Wrens maybe small, but their inquisitiveness and perseverance enables them to be highly effective hunters. These cheerful characters are lively and outgoing, and as younger members of the Year 3/4 team, we also bring true determination and resilience to our learning.
'#Explore More'
Please scroll down to see our curriculum map to find out all about this terms learning.
Please see the letter attached regarding Year 3's start and end of the day arrangements and times.
P.E. Days are Wednesday.
Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school all week. We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of every half term.
Home Learning will be handed out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. This will give you the opportunity to explore aspects of your child's learning if you wish.
Thursday 1st April- Final day of Term
Monday 19th April- First day of Summer Term
Monday 3rd May- Bank Holiday
Monday 17th and Thursday 20th May- Parent's evening
Friday 28th May- Last day of Term
Monday 7th June- INSET day
Tuesday 8th June- First Day Back
Wednesday 7th July- Science Museum
Wednesday 14th July- End of Year Reports
Wednesday 21st July- Sports Day
Friday 23rd July- Final day of Summer Term
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Miss Johnson) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Mrs Dowdeswell and Mrs Foster).
Summer Term Curriculum Map
Wednesday 21.07.21- SPORTS DAY!
Today is Sports Day! We were so excited come into school in our house colours and take part in our sporting activities. We started with the track events, where we ran a lap of the track and we enjoyed cheering each other on. We then took part in a long jump to see how far we could jump, whilst making sure we kept our feet together! Finally, we had so much fun throwing the javelins. Look how far we threw these! We had such a great time. THANK YOU Mr Leaman and Mrs Tyson for organising these events for us!
Friday 16th July 2021 - #ExploreMore – A celebration of our learning.
This term, our learning journey has been called ‘#ExploreMore’. We have been linking our learning to the topic of plants. We have named and described the different functions of a plant and have learnt about the requirements that plants need to grow.
We found out that the best way to help a plant grow is by planting it in a greenhouse. This would mean the plant would be in a light, warm and airy environment, to give it the best chance of growing and surviving.
We have linked our learning in Science to our Design and Technology learning. Firstly, we spoke about the importance of the materials that greenhouses are made out of to allow the plants to grow.
We worked in groups to find out which 3D structure would be the best design for a strong and sturdy greenhouse. After looking at some different images of greenhouses, we chose the most suitable materials that we could use to make our own mini greenhouse.
We had lots of fun learning about plants and greenhouses in this journey.
Check out our mini greenhouses and learning below...
Monday 12th July - Reach Outdoors
We have had such an amazing morning at Reach Outdoors. Our first adventure was getting onto the mini bus and driving down to Goodrington. When we got there we put our buoyancy aids on and then we played 'cut the cake' on the sand and raced each other around the beach. We competed against each other in running races and obstacle courses. We couldn't wait to get into the sea and once we were in, there was no stopping us! We had such a great morning!
Friday 09.07.21- Maths Capacity
This week in our Maths learning, we've been learning about capacity of different objects. We had different size containers and we made a prediction about which one would hold the most and least capacity. "I think the long, thin container will hold the least because it's thinner than the beaker." Josh said. We then filled our containers with water to see the amount they could hold. Look at us in action...
Friday 18th June 2021- Cave Art!
We have really enjoyed our writing journey of 'The First Drawing'. This week, we have been preparing A3 pieces of paper to make them more cave like. We used tea staining, glue and sand to create a rough, cave like texture! Today we acted like cave boys and girls and began by collecting our own natural materials to create our own cave art. We collected sticks, leaves and stones and made them into tools. Once back in class, we put our tables on their side and used natural materials like charcoal and oil to make paint! We had so much fun creating different cave paintings including animals, people and different lines! Check us out in action...
Wednesday 9th June 2021- Right angles!
This week we have started our new Maths journey all about properties of shapes. We have been identifying right angles in shapes and used our very own angle eaters to help us find right angles in our classroom. Have a look at us in action...
Monday 24th May 2021- Bikeability!
