Email to Parents November 2021
Advice to Parents/Carers of White Rock Primary School - COVID-19
Dear Parents,
We have been advised by Torbay Public Health Team that there has been multiple confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the school.
We know that you may find this concerning but we are continuing to monitor the situation. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to support your child. Please be reassured that for most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.
Pupils and/or staff who have tested positive are isolating. The small number of children/staff who are identified as contacts of the confirmed cases will have guidance from NHS test and trace and will be advised to take a PCR test. We further advise they take voluntary daily LFD tests until the outcome of their PCR test is known. Standard control measures are also in place within the setting and being kept under review.
White Rock Primary School remains open and your child should continue to attend as normal if they remain well. We encourage household members that are aged 11 and over to continue with twice weekly LFD testing to help identify cases promptly.
If you think your child is a close contact but has not been contacted directly by NHS Test and Trace then they should take a PCR test via Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) - GOV.UK ( or by calling 119. When ordering a PCR test it is important to check the box (online) or tell 119 ‘I’ve been told to get a test by my health protection team’ and not ‘I’ve been told to get a test by my school or nursery’. Further guidance can be found at Guidance for contacts of people with confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection who do not live with the person - GOV.UK (
Parents can help assist the school by wearing face masks when on school site
Also, please do not send your child into school if they have any of the key symptoms: new persistent cough, high temperature/fever, loss or change to sense of smell or taste.
There is further guidance below regarding symptoms, testing, isolation and how to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19.
We thank you for your continued support in these matters.
Yours sincerely
Sarah Tomkinson
White Rock Primary School
What to do if your child develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) or tests positive for COVID-19
Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are a new, continuous cough, or a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).
If your child develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), they should get a PCR test and remain at home at least until the result is known and they are fever free (without medication) for at least 24 hours.
- If negative, the child can end self-isolation and return to school once well;
- If positive, the child should isolate until at least 10 days after their symptoms appeared.
If the child has a positive test result, but does not have symptoms, they should stay at home and self-isolate for 10 days from the date the positive test was taken. This isolation period will be extended if they go on to develop symptoms by counting 10 full days from the day following their symptom onset. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for a PCR test (the normally available test type) and this can be arranged via or by calling 119.
Instructions for people who live in the same household as someone with COVID-19 (tested positive or symptomatic awaiting a test result)
From 16 August, you will not be required to self-isolate if you are a contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and any of the following apply:
- you are fully vaccinated
- you are below the age of 18 years 6 months
- you have taken part in or are currently part of an approved COVID-19 vaccine trial
- you are not able to get vaccinated for medical reasons
Fully vaccinated means that you have been vaccinated with an MHRA approved COVID-19 vaccine in the UK, and at least 14 days have passed since you received the recommended doses of that vaccine.
NHS Test and Trace will contact you to check whether you are legally required to self-isolate. If you are not legally required to self-isolate, you will be provided with advice on testing, advised to take extra caution, and given guidance on preventing the spread of COVID-19. Even if you do not have symptoms, you will be advised to have a PCR test as soon as possible. If you, or any other household members, attend early years or educational settings, we recommend you undertake daily LFD testing whilst you wait for the PCR result. This is recommended for staff, secondary students and primary students at their guardian’s discretion. LFD tests are available to order online or via community pharmacies.
Any member of the household who is aged 18 years and 6 months or over and has only received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine or has not received any dose of the COVID-19 vaccination will still be required to self-isolate as a household contact of a someone with COVID-19 symptoms awaiting testing and someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Please read the stay at home guidance which provides information on this.
Household members who are not exempt from isolation as close contacts should not go to work, school or public areas, and exercise should be taken within the home. If you require help with buying groceries, other shopping or picking up medication, or walking a dog, you should ask friends or family. Alternatively, you can order your shopping online and medication by phone or online. Household members staying at home for 10 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community.
You could be fined if you do not self-isolate following a notification by NHS Test and Trace. You may be entitled to a one-off payment of £500 through the NHS Test and Trace Support Payment scheme if you are required to stay at home and self-isolate or you are the parent or guardian of a child who has been told to self-isolate.
Those who are clinically extremely vulnerable should be supported to minimise their contact with other people in the household during this period, regardless of whether others have symptoms or not.
