White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School


Cygnets, Ducklings and Goslings are hatching new ideas and exploring and beginning to learn about the world around them.


We dive into new learning experiences, always making a splash, do our best to get along swimmingly and are discovering how to spread our learning wings and fly.  Find our weekly learning below. 


Please feel free to contact us on the following email addresses:

Cygnets - mcolledge@whiterockprimaryschool.co.uk

Goslings - lholloway@whiterockprimaryschool.co.uk

Ducklings - awallwork@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk

               - vwhite@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk


You can also contact Mr O'Sullivan - losullivan@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk




Miss Colledge is the Cygnets' teacher and she is supported by Mrs Barnes, Miss Fundry and Miss Morey.


Mrs Holloway is the Goslings' teacher and she is supported by Miss Croston, Mrs Ashton and Mrs Rose.


Mrs White and Miss Wallwork are the Ducklings' teachers and they are supported by Miss Holmes.


Up coming events:

Start of term - 25th April

Last day of Summer 1 term - 27th May

Non-pupil day - Monday 6th June

First day of Summer 2 term - Tuesday 7th June

The space dome comes to visit - 27th June

Last day of term - Tuesday 26th July


This weeks learning 11th July 2022


In Reception, we have created rockets using recycled plastic bottles.  The children had to squeeze a little bit of paint into the rocket, shake it to spread the paint, attach tissue paper for the flames inside the bottle and then decorate their rockets.  They have absolutely loved creating them in Cygnets!


We had glorious weather for our sports day and everyone enjoyed their lovely picnic together. 


We have had a wonderful year in Reception. We are all very proud of all of you. You have all grown and learnt so much. We hope you all enjoy the many new adventures that you will encounter in Year One. Thank you to all grown ups for reading with your children and sending in all of your super home learning. We have loved receiving and sharing it all with the classes. Lastly, We wish you all a fun filled, restful summer break! Have fun!

Next week's learning (04.07.2022)

This week we were lucky to have the Space Dome visit Reception.  We went on a space adventure and learned all about the planets, the moon and constellations.  Reception have also been learning about RSE this week.  We have looked into friendships, families, how to spread kindness and explored emotions.  In maths, we have looked at doubling and finding patterns.  We are also in preparation for our Reception garden party and sports day.

Week beginning 27.6.22

Week beginning 20.6.22

This week we have begun our learning about Space. The children have enjoyed learning the names of the different planets and finding out information about life in Space. It has sparked lots of questions, such as 'why do astronauts float?' and 'is it cold in space?'.

The children have enjoyed the opportunity to continue races on the field in preparation for Sports Day. We have had plenty of time to explore the woodland, which has been great to hear childrens' observations of how the plants and minibeasts have changed through the seasons.

In Maths we have been practising our number formation and showcasing our understanding of addition and subtraction.



Next week's learning...

Week beginning 13.06.22

This week we have been reading the story 'Someone swallowed Stanley' and have looked at beaches nearby and how they have changed over the years. We have discussed plastic pollution and how we can all make a difference by picking up rubbish we see. In maths we have looked at making new shapes using tangrams. We also went onto the field with the year 6 children and practised some races for sports day!

Next weeks learning 13.6.22

This week, we were very lucky to have Catherine - a marine biologist - visit Reception.  We learnt about sea grass and ways to protect our oceans.  The children also got to investigate what Sharks like and dislike when it comes to their diet.

Next week's home learning 06.06.22

This week we have been learning all things Jubilee.  We have created bunting, decorated crowns, retold stories, learned facts about the Queen, had a tea party and rehearsed our whole school dance.  We have had lots of fun across Reception!

Queen's Jubilee Fun

next weeks learning

This weeks learning 13.5.22

This week we have started to look at the story of The Queens handbag. We are going to be performing part of the story in assembly so we have been learning our lines and actions. We have also been exploring the woodland area. We have been testing our climbing skills and looking closely at bugs. 

next weeks learning

Our Learning

This weeks Learning 9.5.22


This week we had some visitors in the woodland. The Big Bad Wolf had been and blown down 2 of our 3 houses. The children have been drawing story maps of the story and retelling the story using Makaton. They have also been very good at keeping our bikes clean and in good working order at the bike shed. We have also been planting wild flower seeds in our new reading garden. 

