White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School


Redwings are sociable birds who enjoy working together towards a common goal, just like the children in Redwings class. We are also determined and enjoy demonstrating our resilience in all of our learning.



'She believed she could, so she did.'

This term Year 3 will be learning about the changing role of women throughout history. We will be exploring the lives of different influential females and how they have shaped modern Britain. And the world.



P.E. Days are Wednesday and Thursday.

Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school all week. We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of every half term.



Home Learning will be handed out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. This will give you the opportunity to explore aspects of your child's learning if you wish.



Reach Outdoors- Thursday 23rd January, Thursday 20th January and Thursday 6th February 2020

Parents Evening- Tuesday 28th January and Wednesday 29th January 2020

Learning Celebration- Monday 23rd March 2020 in the hall at 2.30pm



If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Miss Durnford) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Mrs Foster).





Spring Term Curriculum Map

Friday 13th March 2020- Sports Relief

Today was Sports Relief. We all came in dressed in our P.E kits, ready to get involved with fun sports activities. Mr Leaman had organised a 5 hour marathon of dodgeball. Each class were lucky enough to get involved and we had lots of fun participating in this against another class in the school! In assembly we also sang together the Sports Relief song called 'Game on'. Check out our photos below...

Thursday 5th March 2020 - World Book Day

Today Redwings celebrated World Book Day with a book quiz, a book trail where we had to 'Name that Book!' and a shared reading session with some of the youngest children in our school. We had a great time reading to the children in Foundation and we all felt proud of our reading skills. We really enjoyed all of the activities, not to mention dressing up in our amazing costumes. We would like to say a big thank you to our adults at home for helping us with our costumes. Have a look at the photo's below to see what we got upto!

Friday 28th February- A Terrible Crime Occurred at White Rock!

On Friday, Year 3 learnt of the devastating news that Miss Bowen's favourite plant was stolen! She asked for our help try and find it. On our way back from assembly, we discovered the plant, covered in plant and left on the floor! There were many clues around like a comb, a pair of gloves, lipstick and a necklace! We had to find out who committed this terrible crime. Was it Miss Scarlett, Reverend Green or Captain Bob?! Year 3 were then tasked with finding the criminal, by using our knowledge of descriptive devices to write a wanted poster. We used the clues and found out it was Miss Scarlett! Check out our learning below...

Tuesday 11th February - Police Officer Visit


This week in Year 3 we had a very special visitor! PCSO Veitch came to speak to us about her role in the police force. She told us how the role of woman has changed throughout time, did you know the police force was set up in 1829? However, women were not able to join until 1919! Even then, they were given lesser jobs and called 'women patrol'. Now there are over 8000 women working for the Met Police. We also learned that you have to make a special promise when you join the police force, to protect Queen and Country.


Officer Veitch also told us 3 of the most important things we would need in order to become a police officer.

1. A mouth - To speak to people and make them feel safe, police only arrest as a last resort.

2. Ears - To listen to people's worries and concerns.

3. Eyes - To observe and watch in order to keep the country safe.


Year 3 would like to give a massive thank you to PCSO Veitch and the Brixham Police unit for talking to us today.

Thursday 6th February 2020- Reach Outdoors

Year 3 have been really lucky this half term to participate in Reach Outdoors. We have had 3 weeks of different bush craft activities. We have gone on our own nature walk, finding and identifying different leaves and what tress they come from. We found it really exciting when collecting our own sticks to help make a fire, ready to toast our marshmallows on! For our last week, we worked as part of a team to build our own shelters. We had so much fun and can't wait to do Reach Outdoors again! Check out how much fun we had below...

Tuesday 28th January 2020

Today we were lucky enough to be visited by our local fire service. We learned all about how to keep ourselves safe using to 'Stop, Drop and Roll' technique. We also were shown how to make a fire safety plan at home in case of a fire. This included: testing the temperature of a door to see if there is fire on the other side, keeping low to the ground to avoid smoke and leaving the house as quickly but safely as possible. Freddie and Filbert the fire extinguishers also told use about the dangers of plugging in too many electrical items and the importance of having a working fire alarm in our home.   

Wednesday 22nd January - Magnetism

This week, Redwings have been exploring with magnets. We discovered that magnets exert force and use this force to pull or push other objects. We thought of our own scientific questions. Here are some of our questions:


Jake - 'Are bigger magnets stronger than small magnets?'


Lottie - 'Will magnets still pull or push objects through glass and water?'


We then answered by designing our own fair tests. Have a look at the photos below to see how we got on.

Wednesday 15th January 2020- Representation of Calculations

In Maths this week we have been representing multiplication and division calculations using a range of different resources including: beads, numicon, place value counters and diennes. We decided that the bead string and numicon would be the best resources to use because we can make the whole number first and then work out how many groups we need to have. Check out our learning below...

Wednesday 8th January 2020


This week, we started our new Learning Journey 'She believed she could, so she did'. We learned about gender stereotypes and thought about why they came about. We then looked at the different jobs that people do and discussed which jobs are traditionally done by each gender. After, we sorted jobs based on gender. We then watched people in action completing their jobs and discovered that it doesn't matter which gender you are when it comes to choosing a job! 


