White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School

Good morning from Mrs Virgo

We hope that you are all well. This week in nursery we are learning about The Gingerbread man.  We will use ginger in our playdough and re tell the story.  We will also be looking at different shapes and thinking about our feelings.


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The colour monster story

This story is all about a monster with mixed up colour emotions. It is a good starting point to talk to children about how they are feeling as part of children's mental health week.

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Shape sorters

Can you make a shape hunter? After you can use it to hunt for that shape around your house or take it on a walk to find shapes. 

Shape picture

Can you make a picture of the Gingerbread man  or someone from this story using different shapes? Mrs Morris shows you what she makes and we hope you have lots of fun with different shapes to make your own picture. 

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