Happy Birthday

Still image for this video


Art - Session 2 - Renaissance Art and Leonardo Da Vinci.

15.04.20 Computing

Thursday 9th April (Easter Holidays)

Happy Thursday Kites!
Happy Thursday Kestrels!

Happy Thursday Kingfishers!               

BFG - The Capture       

BFG - Feeding Time

BFG - The Author


Friday 3rd April (Still the Easter holidays!)

Happy Friday to Kingfishers

Happy Friday to Kites

Happy Friday to Kestrels

Easter Holidays - Kites

Apologies I haven't been able to share Kites' learning and photographs this week during my daily hello due to technical issues! Check out the slideshow below of the amazing activities some of the Kites children have been doing during the Easter holidays. I hope you are all having a lovely and safe Easter holidays. I'm thinking of you all, Miss Drohan x 

Monday 30th March (Easter Holidays!!)

Good Morning Kingfishers!

Good Morning Kites 
Good morning Kestrels :)  Scroll down to see Olive's performance! 


Olive's Performance

Still image for this video
Friday 27th March 2020
Kingfishers, take a look at the photos of today's learning. Don't look though if you've not yet finished the science experiment - results are included!!!

27.03.20 - Writing

27.03.20- SPaG- Using Y3/4 spellings to create window Art. 
27.03.20 - Maths 

27.03.2020- EMW

27.03.20 Computing - If you have a keyboard complete the typing task, if not continue with 2Code.

Thursday 26th March 2020

26.03.20- EMW Answers

26.03.2020- EMW

Have a go at this science experiment and let us know what happens!

PE Challenge in Partnership with the Total 14 Football Academy!


Craig from Total 14 has today set an online challenge to his Academy players  which includes White Rock children as he comes in to provide us with our football coaching.


There are 20 football teams that Craig has described only by using emojis. He has not given us the answers yet - so between us do you reckon that we can crack the 20 and send them to Craig before anybody else can?


To help you out, I reckon 14 is New York Red Bulls...


Chat to family, FaceTime your friends and see how many you can get.

Email me your ideas ileaman@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk.


Feel free to design any others and send them to me and I'll see if I can guess them!


Good Luck from Mr Leaman!


Wednesday 25th March

Good morning Kestrels

Good morning Kingfishers (Kingfisher Birthday message right here!!!)

Good Morning Kites- Please watch first up until 4 minutes. 

Good Morning Kites AGAIN! - This time with your fabulous learning attached!

25.03.20 - Maths 

25.03.20 - Writing

25.03.20- SPaG- The link has been updated. 

25.03.20- EMW Answers

25.03.20- EMW

25.03.20 - Dance

Hello Year 4! In Dance we have been looking at DYNAMICS - the 'how' of dance. Within this area of dance, we have been focusing on exaggerating our moves. I would like you to watch this clip again of 'Ministry if Silly Walks' and have a go at creating your own silly walks, or a series of silly walks. Try to get other people in your family to have a go. I would love to see your videos of silly walks, so if you want to, please send them to me at ntyson@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk

Have fun!


25.03.20 Computing - Hello, I hope you are enjoying 2Code!

Tuesday 24th March 2020

If you're missing a daily sing-song in Assembly, why not join Gareth Malone's choir every day at 5.30. Click here for the link. 

24.03.2020- EMW Answers

EMW - 24.03.2020

23.03.2020- EMW Answers

EMW- 23.03.2020

23.03.20 Computing - 2Code

To complete this activity you will need a device which can access Purple Mash.

Year 3/4 Spellings

Paddle Boat Theatre Company (20.3.20)

Paddle Boat Theatre Company got in touch. Please see their message below and some videos we managed to make on Wednesday.

20.03.20 - Free English and Maths materials in Learning at Home packs


Hamilton Trust will be providing free packs for English and Maths for each year group so that these materials can be made available for parents and children at home.

Packs for Week 1 are being added as soon as they are completed and will all be available by the end of the week. Further packs will follow.



Maths Early Morning Work

Your child will have seen Flashback cards in class for early morning work. They are designed to help your child remember what they have previously learned in their Maths lesson.

20.03.2020- EMW

19.02.20- EMW Answers

19.03.20- EMW

18.03.20- EMW Answers

17.03.20 - Learning Links

All logins are in the front of your child's reading records.

Please use these links to complete learning at home;

Mathletics link

Purple Mash link

Times Tables Rock Stars

Science- Sound and Vibration https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zgffr82


17.03.20 - Reading

Below are a few links to free e-books available for parents, you can choose your child's level by clicking on 'levels' and find a book appropriate to their reading level. 

17.03.20 - Learning Journey

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhrrd2p - SPaG activities

https://www.literacyshed.com/home.html - Stories and clips for writing

17.03.20 - Maths Activities

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 - Maths fluency.

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/rocket-rounding - Rounding to the nearest 10,100 ad 1000 game.

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money - Money recognition and counting the correct amount.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsjqtfr/articles/z9w3g82 - Lots of different Maths games for you to choose from. 

https://uk.ixl.com/standards/england/maths/key-stage-2?documentId=2005000126&subsetId=2007000394 - A number of National Curriculum activities for KS2 Maths.



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