Wrens maybe small, but their inquisitiveness and perseverance enables them to be highly effective hunters. These cheerful characters are lively and outgoing, and as younger members of the Year 3/4 team, we also bring true determination and resilience to our learning.
This Terms Theme
'Once upon a time...'
This term we will be learning about traditional tales. This will include looking at different versions of familiar stories including Jack and the Dreamsack and Hansel and Gretel. We will be exploring our own dreams and ambitions as well as learning different types of plants, possibly even beanstalks!
(For more information about this term's theme, scroll down to our curriculum map)
P.E & Dance days
P.E. Days are Wednesday and Thursday.
Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school all week. We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of every half term
Home Learning days
Home Learning will be handed out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. This will give you the opportunity to explore aspects of your child's learning if you wish.
Upcoming Events
Monday 25th March- Year 3 Learning Celebration
Meet The Team
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Miss Johnson) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Miss Durnford, Mrs Sage or Mrs Foster).
Academic Year 2018-2019
Summer Term Curriculum Map
Above Water, Water Education! Friday 12th July 2019
Today in Year 3 we had a visit from 'Above Water' an educational charity that teaches children about staying safe in the water. We learnt what lifeguards have to do when someone is in danger in the water and how to keep ourselves safe. We tried on a lifeguards uniform and even saved someone from drowning! Our instructor told us by lying on our backs in the water, even if we can't swim, will prevent us from drowning. We also learnt how to make a big motion with our arms to get the attention of an adult if we feel unsafe in the water.
Our instructor told us that we are allowed to ask our parents/guardians to put their phones down when we are in any type of water, even the bath. 7 children died last year due to parents/carers being on their phones whilst a child was in water. Have a look below at all the important and fun learning we did today!
Friday 5th July 2019- Money Matters Workshop
Today in Year 3, we were lucky enough to be visited by a local bank to discuss money and savings. We discussed what a 'budget' was and why adults use this a lot! We were then given a budget and asked to create someones 'dream holiday'. This included use having to factor in flights, hotels and food! We then created a poster to advertise our holiday deals!
Monday 1st July 2019- Seed Dispersal!
This week, Wrens have been learning about seed dispersal. We sorted seeds in to 3 groups based on how they are dispersed. We found out that seeds that travel by wind, water and on animals. We then designed seeds that would be able to travel by air. Check out the photos of us dispersing our seeds!
Friday 21st June 2019- The Tiger Who Came To Tea!
This morning, Year Three were lucky enough to be visited by author Adam Nevill. He talked to us about how he creates suspense in his stories and taught us how to write our own. He told us that we need to make our characters scared in order to scare our readers, as well as some other trade secrets! We helped Adam by drawing a scary version of the tiger before listening to Adam’s version of The Tiger Who Came to Tea…’Sophie’s Last Tea’ and then wrote our own versions.
Wednesday 19th June 2019- Personification Writing
In Wrens this week we have been building on our writing skills by using personification to add impact to our stories. We have given objects human characteristics and features. Wrens really enjoyed writing our own personification sentences! Look at our learning below and see if you can find the personification!
Skillsbuild at South Devon College - Thursday 13th June
This week, Wrens were lucky enough to attend the Skillsbuild event at South Devon College. We got to have a go at making an electrical circuit for light switches, had a go at the great egg race (trying our hardest not to drop our eggs) and we even made our own wooden tealight holders! Have a look at the photos below to see how we got on...
Friday 7th June 2019- Fractions
In Maths this week we have been learning all about fractions! We have learnt about unit and non-unit fractions and have answered lots of questions where we had to find a non-unit fraction of an amount! We used cubes and even skittles to support us with this! Look at us finding a quarter with our skittles.
Thursday 23rd May 2019- Outdoor Learning Day
Today is Outdoor Learning Day! We took advantage of our wonderful woodland area we have in school and went outside to design our front covers for our Hansel and Gretel narratives we have been writing in class. Look at how much fun we had...
Wednesday 15th May 2019- Wanted Posters
This week Wrens have been creating their own 'baddie' characters in preparation for our story writing based on Hansel and Gretel. We have used descriptive language and similes to create our characters. Check out our writing below...

Wednesday 8th May 2019- Comparative Science Tests
This week Wrens have continued their learning of plants by setting up and conducting their own comparative tests. We have learnt about the important elements plants need to keep healthy and grow. These include; water, air, space to grow, light and nutrients from soil. In our pairs we have planted cress seeds in two different pots. We are going to compare our results by giving one of these seeds all of the elements needed to help it grow and the other pot will not get one of these elements. We are going to check on our cress seeds daily and use our observation skills to see what has happened...
Wednesday 1st May 2019- Plants!
This week we have started our new Science learning and have looked at the functions of plants. We had an exciting start to our topic when we were given some tomato and sunflower seeds. We went outside to our planter and took turns to plant these seeds. Wrens also learnt about all of the important requirements plants need in order to grow. We are going to look after our plants and observe how they grow.
Wednesday 24th April 2019- Telling the Time
We may have only been back for 1 day, but Wrens have been busy learning to tell the time. We have used clocks to help us and even went outside and formed a huge clock. We have learnt O'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. We going to keep practicing telling the time throughout our days!
Thursday 4th April 2019- Reach Outdoors!
Today was our last Reach Outdoors session! Half of us became Robin Hood and practiced our archery skills. The other half of us collected sticks to help build a shelter big enough for all of us! We had lots of fun. Photos to follow!
Monday 25th March 2019- Learning Celebration!
Year 3 have really enjoyed learning about the Victorians and Queen Victoria this term. We have read the book 'Oliver Twist' and put on a production of this for our Learning Celebration. We had lots of practice beforehand, learning the songs and adding actions. We were so proud to show off our hard work to our parents this week. Check out some of our photos below.
Thursday 21st March 2019- Reach Outdoors,
On Thursday, Wrens started their next Reach Outdoors sessions. We were split into groups and some of us did archery and some of us made a camp fire and got to toast marshmallows. We had lots of fun. We can't wait until next week to go again!
Friday 15th March 2019- Wind Turbines.
Wrens have used their team work skills today to make wind turbines. We have learnt this week that wind turbines are a source of renewable and sustainable energy. We had lots of fun making these! Check out our work below...
Wednesday 13th March 2019- Science Week
This week is Science Week! So far we have created circuits and experimented with adding different components to these circuits. Later in the week, we will be exploring the advantages of wind energy and creating our own wind turbines! Check back later in the week to see how we got on.
Thursday 7th March- World Book Day!
What an amazing day we had! We started off by designing our own blurbs for our reading books and took part in a book quiz. We then went down to Goslings and read with them. After that we took part in a book trail. We had to answer questions about famous books and authors and follow the clues all over the school! We have really enjoyed ourselves today! Have a look at the pictures below to see what we got up to.
Wednesday 27th February 2019
This week we began our new Literacy Journey. We are going to be learning about Britain and the European Union and how leaving might affect our lives. We will be writing letters to our local MP, Kevin Foster, to persuade him to come and talk to us about Brexit. Check back here for updates on our learning!
Wednesday 27th February 2019- European Countries
This week in Geography, Wrens have been locating European countries on a world map. We have looked at continents and capital cities of these countries. We will be using our knowledge of European countries to compare Victorian trade links to our trade links today with Europe. Look at our maps below...
Gymnastics Spring 1 Half Term
In Year 3 this half term, we have been practising our Gymnastics skills, including egg rolls, log rolls, rock'n'rolls and teddy bear rolls. We have also been learning how to do forward rolls accurately and side rolls, as you can see from the photographs.
Wednesday 13th February 2019- Food Glorious Food
This week, Wrens have been looking at The Eatwell Plate and have started to group foods according to their food groups. We have looked at dairy products, carbohydrates, proteins and fruit and vegetables. Wrens have explored why we need to eat a balanced diet and the importance of each food group. We have also created a healthier and more balanced diet for Oliver Twist.