Instructions for household contacts who are not required to self-isolate from 16 August
Even if you are vaccinated, you can still be infected with COVID-19 and pass it on to others. If you are identified as a contact of someone with COVID-19 but you are not required to self-isolate, you can help protect others by following the guidance on how to stay safe and help prevent the spread. As well as getting a PCR test, you may also consider:
- limiting close contact with other people outside your household, especially in enclosed spaces (when not in school)
- wearing a face covering for those aged 11 and over in crowded places such as school/college/public transport
- limiting contact with anyone who is clinically extremely vulnerable
- taking part in regular LFD testing if aged 11 years old and older
You should follow this advice while the person in your household with COVID-19 is self-isolating.
If you are a health or social care worker or student undertaking a work placement who has been identified as a household contact and are exempt from self-isolation, there is additional guidance available that you should follow to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19 in these settings.
If you develop symptoms at any time, even if these are mild, self-isolate immediately, arrange to have a COVID-19 PCR test and follow the guidance for people with COVID-19 symptoms.
For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.
If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from the website at If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, or they are worsening you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.
How to stop coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading
There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with coronavirus (COVID-19):
- get vaccinated – everyone aged 12 and over can book COVID-19 vaccination appointments now
- wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
- meet people outside and avoid crowded areas
- open doors and windows to let in fresh air if meeting people inside
- wear a face covering if aged 11 and over when it's hard to stay away from other people – particularly indoors or in crowded places
- participate in twice weekly LFD testing following national guidelines (recommended for 11 years and over). We encourage you to log your results here:
Further Information
Further information is available at
October 2021 COVID Risk Assessment
Revised risk assessment for October - additional measures as of 1st November 2021 as recommended by Public Health.
September 2021 COVID Risk Assessment
January 2021
Revised risk assessment due to announced lockdown from 4th January 2021.
Email sent to all parents 13.10.20
Subject: Informing School/Nursery of a positive test result
Dear Parents
In order for our school to take the most prompt action to safeguarding pupils, staff and the wider school community we are asking that you contact us directly if your child has a positive test result. On confirmation of a positive test outcome, there may be many people that contact you to gain information to help with the track and trace process. These conversations are really important to establish all contacts. Whilst these conversations are happening, it is also important that we have this information to be able to undertake our own track and trace process and work with our local authority and public health colleagues to take any necessary action that might be needed in the school.
Please contact the school during the hours of 8am and 5pm on 01803 577940 to let us know of a positive test result. Outside of these times please email and someone will call you back as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind Regards
Sarah Tomkinson
Symptoms of Coronavirus in Children
The following email was sent to parents on 14.9.20:
Dear Parents
Thank you for your support last week- the children loved being in school.
As high numbers of children and adults are now mixing in school there is bound to be higher cases of coughs and colds. Children have been with their own families for a long time and haven't been exposed to germs from other people. As a school we recognise that children will have normal coughs and colds especially as we move into the winter months. If you child is not exhibiting the signs of Corona Virus and they just have a cold, we would encourage you to send them in as you would normally have done before COVID-19 especially if you think they are well enough to be here.
Just to clarify the symptoms of COVID-19 in children from the NHS website:
The symptoms and actions that you need to take are:
Symptoms of coronavirus in children
The main symptoms of coronavirus are:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot, for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
- a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – this means they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
What to do if your child has symptoms
If your child has any of the main symptoms of coronavirus:
- Get a test to check if they have coronavirus as soon as possible.
- Stay at home and do not have visitors until you get the test result – only leave your home to have a test.
Anyone you live with, and anyone in your support bubble, must also stay at home until you get the result.
Whilst we will always try and offer advice and answer your questions, we are not medical professionals. You know your children best and if they are not exhibiting the symptoms as detailed above then we would be happy to have them in school.
Kind Regards
Sarah Tomkinson
Follow this link to find more information about returning to school and nursery in September:
2020/2021 Academic Year
2019/2020 Academic Year
Dinner Menu
Key Worker Letters
Are you a Critical Worker?
Nursery Letters
Reception Letters
Wednesday 13th May
Please the message sent out to parents today regarding the wider opening of the school to to Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children:
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that you are all keeping safe and well.
We were very surprised about the announcement on Sunday and are now making detailed plans to get Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children back into school safely on 1st June. We have a virtual meeting with the Local Authority tomorrow and we will know more after that.