Wrens had lots of fun completing their Level 1 bikeability today. Firstly, we adjusted our helmets to make sure they were safely on our heads and made sure our clothes were tucked in so they wouldn't catch on our bikes! We had to make sure our brakes were working and completed an emergency stop. We had lots of fun going around cones and even challenged ourselves by taking our hand off our bikes and patting our heads! Check us out in action...
Friday 21st May 2021- Water Transportation
In Science this week, we have been learning about how water is transported through plants. We learned that the roots absorb the water and this water travels up the stem. We set up our own investigation to see whether of not the temperature of the flowers had an affect on how quickly the water transported. To test this, we set up a comparative test and put red food colouring into our water! We placed one group of flowers in the water so they were warmed and one group in the cool box. We used our observational skills to see if our flowers changed colour!
Friday 14th May 2021
Today in Spanish we learnt how to say the names of objects we find in our pencil case. Senorita Head said we speak Spanish just like the children in secondary school! We also played a funny games where we created a freezeframe with silly phrases. Have a look at our photos below.
Friday 7th May 2021 - History
We enjoyed being historians today looking at what life was like in Britain before the Romans invaded. We had a go at weaving in class with paper before attempting our own wattle and daub in the woodland area. We had so much fun!
Thursday 29th April 2021- Plant Observation Skills!
This week we have been plant explorers! We have used our knowledge of the parts of the plant to observe different types of plant and make up our very own! We gathered lots of plant parts and discussed their functions. A plant needs the flower to attract bees, the stem to keep it upright, the leaves to produce food and the roots to keep it in the ground and absorb nutrients! We decided that if a plant didn't have all of it's parts it wouldn't survive. Look at us in action...
Tuesday 20th April 2021- Computing
This week in Computing, we got to explore the new Scratch 3. We had a lot of fun exploring the new features and commands. We also had a go at tinkering and also changed our characters (Sprites) appearance and the backgrounds. Look at us in action.
Spring Term Curriculum Map
Monday 22nd March- Giant Writing
Oh no, there are giants on the loose! Today we read the beginning of Roald Dahl's 'The BFG'. We had fun making up our own giant names and describing them. We made wanted posters so they can be found (they love eating juicy humans!).
Thursday 18th March 2021- Reach Outdoors!
We had such an amazing day today with Reach Outdoors! Firstly we had to think about what would make a good shelter, then we made a shelter for a mouse, a rabbit and then ourselves! We worked as a team to build this and we all managed to fit in together- yaay! This afternoon, we collected lots of different size sticks to help us make our own fires using a flint and steel rod. We took it in turns to set our cotton wool alight and helped each other too. To finish off our day we toasted marshmallows and made smores. Look at us busy in action below...
Friday 12th March 2021- Forces
What a great week we have had back in school. We've really enjoyed our time back and being back with our friends. Today we started our new Science learning all about forces. We found out that a force can be a push or a pull. We sorted lots of different actions according to if it is a push, so it moves further away from us, or a pull, when something comes closer to us.
Autumn Term Curriculum Map
Wednesday 16th December 2020- Christmas Dinner Day!
Wrens had so much fun during their Christmas Dinner today! Although it was different this year, we had a great time in our class. We listened to Christmas music, had a dance and made it a personal challenge to see how many pigs in blankets we could eat!! Merry Christmas everyone!
Friday 11th December 2020- Escape from Pompeii Diary.
In our writing we have been reading the text 'Escape from Pompeii'. For our final piece of writing, we wrote a diary as if we were in Pompeii on the 24th August 79AD when the mighty Mount Vesuvius erupted! We thought about our 5 senses and what we would be able to smell, see, hear, touch and taste if we were there! Take a look at some diaries below...
Tuesday 1st December 2020- Lemon Volcanoes!
As part of our writing journey and our class text 'Escape from Pompeii', we have learnt all about volcanoes! We learnt how volcanoes are formed and watched videos of volcanoes erupting! We recreated our own volcanoes by using lemons, food colouring and baking soda. We had so much fun recreating our own erupting volcanoes...take a lot below.
