White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School

Writing - Pride Month


Good Morning Year 3! This month is Pride Month! Every year there are Pride marches, parades and events all over the world. These events are to celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride. Sometimes, they are also about fighting for LGBT people to have equal rights. Pride is all about love and being free to love whoever you want.


Today, we would like you to read (or ask an adult to read) the book below, titled 'Part of the Party' (simply click the link below and download the book). I have also put Mrs. Foster assembly up where she reads this book, if you would prefer to listen, click Mrs. Foster's link and skip to 4 minutes 22 seconds.  Whilst you are reading it, think about your family and what makes them special.


Below there is a link explaining what Pride is. You will also find the link to read the book (along with Mrs. Foster reading the book). There is a 'Family Scrapbook' we would like you to complete after reading. If you have any questions, please e-mail your teachers. Don't forget to send in your amazing learning! Have a wonderful day!

Pride Month Competition

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