White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School

Comprehension - Owl Babies

Watch the opening of the film and pause after 45 seconds. 1. What are the names of the three baby owls? 2. Where do they live? What items were used to make the nest? 3. How do you think the owl babies felt when they woke up and found that their mother was gone? Continue watching. Pause the film after 1 minute 31 seconds. 4. Where do you think their mother has gone? What do you think has happened? Continue watching. Pause the film after 2 minutes 15 seconds. 5. How do you think the owl babies felt whilst they sat in the dark wood waiting for their mother to come back? Continue watching the film until the end. 6. What does the word nocturnal mean? 7. How do you think the owl babies felt when their mother returned?

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