Hello Kites,
Well done for finding this page and welcome to our Remote Learning Class Page.
You will need to login to TEAMs daily- this is where the links for your Maths and Daily Hello will be available. The Daily Hello will be a live recording on TEAMs every week day at 09.30AM. There will be a group chat on our TEAMs general page, this will be available every morning from 8.30 - 9am for us to catch up and check in with one another too. You'll also have a daily live lesson on TEAMs and these will be at different times based on your group given to you by your teacher.
Group A - will be at 12.20
Group B - will be at 12.40
Group C - will be at 13.00
As well as this, there will be additional pre-recorded lessons which you can work on throughout the day. Miss Drohan, Mr Beattie and Mrs May will share these lessons. There is a timetable below for you to look at which will be updated each week. In addition to our lessons, there will be activities available for Spanish, Art, PE, Dance and Computing.
If you have any problems accessing your learning please let me know, my email address is: ldrohan@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk
Take care and know that you are all incredible!
Miss Drohan x
Remote Learning- January and February 2021
Wow Kites, what a start to the New Year. You have all been brilliant and every email I receive with your learning attached, fills me with pride. You are the most incredible, resillient and creative children! We have learnt about measurement and money in Maths, innovated travel brochures in Writing, studied pointilism in Art, virtually travelled and learnt about Russia in Geography and lots, lots more. Check out some of our learning below:
World Book Day- 4th March 2021
In preparation for next month's World Book Day, we have been finding creative places to read as well as finding books we love to read. Check out our pictures below:
Owen - reading his favourite book 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dog Days'
Logan - reading to his sister Bonnie in an igloo they created at home.
Leo's Spanish
Toby's week of protein pancakes, scouts online and an afternoon in the sea.
Freya at the beach
Lily planting an apple tree with her family
Robson - Mars perseverance landing
Evelyn's helicopter
Evelyn keyboard.mov
Logan Skipping
Dominik feeding wild horses at Dartmoor National Park
When Bobby met a seal on the beach at Teignmouth
Toby out for a coastal walk - Look at that beautiful view!
Lottie's football skills
Bobby's skipping
Logan's ninja move
Guinness book of records attempt for 'The largest online football chain video'
Hi Year 4,
Please read through the following information with your ADULT. This email was sent to school below regarding the Guinness book of records attempt for 'The largest online football chain video' endorsed by the Dartmoor School Sport Partnership.
The record attempt is for 'The largest online football chain video' and we have already had over 100 video submissions in 3 days from around the world!
With this week being Children's Mental Health week, I think this is something fun & positive that they can be part of, and it's not limited to just children either! We are encouraging families to take part in this world record attempt - all they need is a football.
On both links below you can find a video explaining exactly what we need from people, feel free to take a look and share these links and information below with anyone and encourage them to get involved 😁🥇
Twitter - https://twitter.com/TheFootySkills/status/1354498546934943757?s=20
Facebook - https://fb.watch/3eIqL2aM6k/
Below are some 'rules' from Guinness which are very STRICT:-
1. Film a video in portrait.
2. Football rolled in on the FLOOR from YOUR right hand side like in the video.
3. Show us what you can do with the ball and then pass the ball on the FLOOR out on YOUR left side like in the video.
4. The video clip needs to be over 5 seconds long.
5. Use a size 5 football.
Videos can be sent to us on FootballChainVideo@hotmail.com
We would also love to see your videos, so please send them to your class teacher's email address as well, Miss Drohan x
Week beginning 04.01.2021
Year 2, 3 and 4 Spelling sheets to support children's Writing
The Great British Lunch Off
This week, Kites have been busy at home. We have used our learning of expanded noun phrases to create a Lunch Menu. We have then used our knife skills to prepare lunch for our adults at home to say a huge thank you for all that they do. You're wonderful Kites! Check out our menus and lunches below: