Cygnets, Ducklings and Goslings are hatching new ideas and exploring and beginning to learn about the world around them.
We dive into new learning experiences, always making a splash, do our best to get along swimmingly and are discovering how to spread our learning wings and fly. To see our weekly learning scroll down past the Phonics section. Thank you.
This Terms Theme
The Same but Different
(For more information about this term's theme, scroll down to our curriculum map)
Upcoming events
Meet The Team
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see member of the Reception team or contact the Team Lead, you can do this by email:
or call us.
Spring Term Curriculum Map
Addition - 09.03.20
We have been exploring different ways of adding numbers together in Reception Class this week. We have used objects and grouped them together, used a number line and even used a bus to help us.
This Week's Learning - 09.03.20
This Week's Learning - 09.03.20
World Book Day - 05.03.20
We had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Day in Reception. We completed a book trail through our school, decorated book marks, shared our favourite stories and listened to some older children in school read.
World Book Day - 05.03.20
This Week's Learning - 03.02.20
This Week's Learning - 24.02.20
We had a brilliant time cooking pancakes in Reception this week. We designed our own toppings, wrote the ingredients and then enjoyed them together with our friends.
Pancake Making - 25.02.20
This Week's Learning - 10.02.20
This Week's Learning - 03.02.20
This Week's Learning - 03.02.20
This Week's Learning - 27.01.20
Our provision activities this week have had an art focus with some children choosing to complete a drawing using step by step instructions. The children worked together to follow the instructions and to support each other to improve their work.
This Week's Learning - 27.01.20
This Week's Learning - 27.01.20
Money - 20.01.20
As part of our Math's journey in Reception we have been learning about money. We have had a snack shop set up with shopkeepers where the children have been able to buy their own snack using coins.
This Week's Learning - 20.01.20
This Weeks Learning - 20.01.20
Patterns - 13.01.20
We have spent the last 2 weeks in Reception learning about repeating patterns. The children have explored some simple patterns as well as some more complex patterns using different objects and shapes. They have loved sharing their own examples of patterns with their peers.
This Week's Learning - 13.01.20
This Week's Learning - 13.01.20
This Week's Home Learning - 10.01.20
This Week's Learning - 06.01.19
This Week's Learning - 06.01.20
Autumn Term Curriculum Map
Kents Cavern Trip 12th and 13th December 2019
We had an amazing time visiting Father Christmas in the caves at Kents Cavern. We met an elf called Ginger who took us a journey testing toys, wrapping presents and finding things to look after the reindeer's.
Kents Cavern
Post Office Trip - 02.12.19
We had a great time walking to the post office to post our letters that we had written to Santa.
Post Office 05/12.19
This Week's Home Learning - 29.11.19
Detective Dan Digraph
Detective Dan Digraph - 25.11.19
We have been working hard this week to identify digraphs in words. Detective Dan Digraph has been sending us problems to solve and we are hoping to join the detective squad and get our very own digraph hunters badge.
This Week's Learning - 25.11.19
This Week's Learning - 18.11.19
In Math's this week we have been comparing groups of items and saying which has more and which has less.
This Week's Learning - More - 18.11.19
This Week's Learning - 18.11.19
This Week's Learning - 15.11.19
This Week's Learning - 11.11.19
We had a great time learning about positional language this week. We completed a positional language assault course where we had to direct our friends over, under, around, next to and through the different obstacles.
This Week's Learning - 11.11.19
This Week's Learning - 11.11.19
This Week's Home Learning - 08.11.19
This Week's Learning - 04.11.19
This Week's Learning - 04.11.19
This Week's Learning - 28.10.19
This Week's Learning - 28.10.19
We have enjoyed learning about 3D shapes this week as well as taking on lots of halloween challenges in provision. We also have a brand new tyre swing in the woodland which we have loved playing on.
This Week's Learning 28.10.19
This Week's Home Learning - 11.10.19
This Week's Learning - 2D Shape - 07.10.19
This week we have spent time learning all about 2D/ flat shapes. We've been making shapes with lolly sticks, made shape pictures, been on a shape hunt and played lots of different sorting games.
This Week's Learning - 7.10.19
This Week's Learning Focus - 07.10.19
This Week's Home Learning - 04.10.19
This Week's Learning - 30.09.19
We were lucky enough to have a visit from a superhero this week! He has set us lots of challenges including writing missing posters for the rest of his superhero crew. We have loved solving all the clues that he has left in our learning environment and can't wait for more next week!
This Week's Learning - 30.09.19
This Week's Home Learning - 27.09.19
Our Woodland Learning 23.09.19
We have spent lots of time in the woodland this week. We have been making leaf crowns, balancing on rocks and searching for different bugs.
This Week's Learning 23.09.19
Week beginning 16th September
This week we have been learning about taking care of our environment - in our classrooms, the woodlands and the wider world.
We have been working hard to 'reset' our classrooms when we have finished our learning, to make sure the woodlands looks great after we leave it and also thinking about recycling, using BOTH sides of the paper and saving energy by turning off the lights.
We have learnt some new sounds and have been working on recognising numbers and putting them in the correct order.
Home Learning 13.09.19
First full week at school
Week beginning 9th September
We have had such a busy week!
We have joined whole school, Key Stage and Year Group assemblies.
We have been learning the rules for going to the woodlands.
We're getting used to where we sit - in our Learning Spaces.
Wake and Shake dancing has made us laugh a lot.
Our teachers are very impressed with our learning behaviours and how well we are learning the names of all of our grown ups and new friends.
Our First Days at School - 04.09.19
We have had a great time settling in to our new school. We have explored our new environment and begun to build new friendships. We especially enjoyed our first time learning in the woodland.
Below is a chart showing the order that children will be taught in.
Phase 1
- Listening to and for sounds
- Rhythm and rhyme
- Alliteration
Phase 2
- Sounds taught: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k , ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss
- Tricky words: the, to, go, no
Phase 3
- Sounds taught: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er
- Tricky words: no, go, I, the, to, he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, they, her, all, are
Phase 4
- Recap all previous sounds
- Teach reading and spelling tricky words: said, so, he, we, me, be, have, like, some, come, was, you, were, little, one, they, all, are, do, when, out, what, my, her
- Read and write the words with their initial and/or final blends: st, nd, mp, nt, nk, ft, sk, lt, lp, tr, dr, gr, cr, br, fr, bl, fl, gl, pl, cl, sl, sp, st, tw, sm, nch, shr, str, thr
Phase 5
- Learn new phonome zh
- Teach new graphemes for reading ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e
- Teach reading tricky words oh, their, people, Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked, water, where, who, again, thought, through , work, mouse, many, laughed, because, different, any, eyes, friends, once, please.
- Teach spelling words said, so have, like, some, were, there, oh, their, people Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked.
- Teach alternative spellings for ch, j, m, n, r, s, z, u, i, ear, ar, air, or, ur, oo, ai, ee, igh, oa, y/oo, oo, sh
Phase 6
- Understand and supply suffixes—ed, ing, ful, est, er, ment, ness, en, s, es
- Understand the rules of adding ing, ed, er, est, ful, ly, y
- Investigate how adding suffixes and prefixes changes words
- Introduce the past tense
Phoneme - The smallest unit of speech-sounds which make up a word.
Grapheme - The written representation of sounds
Tricky word - Word which can’t be sounded out
Key words - High frequency words
VC Word - Vowel consonant word (it, as)
CVC Word - Word made up of a consonant, vowel, consonant (cat, dog)
Initial sound - First sound in a word