White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School


Kingfishers are resourceful, hardworking and as the oldest children in the Year 3/4 team, we also bring vibrancy and imagination to our daily learning.

Welcome to Yr 4 Kingfishers



Kingfishers' class teachers is Mrs. Foster and Miss Eales (Monday morning). Their Learning Support Assistant is Mrs. Proctor.


Our theme this term is Discovery. We will be learning about famous discoverers and explorers. Our reading and writing will take us on quests and we will discover new genres, authors and stories. We will take an exciting trip to discover a new skill- watch this space! Our learning will be chosen by us as a class and what we want to discover. We will use our imagination to build new worlds, follow our dreams and discover the world around us. We would like to invite you to our talent show at the end of term, where we will showcase the skills and knowledge that we have discovered! 

For more information on our curriculum, see our Summer Term plan.


PE days: Tuesday and Thursday . 


Home Learning will be given out on a Friday and collected in the following Wednesday.


Team Leader: Mrs. Foster

If there are any issues or concerns please feel free to come in and see the her. Alternatively, you may contact her via email:


Upcoming events

Skiing trip to Plymouth ski centre - Friday 8th May

Inspirational Day at PCC - Thursday 21st May

Swimming lessons begin at Brixham pool - Tuesday 2nd June

Year 4 Summer Curriculum Plan


To celebrate the end of our exciting theme Discovery, the children in Year 4 performed a talent show showcasing their newly discovered talents! We discovered that we could write poetry, perform backward walkovers and draw houses! Well done everybody!

Today, Thursday 16th July, saw a race to see which team could be the first to find the hidden treasure! Each team was given a mathematical challenge which required the use and application of a variety of different maths skills including coordinates, division and developing a systematic approach. Ahoy me hearties!!! Who was the first team to strike gold??? 
Today,Year 4  were faced with a mathematical challenge! Could they collect data and present it? They were not told how to collect it or present it! All they were given was a stopwatch and a skipping rope! After initial team discussions, we decided that they would see how many skips their partner could do in seconds intervals - the choice of how long these second interval would be was decided by themselves. The children decided the best way to collect the data would be in a frequency table and to present the data as a time graph.

Paddleboat Theatre Company

Paddleboat Theatre Company have been working with our children working on a variety of drama skills. The children have had to make puppets out of plastic bags and have had to use their bodies to make everyday items like a toaster! The children have really enjoyed this experience - especially the banana song!

As part of our Science learning, we have investigating what living things need to stay alive. We started off with the question 'Are plants living things?.' We had an interesting discussion about this! We finally decided they were because they had all of the seven characteristics of living things.

Investigating which material Mr.Penguin should use to muffle the sound of the diggers!

Creative Inspiration Day - Thursday 21st May 2015.

Year 4 students from all over the Bay converged on Paignton Community and Sports College to participate in a day of inspiration, aspiration and celebration. They took part in Archery, Futsal, Art-astic, Break Dancing, Big Beat Drumming and Animal encounters. All the children discovered something about themselves that they had never discovered before! Some of our students even won awards for their effort, enthusiasm and skills...

Skiing at Plymouth Ski centre - Friday 8th May

What an amazing day we have had!!!!! The children have tried their hand at skiing, tobogganing and sno tubing. We linked this trip to our theme of Discovery by actually gaining first hand experience of how Scott must have felt when he trekked across Antarctica. Luckily, the weather was kinder to us than it had been to Scott!!!!

Colour mixing in Art.


Our intrepid discoverer, Columbus, has now reached another island on his voyage to America! The supplies on his ships are getting low and he needs to make sure his crew of 18 men are well fed. The problem is the island's currency only consists of 5ps and 2ps!  We had to budget and plan a meal to feed the crew on the ship. Every person on board had to have a dinner (meat, x2 vegetables and bread), a pudding and a drink. We had to find  the lowest price meal. In order to do this investigation, we needed to apply tables knowledge as well as our adding and subtracting skills. It was great fun!


As part of our ongoing learning of sound, we have been trying to investigate if sound travels through different mediums. We made telephones out of string and plastic cups. It was great fun! Even Mrs.Tomkinson joined in!! We found out that sound does travel through air, water and solids.


As part of our theme, we have been learning about Christopher Columbus. We made up a currency that a native tribe used on one of the islands Columbus visited. They only used 7p and 4p coins. We had to use our addition and subtraction skills to help us find out how we could pay for items if they were not a multiple of 7 or 4. Could you work it out??? We did!!!

Can you play Three Blind Mice using glass bottles and water????? We can!!!!!!

Year 4 Spring Term Curriculum Plan

Science in Kingfishers

Have you ever wondered what the parts of our digestive system are and what their function is? Well you could ask any member of Kingfishers because we have been learning all about it!!! We have made life size models of each part and have used a QR code to direct us to information about what they do. Visit our display of Doug and his Digestive System to find out more!!!

Spanish Day

Hola from Kingfishers!

Today saw the first ever Spanish Day at White Rock! We were so lucky to have Illusion Flamenca come into to school and teach the children one of Spain's most traditional dances - flamenco! Also, Mrs. Robinson, a parent of a child in Year 4, cooked Spanish omelette and paella for us! It was DELICIOUS!!! Not only have we cooked and danced but we have made fans, designed our own picasso plates and have prepared chicken and chorizo salad! What a fantastic day we have had! Adios!!



Book day in Kingfishers!

We had a great day! First, we shared our favourite books with Year 1 children. This was a brilliant opportunity for us to read and talk about books with younger children and for them to read their books to us. After that, we went to visit Torbay book shop. We carefully chose a book and read them in the shop. We got quite a few funny looks as were dressed in our theme costumes!

Story writing in Kingfishers

This half term, we are basing our learning around The story of Ferdinand - a bull from Spain who would rather smell flowers than fight in a bull ring! The children are writing their own versions of the story and created a storymap to help them retell the story.

Our story maps

Problem Solving in Maths

We have been putting our skills in fractions to the test by answering various problems involving fractions. We have used lots of practical equipment to help us like place value counters, Numicon and fraction pieces.

Throughout our theme of We are seven billion stars, we have been looking closely at ourselves. As a result of this, we have produced many self portraits. This week, we have designed our portraits in the style of 4 particular artists - impressionists, pop art, fauvism and pointilism. 
As part of our theme, we have been looking at volcanoes in Europe. The children have been making their own volcanoes out of card and clay! They have even made their own wall display. The volcanoes made out of clay will actually erupt next week! Keep visiting the website to see the live pictures!

A volcano erupted in Year 4!

Autumn Term Curriculum Plan

Creating light and shade through a variety of shading techniques

Friday 28th November saw White Rock's first ever Stone Age museum! Parents were invited to share all our exciting learning from this first term. They were encouraged to take part in a variety of activities such as printing, making a stone age house and even being a Stone Age man by drawing under the table! Our children also created their own QR codes which linked to web sites about the Stone Age and they took great pride in sharing this learning with parents. As you can see, we had lots of fun!

Our Trip to Stover Park

Making a Stone Age house

Knitting an outfit for Stone Age boy!

Wet playtime activities.

Working in a team

Our Trip to Kents Cavern

We became real cave men!

Year 4 Maths Autumn Plan

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