Hello Owls!
For your remote learning, you will need to login to Teams daily. You will find your class listed and this is where the links for your Maths and Daily Hello will be available. The daily hello will be a live recording on Teams every week day at 10AM. There will be a group chat available every morning from 8.30 - 9am for us to catch up and check in with one another too. Your daily Maths lessons will also be a live lesson and these will be a different times based on your group given to you by your teacher.
Group A - will be at 2.20
Group B - will be at 2.40
Group C - will be at 3.00
As well as this, there will be additional pre-recorded lessons which you can work on throughout the day. Mr Aldredge and Miss Clayton will share these lessons. There is a timetable below for you to look at. In addition to our lessons, there will be activities available for Spanish, Art, PE, Dance and Computing.
Mr Aldredge