Autumn Term Curriculum Map

Wednesday 18th December 2019- Wing

As part of our learning around Anti-Bullying week, we have written stories based on a video 'Wing.' In this story, a little boy, with one wing, gets bullied by a group of crows. We have used a range of descriptive devices to describe our characters including, similes, adjectives, power of three, metaphors and alliteration. In the end the boy gets saved by a little girl (who also has one wing). They realise that if they put together their wings together they are powerful and can stand up against the crows as one. Look at our stories below...

Wednesday 11th December 2019- Chris Ofili

Last week, Year 3 immersed themselves into the work of the artist Chris Ofili. We started by learning about who he was and we found out that he was the first black artist to win the Turner Prize. After that, we then experimented with different painting techniques to see which one would create a piece of artwork similar to that of Ofili. In line with our learning about Katarina Johnson-Thompson, we drew around pictures of her and created silouhettes of her to put on our final pieces. We decided that paint splatting was the most effective. We all had so much fun preparing and creating our final pieces. Check out our learning below... 

Wednesday 4th December 2019- Forces

In Science this week, we have started our new topic of forces and magnets! To start with we had a discussion about what a force was and decided it was something to do with pushes and pulls. We then made a prediction about which car would need the most force travelling along different surfaces. As a class we then conducted our own experiment and decided that pushing the car along the stones needed more force because of the bumpy surface. 

Wednesday 27th November 2019- Maths Investigation

In Maths we have been investigating multiplication and linked this to scaling. We used the cuisenaire rods to support us with our derived number facts and were able to use this to represent different products, for example: if the small white rod represents 4, which rod represents 16? Check out our learning below:

Wednesday 20th November 2019- Katarina Johnson-Thompson Biographies

This week, we have concluded our learning around Katarina Johnson-Thompson by writing our own biographies about her. We included the features of a biography including; subheadings, third person, paragraphs and even our Year 3/4 words to help us! Check out our learning below...

Anti-Bullying Week - Wednesday 13th November 2019


This week is anti-bullying week. In class we have discussed what bullying is. We decided that bullying is intentional and repetitive and deliberately hurts somebody either physically or emotionally. As a class, we discussed what we would do if we aw somebody being bullied and the impact this would have on them. Have a look below at our mind maps and write-up.

Wednesday 30th October 2019- Columnar Method

This week in Maths, Year 3 have began to use the columnar method to help us when adding together two 3 digit numbers. Firstly, we drew our place value grid on our tables and then used place value counters to represent each number. We then had to count up how many ones, tens and hundreds we had in each column and wrote our answer underneath. Check out our amazing learning below... 

Hate Crime Awareness week 12th - 19th October. 

This week is Hate Crime Awareness Week. In Year 3, we have discussed what the term 'hate' means and what a 'hate crime' is. Our definition of a hate crime is any crime that has been motivated by hostility based on a person's identity. A person's identity can include their race, religion, gender or age. We have made posters to make others aware of what hate crime is and have given advice to people if they feel a hate crime has happened. 

Monday 7th October- Diwali Workshop.

Today Year 3 had the amazing opportunity to participate in a Diwali Workshop. Firstly, we learnt that Diwali is the Hindu Festival of Lights. We learnt how to make animals with our hands and we used this within our Bollywood dancing. We all tried really hard to learn the moves and keep in time with the music. This afternoon we all decorated and made our own Diya lamps which are used during Diwali festivities to bring light into people's homes. Check out the photos below to see what fun we had!

Save the Planet! Tuesday 1st October 2019


This week in assembly we have been learning about Greta Thunberg and her powerful messages about our future. We decided to make one small change each to help save our planet, this could be choosing to walking to school once a week, taking our reusable bags to the supermarket or creating works of art with non recyclable plastics. With small changes, we can make a big difference. Check out our pledges and posters below!

Monday 23rd September 2019 - The Same but Different


Today in Redwings, we have been discussing what makes a person 'good' or 'bad'. We looked at lots of villains from different films and books. We realised that a lot of these characters were made to look un-appealing e.g. The 2 ugly sisters, Scar, Jafar. We then looked at Quasimodo. At first we thought he must be evil, unkind and mean because of the way he looked, however, the more we found out abut the character, the more we realised that we had judged him unfairly. Have a look at our initial thoughts and final reflections in our writing below.


Some quotes from the lesson. 


'I think that Quasimodo looks cross because everyone is being mean to him'.


'Quasimodo is actually a really brave and kind because he rescued Esmeralda'. 

Tuesday 17th September 2019 - French!


This week in Redwings, we have been learning how to say simple greetings in French. We learned how to say 'bonjour', 'au revoir' and 'je m'appelle'. Do you know what any of these words mean? Have a look at the videos below to see how we got on! 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Place Value - Wednesday 11th September 2019

This week in Year Three we have been learning about the place value of 3 digit numbers. We have been using lots of practical resources to represent numbers and have learned about the importance of using correct mathematical vocabulary to describe hundreds, tens and ones. Have a look at the photographs below to see how we got on.

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