Next weeks learning - Week beginning 09.05.22

This weeks learning - 02.05.2022

This week we have been learning about the traditional tale 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. We went over to the Woodland and found a terrible mess! There were chairs knocked over, bowls, spoons and porridge oats all over the place. We talked about who might of visited the woodland over the weekend and decided that it must of been Goldilocks! In maths we have been looking closely at the numbers 11-20. We have practised matching numeral to quantity, made our own number lines and have enjoyed playing BINGO with teen numbers. In phonics, we have been practising blending and segmenting words with four phonemes such as 'camp'. We have particularly enjoyed practising different running races on the field this week. We have done running races, jumping races and even tried wheelbarrow races!

Our learning - 2.5.22

This week's learning 25.4.22

This week's learning 25.4.22

With the change in the weather, we have been spotting the changes in our natural environment.  Some of our tadpoles have turned into froglets.  Our caterpillars have hatched from their chrysalids and turned into butterflies.  Their wings are beautiful colours and we wished them lots of good luck and sunshine on their journey.  Some of the children wondered if the butterflies might go to the beach or even all the way to London.

We have also had lots of fun baking cakes and icing them.  They were really yummy.

In literacy, we have been reading Little Red Riding Hood.  We know not to talk to strangers.  We know that the wolf is a villain.  We had fun hearing Roald Dahl's version of the fairytale.

In phonics we have been practising how to write CVCC words like tent, damp, lost and pink.

In maths, we are looking at the compostition of teen numbers and can count on from ten.

Our learning week commencing 25.04.22


Upcoming Events

Wednesday 5th January 2021 - Start of term 

Friday 18th February - Last day of half term 

Monday 28th February - First day back 

Friday 8th April - Last day of term 

Tuesday 29th March and Thursday 31st March- Parents' Evenings 

Friday 8th April- Last day of term

Monday 25th April - First day of Summer term

This weeks learning 4.4.22

This week we have been exploring the life cycle of a frog. We have been very creative making perfume, frog puppets and frog hats. We were also very lucky to have some ducklings come to visit us!

What we will be learning in the week beginning 28.3.22

This week's learning 21.3.22

This week's learning 21.3.22

We have been very excited about some new additions to our reception classes: the caterpillar eggs have hatched into wriggling baby caterpillars, the stick insects have laid some eggs and now we have frogspawn and tadpoles too.  We have learned a new word: "metamorphosis" and we have even learned how to spell it by clapping each syllable and sounding out each syllable one at a time.

In literacy, we have been looking at what happens to caterpillars during metamorphosis, learning new words like "emerge" and "chrysalis", whilst showcasing our knowledge in our writing.  

We have enjoyed tricky word hunts around the courtyard and we are getting very good at recognising Phase 3 tricky words in our reading whilst being able to write Phase 2 tricky words.

In maths, we are confidently putting the numbers 0-10 in the correct order and are also able to count backwards.  We are becoming more efficient everyday at showing our understanding of the composition of numbers.

What will be be learning? Wb 21.3.22

Week beginning 14.3.22

This week we planted our potatoes in some soil, we're looking forward to observing them growing! We have been caring for our sunflower seeds and comparing the height of them. Some of the children have been singing and whispering to their sunflowers to encourage them to grow! 

In Maths we have been representing numbers 9 and 10 in different ways and comparing amounts. We are getting really good at subitizing amounts and using Maths resources!

We have loved finding daffodils and talking about beginning signs of spring. There are lovely new resources in the woodland which we have been playing with daily. 

Week commencing 14.3.22

This weeks learning - 7.3.22


This week we have been watching the potatoes sprouting their eyes ready to be planted. We have been making story maps to help us retell the story of the Little Red Hen. In maths we have been working really hard to be able to form our numbers the correct way around. We have been working on the numbers 3,5,7 and 9 in particular. 

