Eagles are high flyers, tenacious hunters and have excellent vision. Once they have a goal in mind they strive to obtain it and never let it slip through their talons. As King of Skies, they soar high with ambition and innovation.
'Building Britain'
Please ensure that a PE kit is brought into school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. All items of PE kit (and school uniform) should be labelled with the child's name and class.
We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of every half term
All home learning is to be completed in your Home Learning books and will be given on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday. All pupils in Year 6 are expected to complete their Home Learning to a high standard and be handed in on the due date. Those pupils who have not completed the task will be expected to stay in during the first twenty minutes of Thursday lunchtime.
Monday 6th January 2020 - First day of Spring term
Monday 27th January 2020 - Parents Evening
Thursday 30th January 2020 - Parents Evening
Friday 14th February 2020 - Last day of Spring 1
Monday 24th February 2020 - First day of Spring 2
Thursday 19th March 2020 - Learning Celebration 2.30-3.00
Friday 27th March 2020 - Last day of Spring Term
Wednesday 15th April 2020- First day of Summer Term
Friday 8th May 2020 - May Bank Holiday
Monday 11th May 2020 - SATs - SPaG Paper 1 and 2
Tuesday 12th May 202 - SATs - Reading
Wednesday 13th May 2020 - SATs - Maths Paper 1 and 2
Thursday 14th May 2020 - SATs - Maths Paper 3
Friday 22nd May 2020 - Last day of Summer 1
Monday 1st June 2020 - First day of Summer 2
Tuesday 2nd June 2020 - Friday 5th June 2020 - Year 6 Residential
Tuesday 14th July 2020 - Year 6 Performances @2pm and 6pm
Monday 20th July 2020 - Leavers Assembly @2pm
Monday 20th July 2020 - Leaver Disco @6pm-7.30pm
Tuesday 21th July 2020 - Woodlands Trip
Tuesday 21st July 2020 - Last day of Summer Term
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Mrs Gidley) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Mrs Foster).
Spring term curriculum map
Thursday 5th March 2020 - Literacy - World Book Day
Today was World Book day. We dressed up as some of our favourite book characters. This morning we went to Year 2 and shared a story with them and in the afternoon we followed the book trail around the school. We also tested our book knowledge by getting in teams and completing a quiz.

Monday 24th February 2020 - Art - Jewellery
This year, Year 6 entered a jewellery designing competition. William was the winner and claimed the first prize - he got his design made! Here he is with his final piece.
Tuesday 11th February 2020 - Science - Electricity
As part of our Science learning this term, Year 6 have been learning about electricity and how to built complete, successful circuits. They carried out an investigation to answer the question, "How does the function of a component vary in different circuits?" They completed a set of five tasks, where they changed the number of cells to see if the voltage made a difference to the performance of a light bulb, motor or buzzer.
Thursday 6th February 2020 - Art- Drawing
As we are continuing to develop our drawing skills, we have begun to look at composition and scale. Here we are using our observational skills to draw a group of objects.
Thursday 30th January - Fire Safety
Key Stage 2 children were visited today by some real-life Firemen! They talked about how the children can be aware of fire safety and what to do in the event of a fire emergency.
Tuesday 14th January 2020 - History- Primary and Secondary Sources
We have been looking at Primary and Secondary historical sources and using our inference skills to find out what they tell us about events in the past. We used this information to think about what it would have been like to be in the trenches during World War One. We wrote our own diary entries from the perspective of a soldier.
Thursday 9th January 2020 - Art- Drawing
This term our topic for Art is 'Drawing' we are going to look at how artists using different drawing techniques and equipment to have an impact on their audience. We were given the task to draw our shoe. We did this in different ways. First we drew from observation, then we had to close our eyes. We also used another person by holding their arm and even had a go drawing with our feet.

Autumn term curriculum map
Monday 16th December 2019 - Art- Chris Ofili
During the Autumn Term, we have been learning about Chris Ofili. We have been using our sketch books to collect ideas. Here we are completing doing some of the sessions and using our sketch books to collect ideas.
Wednesday 4th December - Science
Year 6 are studying the circulatory system in Science, and as part of our learning about the heart we were able to watch the dissection if a sheep's heart. By looking at and examining the hearts we were able to contextualise our knowledge of the parts of the heart and how they function in preparation for writing a report about the heart.
Thursday 28th November 2019 - Art- Year 6 Learning Celebration
Today, we held our learning celebration, in the hall, for this term's topic, 'The same but different.'
Each class in Upper Years, had a large canvas, which we turned into our own piece of artwork. We all prepared our sketchbooks to help us develop techniques and think about our use of colour. We were inspired by the artist Chris Ofili.
Thank you for all those who were able to attend, but don't worry if you couldn't come, here are some photos to show you what we did.
Wednesday 20th November 2019 - RE- Buddhist
Today, Year 6 had a visit from Jeremy and Jeanine Woodward who are Buddhist. As part of our Religious Education learning, they talked to us about the Buddhist faith. Some of the main precepts of Buddhists is to be kind, to treat each other with respect, not to kill, and not to tell lies. We came up with some of our own precepts. We also looked at a map to see where the Buddhist faith originated and how the faith spread around Asia.
Our visitors explained to us what Karma means to Buddhists. They explained that doing something with intent comes back to you. Doing something kind can have a positive impact just as doing something unkind with intent may have a consequence. They explained that they believe that everything in life is interlinked.
Jeanine showed us a piece of paper and got us to think about how making the piece of paper is interlinked. From the people who cut the trees down, to the lorry drivers who transport the paper, she explained that we need all the links to work together.
As Buddhism spread throughout Asia, there became different strand of Buddhism. They have different artefacts too. A statue or ornament of Buddha is there to remind them of the first Buddha. It is not who they worship. Prayer wheel, they put mantras inside and you then spin it so that they prayer are set throughout the world.
Prayer flags have the wind horse in the middle and they have mantras written around them. They are left in the wind. They are just left them for the mantras to spread even when they get tatty. Each colour represents something: Blue- Sky, White – Air, Red – Fire, Green – Water and Yellow – Earth.
Friday 15th November 2019 - Children in Need - The Great Morning Move
This week, White Rock have been fundraising for Children in Need. Along with other children across the UK, Eagles took part in Joe Wicks' Great Morning Move. Here we are getting stuck in and increasing our heart-rates.