Friday 27th November- Can light travel around corners?
In our new topic of Light, we have been asking lots of questions about light, for example: How do we see? How does light travel? We set up an investigation to answer the question 'Can light travel around corners?' To investigate this we made a tower with some objects and put our whiteboard in between the light and the object. Then shone the light on it, we noticed that we could not see the object on the other side. We came to the conclusion that light does not travel around corners but in fact straight lines! Look at our investigation below...
Anti-Bullying Week- Thursday 19th November 2020
This week is anti-bullying week. In class we have discussed what bullying is. We decided that bullying is intentional and repetitive and deliberately hurts somebody either physically or emotionally. As a class, we discussed what individual part we would play in uniting against bullying. Some examples included: telling a teacher and being kind to everyone. Have a look below at our anti-bullying puzzle pledges.

Rhyming Couplets - We received a letter! Wednesday 11th November 2020
Something strange has been happening in Year 3. At first, we noticed some green leaves growing up our wall and it has now turned into a beanstalk that nearly touches the ceiling! We have a beanstalk in class!! We were unsure of why it was there and then we received a letter from a giant! He had fallen down the beanstalk and couldn't find his way back. The funny thing about giants is they always talk in rhyme, so we what to respond in rhyme when writing back to him! Have a look at our poems below and remember to keep your eyes peeled for that giant.
Traditional Tales- Friday 6th November 2020
We've had a great first week back in Year 3 this week!! Our new writing journey is all about traditional tales and our class text is 'Jim and the Beanstalk'. We have started to create a story map and have come up with some actions to help us learn the story. We had so much fun doing this, look at us in action...

Making a healthy and balanced wrap- Friday 23rd October 2020
Today we have come to the end of our Science learning all about 'Animals and Humans'. First we had to select the appropriate tools to be able to cut our foods. We used cheese graters, knives and spoons! Then to put our knowledge of healthy and balanced foods to the test, we selected a range appropriate ingredients to put inside our wrap! As you can see we really enjoyed eating our wraps too!
Colour Theory in Art- Friday 16th October 2020
As part of our Pop Art learning in Art, we have been revisiting the colour wheel and deciding which colours are harmonious colours. On Friday we used paint to record primary colours, secondary colours and even tertiary colours! We presented this in our sketch books in a variety of ways, we had lots of fun painting. Check out our photos below...
Working our Muscles- Thursday 8th October 2020
In Science we've been investigating the question 'How do I know I've worked my muscles?' We went outside and did lots of strength exercises including squats, star jumps, running on the spot and burpees. We came back in and felt really tired! We decided as a class that it's because we have worked our muscles extremely hard! We have learnt that our muscles work in pairs to contract and relax and that's how we are able to move them!
ìHola! Uno, Dos, Tres- Jueves 1st Octubre 2020
We have been so excited to be learning Spanish with Senora Head so far this term. We have learnt lots of new phrases such as good morning- buenos dias, good afternoon- buenas tardes and good evening- buenas noches! We have also been learning our numbers in Spanish from 1-10. Look at us in action below...
Throwing and Catching- Wednesday 23rd September 2020
In PE this week with Mr Leaman we have been learning how to throw and catch a dodgeball with control. We put our skills to the test and in teams we worked together to defend and attack our zones. Check out how much fun we had in PE this week below...
Labelling Skeletons- Tuesday 15th September 2020
This week in Science we have started our new learning all about humans and animals! Firstly we looked at why our skeleton is important and found out it helps keep us upright and gives us our human shape! We then took a skeleton, cut it up and put it back together correctly. We then used scientific language to label our skeletons. Check out our amazing Science learning below!
Representing numbers to 100 - Tuesday 8th September 2020
We have had such a great few days back in Year 3! In Maths, we have been looking and representing numbers up to 100! Soon we will move on to bigger numbers. It is important to do this using our Maths resources as it deepens our place value knowledge and will help use later with our addition and subtraction. Check out the numbers we were able to represent in class today!