This weeks learning

Week beginning 7.3.22

Week beginning 28.2.22

Shrove Tuesday caused lots of excitement with the aroma of freshly cooked pancakes emanating from the Reception class rooms.  The children talked about the ingredients and watched the pancakes being cooked, whilst being very sensible about safety around the hot pan.  Every child that wanted to was able to taste a pancake with a choice of filling.  We even found a wake and shake all about pancakes too!

We have also been learning about the story of 'The Little Red Hen'.  We have been talking about the characters in the story and whether it was right for the little red hen to eat the cake herself because the other animals didn't help her with any of the work.

World Book Day on Thursday was lots of fun.  We dressed up in costumes, played games involving our characters and got to read with the children in Year 5 and 6.

We are getting so good at our Phase 3 digraphs and keep practising spotting them within words.

We have had fun in maths this week measuring each other and our teachers, measuring worms, measuring our long jumps, too. 

This week's learning 28.2.22

Learning week commencing 28th February

This week's learning 14.2.22

In literacy this week, we have been exploring the Shirley Hughes story, "Dogger".  Inspired by this, we have been having our own pretend toy sales and using play money to buy toys.  Some of us have been writing our own story books about Dogger.

In maths, we are getting really good at adding two groups of objects together to find the final amount.

We are continuing to practice our digraphs, trying to spot them in words and remembering to use the sound of the digraph when we are blending, when reading.  We are also getting very good at writing our phase 2 tricky words and working on learning our phase 3 tricky words.

Our friends at the British International School of Shanghai sent us a digital postcard.  We saw them making dumplings, dressing up in their traditional costumes, having a martial arts lesson, and participating in a dragon dance.  It was really fun to see how people from a different culture celebrate their traditions. 

This week's learning 14.2.22

Next weeks Learning - 14.02.22

Week beginning 7th February


This week we have been looking at the story of the big race. We have found out which animal year we were born in and had fun creating animal masks. We have also been having fun making the numbers 6,7, and 8 in a variety of ways. 

This weeks learning 7.2.22

Next week's learning 7.2.22

Week beginning 31st January 2022

This week we have been learning about how people celebrate the Lunar New Year! We have looked at lion dances and learned new words like acrobat.  We have also made decorations and painted blossom pictures.  We have been looking at different foods people eat to celebrate Lunar New Year and what the ingredients symbolize.  We have also tried using chopsticks and participating in a Lo Hei! Perhaps you could have a meal and try using chop sticks to eat with!

We have also learned some greetings and songs in Mandarin.  Xin nian kuai le! 

We are continuing to practise our phonics, reviewing digraphs in particular.  Ask us to show you how we use our phonic fingers to segment words independently using our phonic knowledge.

In maths, we have been working hard to form our numbers correctly, have a look below.

Learning for week beginning 24.1.22

This weeks learning week beginning 17.01.22


This week we have been continuing to experiment with ice and we have ventured out into the woodland to see what we could see. We found some icicles and lots of natural objects to explore. We have started to look at the story The Ugly Five for literacy so have been looking at animals from the Savannah.

This weeks learning 17.1.22

Learning for week beginning 17.1.22

Week beginning 10.1.21

This week we have explored the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers.  The children have enjoyed retelling the story with the tiny penguins in the play tray.  We have learned about where penguins live and we have been experimenting with ice by making our own ice sculptures like the ones we learned about at the Harbin Ice Festival in China.  Ask us to do our penguin dance for you to see!

In maths, we are focusing on the composition of 5.  We now know why a high five is called a high five!  We also know that zero means "there is nothing there!"

Outside, we have been building a boat and a car with tyres, crates, pipes and reels.  We have been junk modelling boats and testing if they sink or float.  We have been scrubbing and cleaning the home corner and making obstacle courses with hoops and planks.

We have been painting giant waves inspired by the story "Lost and Found" and the painting by Japanese artist Hokusai called "The Great Wave off Kanagawa".  

