Our Ethos
White Rock primary School is a fully inclusive school; as a result we welcome all children into our community including those with special educational needs and disabilities. As part of our day to day practice, both inside and outside of the classroom, we aim to personalise the curriculum to allow all children to thrive within our school. Through our ethos of Inspiring Learning Together we work in partnership with parents, children and external agencies to provide the very best learning opportunities for all of our children.
If you would like to find out what makes White Rock Primary School special and how we meet the needs of all our learners please feel free to contact us to arrange a tour. You can find our SEND Policy by clicking of the link below:
The SEND information form provides details of the support package in place for pupils with SEND at White Rock Primary School.
You can find more information about the graduated response, SEND Local offer and local services and information relating to children and young people (0-25yr) with SEND in Torbay by clicking on the following link:
Torbay SEND Local Offer - Family Hub
If you would like to speak to our SENDCo, Mrs Elizabeth Curran, about any concerns that you have please feel free to contact her directly at senco@whiterockprimaryschool.co.uk or phone on 01803 577940.
Parents can also contact SENDIASS who provide independent information, advice and support for parents and carers of children with SEND. They can be contacted on 01803 207884 or at Sendiass Torbay | Torbay