White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School


Buzzards: adowdeswell@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk

Buntings: nwalker@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk

Bramblings: sproctor@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk

Useful Websites

Below are the websites you can continually access to support home and remote learning.

Summer Term - Daily Learning and Videos

Below you will find the learning and daily hellos uploaded by your child's teacher.


Week beginning 29.6.20

Week beginning 22.6.20

Week beginning 15.6.20

Week beginning 8.6.20

Week beginning 1.6.20

Week beginning 18.5.20

Week beginning 11.5.20

Optional weekly activities 11.5.20

Here are some activities for you to complete if you wish to. Please send us any photos of your learning, we love to see them!

Our Makaton sign for this week  is Dinosaur
Thursday 7th May 2020

07.05.20 Computing - the link is below

Wednesday 5th May 2020




Watch the short animation, following the instructions below for when to pause the film. Ask an adult to help you. You may write your answers or talk about the story with a grown up.

Watch the opening of the film and pause after 52 seconds.

1. Why does the caterpillar want to give away his shoes?

2. Who do you think he will meet in the woods? Continue watching. Pause after the caterpillar leaves the woodlouse.

3. What does the woodlouse think about his new shoes?

4. What does the word jig mean? Can you think of any other action words that would describe what the woodlouse did? Continue watching the film until the end.

5. Can you make a list of all the creatures that the caterpillar saw on his journey through the woods?

6. Why do you think the caterpillar liked being a butterfly more than a caterpillar?

06/05/20 - Physical Education


The teachers from the Dartmoor School Sports Partnership we belong to have posted some physical challenges designed for Key Stage 1 children. There are links below to the first three challenges. Have a go and let me know your scores by emailing me at ileaman@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk.  Good luck and have fun!!






Tuesday 5th May 2020
Monday 4th May 

Optional weekly activities 27.4.20

Here are this week's optional activities for you to do if you would like to.

If you do complete any of the activities we would love to see pictures!

Friday 1st May 2020

Phonics - suffix 'er'

A message from Mrs Burgess

Still image for this video

Photos from Mrs Burgess

Thursday 30th April 2020

30.4.20 Computing - Purple Mash

Wednesday 29th April 2020

BBC - Great British Bunting

With so many events cancelled or restricted for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day on 8th May, BBC Radiowanted to come up with a way for people across the UK to mark the occasion and express their pride in our country and to remember and honour the men and women of WW2.


They have sent some guidance on making some bunting that you can display in your window, so we wanted to pass this on.


If you do make some bunting then we would love to see some photos of it.

Tuesday 28th April 2020

28.4.20 Computing

Monday 27th April 2020

Mrs Dugdale's hello to the Buntings

Still image for this video
Our Makaton sign of the week is Zebra

Optional weekly home learning activities - wb:20.4.20

Here are some optional activities for you to have a go at. If you complete any please send any pictures to your class teacher, we'd love to see them! Have fun!

Friday 24th April 2020
Thursday 23rd April 2020

"A Cloudy Lesson" Comprehension


Watch the short animation, following the instructions below for when to pause the film. You may write your answers in your green book or talk about the story with a grown up.

Watch the opening of the film and pause after 15 seconds.

1. What do you think the special tool is for? How will it work? How does it link to the title of the film?

Continue watching. Pause the film after 45 seconds.

2. How do you think the little boy felt after his first attempt at making a cloud?

Continue watching. Pause the film after 1 minute.
3. What do you think will happen now that the cloud maker has broken?

Continue watching. Pause the film after 1 minute 20 seconds.

4. How do you think the Grandfather felt as he watched the cloud float away? What was he worried about?

Continue watching the film until the end.

5. What shapes did you see in the clouds? What shapes would you make and why?


Why not have a go at making a cloud in a jar? Follow this link: https://www.giftofcuriosity.com/weather-science-how-to-make-a-cloud-in-a-jar/ and see a cloud magically appear inside your jar!

23.04.20 Computing
​​​​​​Wednesday 22nd April 2020

A Poem from Mrs Burgess

Our makaton sign for this week is to ride a bicycle.
​​​​​​Tuesday 21st April 2020
21.04.20 Computing - Purple Mash
​​​​​​Monday 20th April 2020

Plurals - s and es

Optional weekly activities for week beginning -13.4.20

Here are some suggestions for some optional weekly activities that you can do alongside the Maths and Learning Journey lessons. Please send us your pictures to show which activity you have chosen.

Friday 17th April 2020
17.04.20 Computing
Thursday 16th April 2020

Phonics - plurals

Our Makaton sign for this week is - Games Console

Wednesday 15th April 2020

Welcome back and we hope you all had a lovely Easter Holiday. Home learning will be added to this page again each day along with the daily 'Hello's' from your class teacher. Each week we will add activity suggestions for you to do!

Writing - Wednesday 15th April 2020

Our writing journey  for this half term is 'The Gingerbread Man'. See below for your first activity!

Maths - Wednesday 15th April 2020
15.04.20 Computing
Easter Holidays

Update: There will be no learning set over the Easter period, however, we will be uploading 'Daily Hellos' on the following dates.

Monday 30th March

Friday 3rd April

Monday 6th April

Thursday 9th April

Come and say hello to your class teacher!

Thursday 9.4.20
Monday 6.4.20
Friday 3.4.20
Monday 30.3.20
Friday 27.3.20
Hello from Mrs Burgess!

27.03.20 Computing - 2Explore

Thursday 26.3.20
26.03.20 Computing

PE Challenge in Partnership with the Total 14 Football Academy!


Craig from Total 14 has today set an online challenge to his Academy players  which includes White Rock children as he comes in to provide us with our football coaching.


There are 20 football teams that Craig has described only by using emojis. He has not given us the answers yet - so between us do you reckon that we can crack the 20 and send them to Craig before anybody else can?


To help you out, I reckon 14 is New York Red Bulls...


Chat to family, FaceTime your friends and see how many you can get.

Email me your ideas ileaman@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk.


Feel free to design any others and send them to me and I'll see if I can guess them!


Good Luck from Mr Leaman!


Wednesday 25.3.20

Audio books from Amazon

Today, Amazon have cancelled the subscription of books and audio stories for children and students of all ages as long as schools are closed. Children everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across 6 different languages.

 Click on the link belwo and see what amazing stories you and your children can listen to. 


Sentences for diary lesson

Tuesday 24.3.20

Monday 23.3.20

23.03.20  Computing - Technology in Our Homes

Hello. For this task you will need your green book and a pencil.


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