Joe Wicks' Great Morning Move

Joe Wicks' Great Morning Move

Tuesday 12th November 2019 - PSHE - Anti-Bullying
Today, Eagles wore odd socks to school. This is to raise awareness of Anti-Bullying Week. As a whole school, we completed video which is going to sent to Breeze FM.
Wednesday 6th November 2019 - PSHE - RE
Today, Eagles had a visit from a member of the Humanist UK society. As part of their Religious Education learning, they were introduced to the belief systems of Humanists. Humanists believe that this life is the only life we have, that the universe is a natural phenomenon with no supernatural side, and that we can live ethical and fulfilling lives on the basis of reason and humanity. They have trusted to the scientific method, evidence, and reason to discover truths about the universe and have placed human welfare and happiness at the centre of their ethical decision making. This visit will help Year 6 children to consider all manners of faith and belief systems and further visits from members of other faith societies will enrich their knowledge of the various cultures and faiths that make up our diverse country.
Wednesday 30th October 2019 - Maths - Fractions on a numberline
As part of their Maths learning about Fractions, Eagles have been exploring the value of fractions when expressed as decimals and percentages as well as fractions. They have also shown their understanding of the size of fractions below one whole by placing them on a numberline. Doing this practically, on the tables, really helps their understanding and fluency.
Monday 14th October 2019 - Art - Jewellery Workshop
Today, we had some of the jewellers from Doble Jewellers in Brixham in school to see us. They showed us some different jewellery and talked to us about how some items can hold secret messages. We also saw a ring that could turn into a bracelet along with another ring that could hold poison! Doble Jewellers are holding a competition to design our own piece of jewellery; the winner gets their design made into the real thing!

Monday 14th October 2019 - RE - Hinduism Workshop
As part of our Learning Journey topic 'The same but different', we have been learning about different religions. Today, we all took part in a workshop about the Hindu faith. We learnt about the different goods such as Bramha who is the Creator God, Vishnu the Preserver God and Shiva the Destroyer God. We also found out that Hinduism is one of the oldest Religions in the world.
Wednesday 9th October - Dance - Zamble African Dance Company
This morning, Zamble African Dance Company visited the school and performed Assembly with all the children. They were involved in traditional African dancing and chanting.


Tuesday 8th October 2019 - Science - Adaptation
In Science, we looked at how some plants, animals and people have adapted to live in extreme conditions. We used our reasoning skills to match up the statements with the environment.
Friday 4th October 2019 - Literacy - Let's Think In English
As part of our Learning Journey topic, 'The same but different' we are thinking about how people interact with each other. We have been learning about society and the impact daily interactions can have on our lives. Today, we completed the 'Let's Think in English' session called 'Alike' and looked at the lives of a Father and Son.
We added some of our thoughts to our Learning Journey wall:
Friday 27th September 2019 - General Knowledge - Timeline
Today, have been our general knowledge by playing the game 'Timeline'. We talked about different historical events and decided on their chronological order. Any events we were unsure of, we researched online so that we can build our understanding.

Friday 27th September 2019 - Drama - Paddleboat Theatre
Today, we got to watch a performance from The Paddleboat Theatre about the life of a famous journalist called Clare Hollingworth. She was the first person to report the start of World War Two. We were all very interested in finding out about her life and all amazing this she did.
In the afternoon, we also did a workshop with the actors. We had to think about all the characteristics you would need to be a good journalist.
Thursday 12th September 2019 - PE - Reach Outdoors: Coasteering
Coasteering is an exhilarating, combined rock and water activity that Year 6 have loved! Catered to every individual level, this activity is suitable for those with no fear of heights or water as well as those who may not be quite so confident. During their Coasteering trip, Eagles experienced rock climbing and scrambling techniques, as well as how to jump from heights into the sea safely. Wearing sturdy footwear, wetsuits, buoyancy aids and helmets, Eagles traveled along Fishcombe Cove section of coastline; sometimes swimming in the sea, sometimes scrambling on rocks and jumping from rocks into the sea. They all had a fantastic afternoon!
Thursday 12th September 2019 - Maths - Place Value
Today, we looked at large number and talked to each other about the different values of the digits. We then went on to multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. We used the Maths equipment to help us show our understanding.
Transition Day
In July, we had a great transition day together. We worked so hard in our Writing and Art sessions that we have already completed a display ready for September.