White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School

Comprehension - Bridge

Watch the opening of the film and pause after 15 seconds. 1. What do you think the problem in the story is going to be? Continue watching. Pause the film after 45 seconds. 2. How could the moose and the bear solve their problem? What might you suggest? Continue watching. Pause the film after 1 minute 27 seconds. 3. What do you think that the rabbit and the racoon will do to teach the bear and the moose a lesson? Continue watching. Pause the film after 2 minutes. 4. The rabbit and the racoon end up with the same problem as the moose and the bear. How do you think they will resolve their problem? What would you tell them to do? Continue watching the film until the end. 5. What do you think the lesson or the moral is within the story?

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