White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School

13/05/20 - Wednesday 13th May 2020


Daily Hellos

Have a look at what Finley L found in his pond...

Maths - Divide fractions by integers

Please find this week's Maths learning under 'Summer Term - Week 4 (w/c 11th May)' - links to the video and activity can be found below.

Silly SATs - Year 6

Hi all, 

Have a go at these 'Silly SATs'. They are exactly what they are called. This is just something fun to do this week. Answers may not be what you would expect! 

Today is Reading - listen to the audio recording for the instructions, read the extract carefully and then have a go at answering the silly questions. Once you have finished, mark your answers with help from your adults. 

Take care, stay safe and have fun!

Mrs Gidley, Mr Aldredge and Miss Noble

Silly SATs - Reading


The school needs a new football kit and it’s your chance to design it!

There are two options:


  1. Gain some inspiration from the designs on this website: Well done everybody for how well you have done on the previous sports challenges, ihttps://www.discountfootballkits.com/Football_Kits


You can use any of the available colour scheme from any kit manufacturer on the website, (use the same for shirt shorts and socks) and colour your design from it. As long as we can buy it from this site you can use it for inspiration! You may choose one colour or many, stripes or hoops or anything else on the site!

Draw out a kit that consists of shirt, shorts and socks. You can include a goalkeeper’s kit if you wish. Colour it and email it to me, and my favourites will be voted on, with the winning design to be used as closely as possible for the school football kit from next season!


  1. Go wild with any design you please! Draw whatever you wish that makes a cool kit, but be aware the likelihood is we won’t be able to buy it for the school to play in, but have fun designing it!


Get designing!


Mr. Leaman



Year 6 Book - The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

The Graveyard Book - Chapter 2 part 3

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