Owls are creatures of great integrity. They are also serene and wise, using all their senses to adapt to their surroundings. The wisdom of an owl enables them to be unafraid and tackle any challenges they may face.
Please ensure that a PE kit is brought into school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. All items of PE kit (and school uniform) should be labelled with the child's name and class.
We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of every half term
All home learning is to be completed in your Home Learning books and will be given on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday. All pupils in Year 6 are expected to complete their Home Learning to a high standard and be handed in on the due date. Those pupils who have not completed the task will be expected to stay in during the first twenty minutes of Thursday lunchtime.
Monday 4th January - Spring Term begins
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to email or phone the class teacher (Mr Aldredge) or alternatively please contact the team leader (Mrs Foster).
Year 6 Return to School Letter - September 2020
Summer Term
Summer Term Curriculum Map
Friday 18th June - Design and Technology
Owls have been using our brand new Lego WeDo sets to design, build and programme their own vehicles. Their projects also support their learning in Computing and Science, in which they have been learning about circuits and electricity.
Friday 11th June 2021 - Science
Owls have begun to learn about electricity in Science. Firstly, the children explored static electricity and how they can generate static in various surfaces. Then, they learnt how to draw circuit maps and design circuits. They have built simple, series and parallel circuits and explored conductive and insulating materials. They have also explored how they can make a bulb brighter and dimmer and learnt about electrical safety.
Thursday 24th May - Art
This week Owls have been learning about 3D Art - particularly sculpture. They have studied the techniques of Swiss Sculptor Alberto Giacometti and used their observation skills to depict the human form using a wire armature and mixed media.
Wednesday 19th May - Maths
As part of their Maths learning, Owls are looking at properties of shape. Today's focus was angles in a triangle, which gave them an opportunity to practise their protractor skills before answering problems related to angles.
Wednesday 12th May - Spanish.
Owls are really enjoying their Spanish learning with Senorita Head; their confidence is really improving and their conversations are getting better and better!
Tuesday 4th May - Maths
Today, Owls have been introduced to some brand new learning in Maths. They have been investigating how to find the mean average of a set of numbers. By using multilink cubes, they were able to explore the concept of averages before moving onto learning the calculation methods to find the mean.
Thursday 29th April - Design &Technology
this week, Owls have planned, created, evaluated and tested a design for Periscopes. Their brief was to design an implement for birdwatchers to use that wouldn't disturb birds or wildlife when they are in a natural habitat.
Monday 19th April - Science.
owls have started their Science topic of Light and have been investigating practically how light travels through transparent, translucent and opaque materials. Following this, they investigated how opaque objects block the light and create shadows and how shadows can change size by moving a light source.
Spring Term Curriculum Map
Thursday 1st April - Art
Today, Owls have been learning about Composition in Art. They have evaluated Hokusai's 'The Great Wave' and used mixed media to create their own Wave Seascapes inspired by Japanese Art.
Thursday 25th March - Learning Journey
Year 6 have read the book 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Morpugo and responded by writing poetry. They wrote Haiku and Tanka poems before collaboratively working on a reversible poem which we then performed for the rest of the class.
Brooklyn, Lois, Tyler, Lucy
Megan, Lewis, Owen, Darcy
Sophia, Ashton, Milly, Lacey
Callum, Tia, Leon
Emelie, Harry, Eva, Jacob
Charlie, Reuben, Mia, Emelia
Summer, Dexter, Devon, Ruby
Tuesday 16th March - Science - Evolution and Inheritance
Today, Owls looked at Inheritance in their Science Learning. They have discussed how living things pass on genetic material to their offspring in the form of DNA. Then, we conducted a practical experiment to extract the DNA from bananas.
Friday 12.03.21 - Dance
At the end of a long first week back, Owls have been learning about Indian dancing, linked to their RE topic of Hinduism and our Class Topic of Around The World. They will be learning choreograohy and even designing their own Indian-inspired dance.
Autumn Term Curriculum Map
Keeping within our class bubbles, we continued our PE learning with Mr Aldredge; we played an extremely competitive (and sweaty) game of Dodgeball. It's safe to say our accuracy and strength have progressed a lot through our schooling as Mr Aldredge spent most of the lesson trying his hardest avoiding foam bullets! What great fun had by all!
Wednesday 4th November 2020 - Science
This half term, Year 6 will be learning about Animals including Humans - specifically 'The Heart and Health'. Today we focused on describing the functions of blood and concentrated on explaining how transportation of water and nutrients in the blood helps maintain our body's health. To investigate this, the children used gummy sweets and various liquids (water, salt water, cola and milk) to show how the process of Osmosis is necessary for water to pass through a membrane into our cells to give them energy. Watching the change in the size and consistency of the gummy sweet presented the process of Osmosis.
07.10.20 - Filming for CBBC.
Year 6 are lucky to be chosen to be part of CBBC's Andy and the Oddsocks music video for their new song for this year’s Anti Bullying Week. This year they have recorded a version of the ‘The Kids Are United’, a classic from years gone by and a true youth anthem with a rousing message of togetherness….we are really excited about it. It fits perfectly with this year’s Anti Bullying Week theme ‘United Against Bullying’.
In a true sign of unity they are going to ask a number of schools to take part, including White Rock! We filmed today around the school and can't wait to see Year 6 appearing in the final video.
02.10.20 - Art - Jo Di Bona non-chronological report
24.09.20 - Coasteering
Coasteering is an exhilarating, combined rock and water activity that Year 6 have loved! Catered to every individual level, this activity is suitable for those with no fear of heights or water as well as those who may not be quite so confident. During their Coasteering trip, Owls experienced rock climbing and scrambling techniques, as well as how to jump from heights into the sea safely. Wearing sturdy footwear, wet-suits, buoyancy aids and helmets, Owls traveled along Fishcombe Cove section of coastline; sometimes swimming in the sea, sometimes scrambling on rocks and jumping from rocks into the sea. They all had a fantastic morning!
09.09.20 - Our first Science lesson - The composition of blood.
Today in our Science lesson, we began by learning the 4 main components of blood. Plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets play important roles within our bodies. We made a "blood smoothie" to show these components and blended it up to show how these tiny cells are invisible to the naked eye! Some of us were even brave enough to try some! If you would like to make a "blood smoothie" at home, you will need:
- White Marshmallows
- Pineapple juice
- White Hundreds and Thousands
- Raspberries or strawberries