White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School


Condors are large, graceful and strong birds. They have great hunting skills and travel long distances so they can feed themselves and their families. They have brilliant looking skills and listening skills which we will be using within our own Condors class.




'The Same But different ...'

This term we will be learning about the similarities and differences between ourselves and our classmates. We are going to be exploring how people come from different family environments and also exploring how we can enjoy different activities. We will also be exploring children living in different parts of country and the rest of the world to find out how we are the same but also different. 



In Year 2 Condors PE kits are needed on a Tuesday and Thursday for both Dance and PE.



Home Learning will be set on a Friday and due in on a Wednesday. 



8th October & 9th October Parents Evening

Thursday 10th October School Photographs

Monday 11th November - Anti Bullying Week 
Tuesday 17th December Christmas Nativity



If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Mrs Brownen) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Mrs Dowdeswell or Mrs Jarrett).







Spring term curriculum map

Thursday 11th June 2020 - Remote Learning

Here are some amazing pictures, of the amazing Condors, up to amazing things!

Keep sending me your pictures, I love sharing them.

Friday 6th June 2020 - Remote Learning
I am exhausted just looking at the Condor's pictures. They have been cycling, painting, cooking, writing and so much more. Have a look at their great pictures to see what they have been up to.
Friday 15th May - Remote Learning

Well Condors, you have been busy. What an inventive class you are, it is fantastic to see all the fun you have been having. Here are some of your super pictures.


Thursday 7th May - History -VE Day
Year 2 have been investigating VE Day. As part for their remote learning, they have drawn themselves as someone working in that era. We have had some fantastic pictures of firemen, nurses and soldiers.  Great work Condors!
Friday 1st May 2020 - Remote Learning
Well Condors, you have done it again. What an impressive array of activities you have been doing. Keep sending in all your fantastic pictures.
Friday 24th April 2020 - Remote Learning.

Thank you Condors for sending in all your wonderful pictures. It is great to see all the exciting things you are up to and be able to share them. Enjoy!


Thursday 16th April 2020 - Remote Learning

The Condors have once again been busy. Thank you to all the Condors for sharing what you have been up to, it is lovely to hear from you.

Here is a selection of the exciting things that have been happening.


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Thursday 26th March 2020 - Remote Learning.

We might not be able to go out but this has not stopped the Condors. They have been busy doing some fantastic learning. I have had photos of their Maths, non-fiction work, art, music, gardening, craft and cooking. The list goes on.

Thank you Condors, I have loved being able to share your day.

Thursday 5th March 2020 - Celebration Assembly

Our Celebration Assembly was a fantastic way for the Condors to show off some of their 'The Sky is Never the Limit' knowledge. The children spoke confidently about Concorde, air craft carriers, the future of flight  and their home learning. Children dressed as DaVinci, Amelia Earhart and the Wright brothers shared facts with their parents. It was a great chance to share some of our newspaper articles. The parents were also able to find out about our trip to the 'Fleet Air Arm Museum' and see some pictures .

Condors you were amazing - well done!


Friday 28th February 2020 - Fleet Air Arm Museum Trip.

A very excited Year 2 met early on Friday morning, looking forward to their adventure.

Once we arrived at the museum we had a chance to explore. We were able to go on board a rescue helicopter and sit in the cockpit of a WW2 plane.

We moved onto our workshop where we investigated the best materials with which to build a plane. We tested materials for weight, flexibility and if they were waterproof. Some children even got to try on a leather pilot's outfit.

In the afternoon, we experienced what it would be like to be on the deck of the aircraft carrier 'Ark Royal'. It turned out to be very noisy and busy. We also boarded Concorde to see what it was like inside.

It was a very tired group who boarded the coach home.

What a fantastic day out!

Monday 3rd February 2020 - Science
In Science this week we have been investigating materials. The children explored the properties of  materials including metal, paper, cork, wood and wool and decided which would be suitable for a  plane wing to be made of. They sorted the materials into whether they were sturdy, flexible or both. As the children discovered, a plane wing needs to be both flexible and sturdy so definitely not made of wool or paper. Great sorting Condors!
Monday 27th January 2020 - PSHE
The Condors were lucky to receive a visit from the Fire Service. They learned about the role of a fire fighter, all  about their uniform and what to do in an emergency. The children were all keen to tell me the facts they had learned especially the stop, drop and roll technique which is used if someone is on fire. A great visit.
Friday 24th January 2020 - R.E.


