Cormorants are medium sized coastal birds who thrive in their environment by working in teams, just like one of our school values, teamwork. Cormorants can often be found diving in to the water simultaneously. Just like the bird, in Cormorants class we can be found diving into our learning together and using our skills in teamwork to thrive successfully together.
'The Same But different ...'
This term we will be learning about the similarities and differences between ourselves and our classmates. We are going to be exploring how people come from different family environments and also exploring how we can enjoy different activities. We will also be exploring children living in different parts of country and the rest of the world to find out how we are the same but also different.
In Year 2 Cormorants PE kits are needed on a Tuesday and a Wednesday for both Dance and PE.
Home Learning will be set on a Friday and due in on a Wednesday.
8th October & 9th October Parents Evening
Thursday 10th October School Photographs
Monday 11th November - Anti Bullying Week
Tuesday 17th December Christmas Nativity
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Miss Restorick) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Mrs Dowdeswell or Mrs Jarrett).
Spring term curriculum map
Check out Austin's story!
Check out Rosie's new riddle!

Pause at 8 seconds and see if you can solve the riddle!




Thursday 5th March - World Book Day 2020
On Thursday Cormorants celebrated World Book Day in style! We took part in a book trail across the school, shared books with Year 6 and then also performed in our Learning Celebration in the afternoon. Have a look at our fun and very busy day below!
On Friday Cormorants left early in the morning to visit Fleet Air Arm Museum. We explored the museum and saw Concorde, rescue helicopters and even took part in a helicopter simulation. In the afternoon we took part in a workshop looking at the best materials to make an airplane. Have a look at what we got up to below!
Thursday 15th February - Concorde!
This week we have been looking at modern flight and those who have impacted our future. We have made persuasive posters for Virgin Atlantic to convince people to go into space. We have also been learning about Concorde and how it was supersonic! Today we played an interactive quiz in teams to test our knowledge! Have a look at our fun learning below!

This week Cormorants have been very lucky to have the two new school guinea pigs in our classroom - Marmalade and Lightning. We were tasked with getting them used to being handled and around children. They settled in well and whilst completing our learning we even heard them chatting away!
Wednesday 8th Janaury 2020 - Paper Spinners!
This week we have introduced our new theme 'The sky is never the limit' and started our new Science topic on materials. We have investigated how the spinner stays in the air and we learned it was because of the air pushing downwards. We then explored how we could make it a fair test. Have a look at our fun learning below!
Wednesday 27th November - How do penguins stay dry?
In our Science learning, we have been looking at how birds have made adaptations. To continue this learning, we have been making predictions around how they thought penguins might stay dry in the Arctic. The children came up with some fantastic ideas: "Their body temperatures are higher to keep them warm"
"They have blubber around their skin". We created an experiment to find out. The children used syringes to squirt water at different pictures of penguins. The children discovered that the oil is what keeps penguins feathers dry. They enjoyed this learning, and it generated some excellent scientific discussion. Look at our fun learning below!
Tuesday 19th November - Why do birds have different shaped beaks?
As part of our Science learning we have been investigating why birds have different shaped beaks. We used different tools as the birds beaks and used sweets and string as the food. The children learned that the reason birds have different beaks is because they eat different food.
Friday 15th November - Children in Need
This week to celebrate children in need we took part in the Big Morning Move hosted by Joe Wicks. We had a great time taking part in actitivites. We were definitely tired by the end! We also completed our stories based on 'The Catch' and then shared them with our learning partners.
Wednesday 6th November 2019 - Owl Visit
As part of our science topic investigating animals and their habitats, we were lucky to receive a visit from ‘Totnes Rare Breeds Farm’. They brought four magnificant owls and shared lots of information about their habitats and their food chain. The children loved seeing the owls and had the chance to ask lots of questions of their own. We all learned a lot. A big thank you to our visitors.

As part of our Geography and Theme learning we spent the day immersing ourselves into African culture. We spent the morning trying exciting new foods including aubergine and beans and rice. Then we had a go at African drumming and creating a beat. Once we finished that, we had a go at printing using bright colours and exciting patterns. To finish off the afternoon we created our clay sculptures using the designs based on Augusta Savage's art we studied last half term. Have a look at our fun (and messy) learning below!
Wednesday 9th October - African Dance Workshop
As it is Black History Month, Year 2 had the opportunity to take part in an African Dance Workshop this week. All the children had big smiles on their faces throughout and really enjoyed learning some traditional African moves to live drumming.

Thursday 3rd October - How do polar bears keep warm?
This week in Science we have been looking at how animals adapt to survive in their environment. We learned that polar bears and other artic animals have a thick layer of fat called blubber around them to keep them warm. To recreate this we made our own 'blubber glove' using lard! Have a look at our super Science learning below!
Thursday 26th September - What happens when we add 10?
This week in Maths we have been looking at what happens to 2 digit numbers when we add and take away 10. We learned that the tens change but the ones stay the same. We explored this using our tables and physical resources. Have a look at what we got up to below!
This week in Maths we have been comparing numbers using the greater than and less than symbols. Have a look at our learning below!
Tuesday 10th September - Conjunction chains
In Writing this week we have been looking at conjunctions to expand our sentences. We learned that conjunctions go between two sentences that make sense on their own. We made paper chains to link these sentences together. Have a look at our learning below!
Friday 6th September - Welcome to Year 2!
This week we have been settling into our routines as part of Year 2. We have been exploring our Science topic of animals and their habitats. In our Maths we have been practising our number bonds and took our learning outside to play splat. We have also been looking at the place value of 2-digit numbers. Have a look at our fun learning below!