As soon as we have firm plans in place we will let parents know. I am hoping this will be early next week.
Sorry I can't be more detailed at this time but I'm sure that you'll understand.
Stay Safe.
Sarah Tomkinson
Tuesday 12th May
Please follow this link from the Department for Education to access information about the proposed return to school for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils:
Sunday 10th May 2020
You may have seen the announcement by Boris Johnson this evening. He stated that if the right conditions are in place and with guidance schools may open to Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 on the 1st June. Currently we do not have the guidance that will ensure that children, staff and parents will be safe on their return to school. As soon as we have guidance from the Department for Education we will share our plans with you. Until then- stay safe all of you.
Monday 20th April 2020
As you will be aware the Government are continuing the national lock down. This means that schools will continue to be closed to all children except those whose parents are keyworkers or those who are deemed vulnerable.
The latest guidance on school closures can be found here:
Sunday 22nd March 2020
Please find attached some information from the Educational Psychology Service in Torbay. This is for parents and carers to support you and your children's mental health and wellbeing
Saturday 20.2.20
Thank you for all the kind words of support that we have received during the last week. It has been a busy week but we have all pulled together as a school community. I wish you well for the coming weeks.
Remember you can email your child's teacher between 8.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday in term time if you need help or advice with the Remote Learning or to share video's or photographs of things that the children have been getting up to.
A reminder again that my email is: Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or issues.
Mrs Tomkinson
Friday 20.03.20
Key Worker
Please follow the link to see if you are classed as a key worker:
Whilst we are open to support Key Workers this provision must be a last resort. If the school has high numbers of children coming in daily the impact of closing schools to reduce the spread of COVID-19 will be seriously impacted. EVERY CHILD WHO CAN BE SAFELY CARED FOR AT HOME SHOULD BE. It is not mandatory to use the school to look after your children. Please follow the key principles listed here:
- If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.
- If a child needs specialist support, is vulnerable or has a parent who is a critical worker, then educational provision will be available for them.
- Parents should not rely for childcare upon those who are advised to be in the stringent social distancing category such as grandparents, friends, or family members with underlying conditions.
- Parents should also do everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus. They should observe the same social distancing principles as adults.
Please email if you wish your child to attend school because you are UNABLE to ensure they are safely looked after any where else.
Wednesday 18.3.20
The Government have announced that schools will close on Friday for the large majority of pupils. Vulnerable pupils (those with a designated social worker and those with an Education Health and Care Plan) and key workers' children will still be able to attend the school. We will contact families tomorrow to ascertain which children will be coming to school on Monday and for the rest of the week before the Easter break.
If you are a key worker and your child/children need to attend school please email Mrs Tomkinson on:
Tuesday 17.3.20
Please see letter below sent home today regarding remote learning.
Monday 16.3.20
Today, the Department for Education and Public Health England have issued updated guidance for education settings on COVID-19. This guidance will assist staff in addressing COVID-19 in educational settings. This includes childcare, schools, further and higher educational institutions.
What you need to know:
The updated guidance can be found here:
Current advice remains in place: no education or children’s social care setting should close in response to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case unless advised to do so by Public Health England.
The Chief Medical Officer has advised that the impact of closing schools on both children’s education and on the workforce would be substantial, but the benefit to public health may not be. Decisions on future advice to education or children’s social care settings will be taken based on the latest and best scientific evidence, which at this stage suggests children are a lower risk group.
Friday 13th March 2020
To support the delay of the spread of the virus, the Department for Health and Social Care has asked anyone who shows certain symptoms to stay at home for 7 days, regardless of whether they have travelled to affected areas. This means people should stay at home and avoid all but essential contact with others for 7 days from the point of displaying mild symptoms, to slow the spread of infection.
The symptoms are:
You do not need to call NHS 111 to stay at home. If your symptoms worsen during your stay at home period or are no better after 7 days contact NHS 111 online at If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 111.
For a medical emergency dial 999.
Current advice remains in place: no education or children’s social care setting should close in response to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case unless advised to do so by Public Health England.
The Chief Medical Officer has advised that the impact of closing schools on both children’s education and on the workforce will be substantial, but the benefit to public health may not be. Decisions on future advice to schools will be taken based on the latest and best scientific evidence, which at this stage suggests children are a lower risk group.
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)