To celebrate Chinese New Year we compared how we celebrate in the UK and how they celebrate in China. We discovered that we both like to celebrate with family and let off fireworks. We also found out that the Condors were either born in the Chinese year of the Dragon or the Snake. We learned that in China they hang lanterns for good luck so we decided to make our own. They looked fantastic, great work Condors.


Monday 13th January 2020 – History

In History this week we ordered dates of great flying events and achievements in chronological order including Amelia Earhart flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean and the Wright brothers first flight.  The class had great fun making a human time line whilst learning some historical flying facts. Great work Condors!

Tuesday 7th January 2020 - Science


As an introduction to our topic ’The Sky is Never the Limit’, the class explored how things stay in the air. They made spinners and used trial and error to adapt their spinners and improve them. We then compared the spinners seeing which stayed up the longest and discussed the reasons why. Great fun and a fantastic start to our new topic.




Autumn term curriculum map


Wednesday 18th December 2019 - Art

As part of our ‘Chris Ofili’ inspired art, Year 2 explored the colours and patterns of Africa. They worked in teams to produce a colourful collage full of African colour using different shapes, patterns  and textures. Great work Condors.

Wednesday 27th November 2019 - Caption Writing.
As part of out Writing, we have been exploring features of non-fiction books. The children have compared fiction and non-fiction books and learned actions to help them remember the features of a non-fiction text. The children enjoyed thinking about captions for different pictures. They then acted out an activity which we photographed before they added their own caption. Great work Condors!
Monday18th November - Why do birds have different shaped beaks?


As part of our Science learning we have been investigating why birds have different shaped beaks. We used different tools as the birds beaks and used sweets and string as the food. The children learned that the reason birds have different beaks is because they eat different food. Great learning Condors!

Friday 15th November 2019 - Children in Need

Condors embraced ‘Children in Need’, dressing up in Pudsey jumpers, T-shirts and ears. They kindly gave a donation to dress in non-uniform and brought their loose change to fill up our ‘Children in Need’ poster. We even had a special assembly learning about why we were raising money.

Joining in with ‘Joe Wicks Children in Need Activity’ was great fun and left us all exhausted. What a great day!

Wednesday 6th November 2019 - Owl Visit

As part of our science topic investigating animals and their habitats, we were lucky to receive a visit from ‘Totnes Rare Breeds Farm’. They brought four magnificant owls and shared lots of information about their habitats and their food chain. The children loved seeing the owls and had the chance to ask lots of questions of their own. We all learned a lot. A big thank you to our visitors.

Monday 28th October 2019 - African Day
As part of our Geography and Theme learning we spent the day immersing ourselves into African culture. We spent the morning trying exciting new foods including aubergine and beans and rice. Then we had a go at African drumming and creating a beat. Once we finished that, we had a go at printing using bright colours and exciting patterns. To finish off the afternoon we created our clay sculptures using the designs based on Augusta Savage's art we studied last half term. Have a look at our fun (and messy) learning below!
Thursday 10th October - Book Reviews
The children enjoyed exploring and discussing a variety of books. They shared what they enjoyed about the books and explained why they would recommend it to someone else to read. What a great way to share a love of books and reading!

Wednesday 9th October - African Dance Workshop

As it is Black History Month, Year 2 had the opportunity to take part in an African Dance Workshop this week. All the children had big smiles on their faces throughout and really enjoyed learning some traditional African moves to live drumming.


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Friday 4th October - How do polar bears keep warm?

This week in Science we have been looking at how animals adapt to survive in their environment. We learned that polar bears and other artic animals have a thick layer of fat called blubber around them to keep them warm. To recreate this we made our own 'blubber glove' using lard! Have a look at our super Science learning below!

Wednesday 25th September 2019 - Maths

Our year 2 children enjoyed exploring 10 more and 10 less than a number. They worked practically using dienes to make a number and then to prove their answers. Recording the answers on our classroom tables proved to be very exciting. Fantastic learning Condors!




Monday 16th September 2019 - Geography

As part of our theme ‘The Same But Different …’, we have started to explore physical and human features of the world around us. We initially looked in our local environment then the children sorted pictures of features from around the world. They had great fun making posters showing off their learning. Great work Condors.

Monday 9th September 2019 - Maths
This week we have been learning about place value in Maths. We have been learning about using key language such as tens and ones. We have been learning to say numbers to 100 and say how many tens and ones they have.

Thursday 5th September  - Habitat Exploring 


As part of our science topic exploring habitats around the world, the children enjoyed sorting different animals into the correct habitat. Have a look at our fun learning below!

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