White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School



Eagles are high flyers, tenacious hunters and have excellent vision. Once they have a goal in mind they strive to obtain it and never let it slip through their talons. As King of Skies, they soar high with ambition and innovation.







Please ensure that a PE kit is brought into school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. All items of PE kit (and school uniform) should be labelled with the child's name and class. We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of every half term. 



All home learning is to be completed in your Home Learning books and will be given on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday. All pupils in Year 6 are expected to complete their Home Learning to a high standard and be handed in on the due date. Those pupils who have not completed the task will be expected to stay in during the first twenty minutes of Thursday lunchtime.




Monday 4th January - Spring Term begins





If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to call or email your teacher (Miss Clayton) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Mrs Foster).





Year 6 Return to School Letter - September 2020




Summer Term Curriculum Map


Week beginning: 14.06.21 

As part of our Computing curriculum, Year 6 used Lego Wedo to build and programme figures with electronic and moving parts. We had so much fun following the instructions and controlling our programmed outcomes.

Week beginning 07.06.21- Science and PE

As part of our Science learning, we tested the negative and positive charges of objects in relation to static electricity. We noticed that balloons could be charged through friction and were then able to pick up a variety of small objects.


see below some picture of us playing capture the flag too!

17.05.21 - art - Giacometti style sculptures


As part of our Art journey this week, Eagles have studied the works of Alberto Giacometti - a Swiss born sculpture who created elongated human figures using sombre tones. The children planned and made their own sculptures using the techniques they had studied. We are really proud with how they turned out!  

WC - 10.05.21 - Computing

This week in our computing lesson, we looked at programming involving Morse Code. We needed to use coding to try and spell our names! It was certainly was fun but very tricky too! 

WC 03.05.21 - Maths - finding the mean

In our statistics learning, we ended our journey by finding the mean average for a group of data. Here we are using counters to divide our totals into equal groups. We discovered that this was the same as adding the totals of the data and dividing it by the number of pieces of data. 

WC: 26.04.21 - Science / DT

To finish our science learning about light, we designed, made and evaluated our own periscopes to help us birdwatch! We aimed to design them to camouflage with typical environments where we may observe birds and their behaviour. Take a look at us testing our final results in and outside of the classroom. 

Week beginning 19th April - Science learning 

In our Science journey this half term, we are learning about Light. We have carried out practical investigations to: 

  • compare materials of different transparencies 
  • explain how light travels in a straight line and how shadows are formed 
  • show that white light is a mixture of other colours
  • explain how light can bend 
  • investigate light colour mixing 

Have a look at some our images below to see us learning all about light! 




SpringTerm Curriculum Map


01.04.21 - art - Hokosai's great wave

In art today, we used our prior learning to produce our own examples of wave landscapes. We selected different mediums to create tones, textures and colours. Have a look at a few of our examples! 

26.03.21 - Poetry - Kensuke's Kingdom - The Jellyfish

In our writing this week we have been producing different types of poems, particularly focusing on Haikus and Tanka poems - these are poems where you consider the syllables within each line carefully. Below are some excellent examples of poems being read by members of Eagles. Take a look! 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

16.03.21 - Science 


Offspring can look different to their parents because of DNA being passed on through reproduction. Features get passed down generations when a make and female create offspring. We can inherit features from our parents, such as eye colour, height, hair colour or sometimes even medical conditions. The acronym 'DNA' stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is found in almost all living organisms and carries important genetic information that controls processes such as development, growth and reproduction. We extracted DNA from a banana in our practical investigation - take a look at the images below to see what we got up to! 

12.03.21 - Art


In our art journey this term, we will be studying 'The Great Wave' by Japanese artist, Hokusai. We have begun are learning by studying the style, techniques, inspiration, composition and use of colour. We then had evaluated the piece by commenting feelings towards it and critiquing the artistic choices within the block print. Have a look at our sketchbooks which feature some of our learning from our artist study session. 

Dance - 01.12.20

Still image for this video
For our dance lesson this week, we took part in stuff Just Dance activities and had great fun in the process!




Autumn Term Curriculum Map

Spanish - Wednesday 19th November

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Monday 9th November - PE

Keeping within our class bubbles, we continued our PE learning with Miss Clayton; we played an extremely competitive (and sweaty) game of dodgeball. It's safe to say our accuracy and strength have progressed a lot through our schooling as Miss Clayton spent most of the lesson trying her hardest avoiding foam bullets! What great fun had by all! 

PE - dodgeball

Wednesday 4th November 2020 - Science

This half term, Year 6 will be learning about Animals including Humans - specifically 'The Heart and Health'. Today we focused on describing the functions of blood and concentrated on explaining how transportation of water and nutrients in the blood helps maintain our body's health. To investigate this, the children used gummy sweets and various liquids (water, salt water, cola and milk) to show how the process of Osmosis is necessary for water to pass through a membrane into our cells to give them energy. Watching the change in the size and consistency of the gummy sweet presented the process of Osmosis.

07.10.20 - Filming for CBBC.

Year 6 are lucky to be chosen to be part of CBBC's Andy and the Oddsocks music video for their new song for this year’s Anti Bullying Week. This year they have recorded a version of the ‘The Kids Are United’, a classic from years gone by and a true youth anthem with a rousing message of togetherness….we are really excited about it. It fits perfectly with this year’s Anti Bullying Week theme ‘United Against Bullying’.


In a true sign of unity they are going to ask a number of schools to take part, including White Rock! We filmed today around the school and can't wait to see Year 6 appearing in the final video. 

02.10.20 - Art - Jo Di Bona non-chronological report

Continuing with our Art journey, the children have written examples of information texts to explain Jo's progression to Pop-Graffiti. Eagles are now designing the backgrounds of their information texts using techniques (similar to those used by Di Bona himself) that they have been exploring first-hand. We will upload the finish products next week for you to admire our use of colour, collage and of course, our excellent handwriting! 

24.09.20 - Coasteering

Coasteering is an exhilarating, combined rock and water activity that Year 6 have loved! Catered to every individual level, this activity is suitable for those with no fear of heights or water as well as those who may not be quite so confident.  During their Coasteering trip, Eagles experienced rock climbing and scrambling techniques, as well as how to jump from heights into the sea safely. Wearing sturdy footwear, wet-suits, buoyancy aids and helmets, Eagles traveled along Fishcombe Cove section of coastline; sometimes swimming in the sea, sometimes scrambling on rocks and jumping from rocks into the sea. They all had a fantastic afternoon!

18.09.20 - Art: Jo Di Bona

In art this week, we continued our journey by looking at Parisian-born street artist, Jo Di Bona. He combines aspects of Pop-Art with graffiti. We took an example of his work and tried to replicate his style and techniques using collage, drawing and colouring. We were very impressed with the outcomes - take a look! 

09.09.20 - Our first Science lesson - the composition of blood

Today in our Science lesson, we began by learning the 4 main components of blood. Plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets play important roles within our bodies. We made a "blood smoothie" to show these components and blended it up to show how these tiny cells are invisible to the naked eye! Some of us were even brave enough to try some! If you would like to make a "blood smoothie" at home, you will need: 


  • White Marshmallows
  • Pineapple juice
  • White Hundreds and Thousands
  • Raspberries or strawberries

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