Kingfishers are resourceful, hardworking and as the oldest children in the Year 3/4 team, we also bring vibrancy and imagination to our daily learning.
P.E. is on Tuesdays.
Dance is on Fridays.
Home Learning will be set every Friday and expected to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Wednesday 18th March 2.30pm - Learning Celebration
Wednesday 24th March - Performance of the BFG production in Teignmouth
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Mrs May) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Miss Durnford and Mrs Foster).
Freddie's Science - guitar (with song)

Freddie's Science - 2 pitch shakers

Zak's Science - guitar

Ellen on the didgeridoo

Ellen on the trumpet

Joel's version of Don't Worry, Be Happy using his Science!

Ava - Science - Panpipes from bottles

Lewis - 2 pitch instrument science

Bertie's bike tricks

For the whole of this term, Year 4 are studying the history of communication technology. We are starting at what we know now - smart phones, laptops, tablets, games consoles and how they're all reliant on the internet. From there we'll be using history skills to find out about earlier inventions that have had a huge impact on the way humans communicate with each other - the telephone, morse code, carrier pigeons and then all the way back to hieroglyphics as early written communication. Simultaneously, we will have the pleasure of working with Paddleboat Theatre Company on a production relating to Roald Dahl's 'The BFG'.
Silly walks.mp4



The Sound of Silence (27.2.20)
The incredible Kingfishers did themselves proud this week as we began our Science unit on sound. The challenge set: The whole lesson in silence!! We had group discussions, whole class discussions, spent time observing sounds around the school and discovered that even in a silent room, we wouldn't find silence. Here's a clip of the class during one of the silent class discussions.

Exeter Trip (4.2.20)
Wow! What a great day we have had! We set off this morning and arrived at our two destinations of the Apple Store and the Royal Albert Memorial Museum. All children had the opportunity to look at various historical artifacts in the museum and answer some very cryptic clues that had us all thinking very hard! Equally, everyone had the opportunity to receive tuition on certain Apple Apps and then learn about the history of emojis and how similar it is to the Ancient Egyptian's hieroglyphics.
Electrical Circuits (31.1.20)
Kingfishers have been learning about what electrical circuits are and what they need in order to work. This week they have put their knowledge to the test as they have predicted whether or not pre-designed circuits will work and then tested to find out if they were correct!
Paddle Boat Theatre Company (17.1.20)
This week, Kingfishers began a term long project with the brilliant Paddle Boat Theatre Company. We had great fun exploring different characters and how we can portray various characteristics.
Raring to go! (10.1.19)
What an amazing start to the term! The whole class have returned excited to be learning about communication technology, starting with finding out about the invention of the Internet and how it has impacted the world's communication. In Maths, we have been delving into multiplication, making sure that we have mastered multiplication by 10 and 100 ensuring that we are ready for later in the year when we take on decimals.
Please see below for more information about our Reach Outdoors Residential coming up:
Exploring our world (7.11.19)
Wow! What a week of learning we have had! We have learnt about locating countries around the world using latitude and longitude coordinates. The class have consolidated their understanding of how to write speech while learning how to manage conflict. Today, Kingfishers had a go at independently making Onion bhajis from a recipe - we got messy!!
Discovering Grandpa Leicester and Grandpa Chatterji (1/11/19)
The whole of year 4 had an immersion into the story of Grandpa Chatterji this week. Each class got to ask both Grandpas questions, research vocabulary relating to the story, have a go at meditation before thinking about what makes a good character description.
Wednesday 9th October - African Dance Workshop
As it is Black History Month, Year 4 had the opportunity to take part in an African Dance Workshop this week. All the children had big smiles on their faces throughout and really enjoyed learning some traditional African moves to live drumming.




Chewing, Crunching, Munching... (4.10.19)
In Science, the class have learnt about the roles of different teeth within the human mouth. We had a go at chewing pear with just our incisors and found this to be quite tricky. We also discovered that to rip a piece of crusty bread, canines were quite helpful.
In Maths, Kingfishers have mastered roman numerals to 100 this week. Playing games with roman numeral dice have helped us to remember the value of I, V, X, L and C.
Summarising Bill's New Frock (20.9.19)
This week, Kingfishers have been focusing on retelling the story of Bill's New Frock. We had the opportunity to act out key parts of the story and freeze-frame ready to create our story board.
In Science, we've been looking what things can pose danger to our environment. The class have carried out research into global warming, ocean plastics, over-fishing and more general pollution before presenting their information to each other.
Increasing vocabulary (13.9.19)
Kingfishers have been reading Bill's New Frock this week and thinking about what the same for boys and girls and what's different. As a class we've learnt how to search for words in the thesaurus and improved our vocabulary in order to describe Bill to someone who hasn't met him.
Getting Started (6.9.19)
We've had a great start to the term as we've started looking at our theme of 'The same but different.' We've thought about what makes us us and how we are the same as and different from other children around the world. In Maths, we've have begun by looking at counting up and down in 25s and 1000s.