This week's learning 10.1.22

What we will be learning week commencing 10.01.22

Wednesday 5th January - Our first day back

We were all excited to come back to school today, ready for a new term! The children loved sharing their stories of their Christmas breaks, and were eager to explore the new learning opportunities set up. We had a hunt in the woodlands for a mystery animal, finding clues and guessing what it could be. We have explored ways to manipulate ice, building boats which will hold objects and creating narratives to stories.

Week commencing 6th December

Week beginning 29th November

This week we have enjoyed learning about the Jewish celebration 'Hannukah'. We have made Menorah's and even got to taste some Latkes.  In Literacy, we have continued our learning about 'Stickman'. We have introduced new vocabulary such as 'character' and 'setting' when looking at the book. In Maths our learning has involved exploring the numbers 4 and 5. We have sung lots of songs such as 'One Elephant came out to play' and '5 Green bottles' as we explored 'one more and one less'. We have also used 5 frames to support our learning.

Week commencing 29th November

Week beginning 22nd November 

This week we read the story Stick Man and thought about what we would prefer to be (a stick for a pen or a stick for a bow etc). We then talked about why we would choose to be the thing we chose. We have also continued to enjoy learning about Neil Armstrong and we have been subitising up to 5.   

Week beginning 15th November 2021

This week we have learned all about Neil Armstrong's landing on the moon. We learned that his space ship was called Apollo 11. When the landing pod reached the moon, he said "the eagle has landed". He was the first man to walk on the moon and he said "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." We watched the video of the rocket taking off and have enjoyed learning activities relating to this.

Our Learning - Week commencing 15th November 2021

Our Learning Week Commencing 2nd November

Week Beginning 18th November

This week we have been creating patterns in a variety of ways. We enjoyed making repeating pattern fruit kebabs - they were very tasty! We have also been working on building up the strength in our hands and fingers to help our handwriting by hammering golf tees into pumpkins and we have been making spooky spiders with the playdough. 

Week Beginning 18th November

Our Learning Week Commencing 18.10.21

Week beginning 11.10.21


This week we have bee looking at the book Room on the Broom. We have been starting to write words by labelling the charters in the story. In Maths we have been exploring capacity in a variety of ways. We have been comparing liquids in jugs, Sand in containers and juicing fruit to collect the liquid to see which contains the most juice. We have had lots of fun in our farm shop filling our bags with a variety of harvest vegetables. We have also been practising reading out tricky words by playing tricky word splat with the water. 

Our Learning

Our Learning - Week Beginning 11th October 2021

Week Beginning 4th October 2021 - The Gruffalo


This week we have been retelling the story of The Gruffalo. We have had fun making Gruffalo crumble, Making log pile houses and using Owl ice cream to help us learn about amounts in our Maths. 

The Gruffalo

Our learning - week beginning 4th October 2021

Week beginning 27th September - Who crashed in the Woodlands?

On Monday we were told that a space craft had crashed in the woodlands! We were so excited to explore the crash site. It turned out that Captain Beattie and his 4 super hero friends had crashed. We have been writing about them in our Literacy lessons this week. Can you remember their names? Perhaps you could write them for your grown ups! 

Week beginning 20th September 2021

It's recycling week! We begun the week sorting junk into different materials. We then discussed how we could re-use this, and used the junk to create new things. Have a look at the photos to see some of our creations.

We create some musical instruments and some children decided to perform musical shows on our stage!

Our learning - week beginning 20.9.21

Week beginning 13th September 2021

Reception have enjoyed joining the older children on the playground! Have a look at the photos to see us in action.

Week beginning 6th September 2021

This week we have been getting to know each other and our new school environment. We have been playing lots of games to learn about our new friends and enjoying new activities whilst exploring the classrooms and outside area. Have a look at some of the photos - can you tell your grown ups at home what you have been doing at school?


Wednesday 8th September - SCHOOL STARTS

Friday 22nd October - Last Day

Monday 1st November - INSET Day

Tuesday 2nd November - First Day Back

Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th November - Parents' Evening

Friday 17th December - Last day of term


Read with Me parent and child sessions

Phonics demo session

Dates to be confirmed


Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds

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