Wednesday 6th February 2019- Safer Internet Day
In PSHE, we have talked about being kind and safe online. Wrens had a discussion and thought about what to do if someone is unkind to us. We have also been learning a song called 'Pause and Think', which the whole school will be singing in assembly on Friday.
Wednesday 30th January 2019- Q19 Music Performance
This week we were joined by Q19 Percussion Duo who performed to us. We listened to lots of music and enjoyed taking part and joining in. In class we listening to lots of different music, especially songs Oliver Twist. Check out our photos and videos below.


Wednesday 23rd January- Directional Language
This week, Wrens have been using their knowledge of turns and angles to direct their beebots along a route. We used directional language such as, left, right, clockwise, anti-clockwise, forwards and backwards to support our reasoning. Check out the pictures below...
Wednesday 16th January 2019- Angle Eaters!
This week in Maths we have been learning about angles. We have compared right angles, obtuse angles and acute angles. Wrens then looked around the classroom for any 90 degree angles they could see using their angle eater. Have a look at our learning below...
Bikeability - Wednesday 9th January 2019
This week Wrens have been involved in a Bikeabilty Presentation! In Year 3 we will have the opportunity to complete our Level 1 certificate. We will learn all about road safety, how to stay safe on the road and some of the highway code. If you are interested in your child taking part in this please contact the office.

Thursday 20th December- Learning Celebration and Wildwood @ Escot
What an amazing end to our first full term as Wrens! On Tuesday, we were able to share our learning with our adults at Wrens' Learning Celebration. We were so pleased that so many adults came to see us singing and dancing.
On Wednesday we went to Wildwood @ Escot where we met some Celts who told us all about life as a Celt. We went on a woodland walk to see the different animals that would have been roaming free during the Roman times, such as Lynx, wolves and boars. We also had a go at different Celtic activities such as wood and metal work and got to look at the houses that Celts would have lived in. We had an absolutely fantastic time!
Wednesday 12th December 2018- Light and Shadow!
This week Wrens have been exploring with light and shadows. We have learnt about how shadows are formed using torches. We also asked scientific questions about light that we want to investigate further. Look at our learning below...
Wednesday 5th December 2018- Features of our Chariots
This week we have started to write our non-chronological reports of our Roman chariots. We have labelled our chariots and have written a paragraph about each of these explaining their function and compared this to chariots in Roman times. Check out our amazing writing below...
Wednesday 28th November 2018- Chariots
This week, Wrens have worked really hard to plan, design and make Roman chariots! First we planned our chariot and then used wooden doweling, thick cardboard, wheels and masking tape to join our chariots together. We had lots of fun making these and we are looking forward to having our chariot race!
Wednesday 21st November 2018: Non-Chronological Reports
This week Wrens have been learning about non-chronological reports. We have learnt about the features of this type of writing and have matched the features to their correct descriptions. This will help us when we come to write our own non-chronological report...
Wednesday 14th November- Anti-Bullying Week
This week is Anti-Bullying Week. Wrens have taken part in lots of discussions and activities about Anti-Bullying and Respect. We have learnt about the word 'Respect' and what this looks like and means in school. See our amazing work below...
Wednesday 7th November 2018- Trading!
In our writing this week, we have been trading in the same way as the Celts did! We traded our animals for other animals and learnt what it would have been like to trade within Celtic settlements. We then learnt about how the Romans traded by using coins...we decided this was a more efficient way of trading! See our amazing trading below...
Wednesday 31st October 2018 - Roman Settlement.
This week Wrens have been looking at Roman settlements. We have explored the different areas within the settlement and have designed and labelled our own. Look at our photos below...
Wrens become Robin Hood!
Wrens had the exciting opportunity of turning into Robin Hood last week! We learnt how to hold a bow, shoot and aim for the target! Look how on target we were with our shots.
Wrens learn about different types of skeletons!
This week, Wrens have learnt about 3 different types of skeletons-
We went outside and found some hidden animals and placed these into the correct groups. Look at our amazing learning below...
White Rock Danceathon!
Wrens really enjoyed our whole school Danceathon last week. We danced to different songs and raised money for our new dance studio!
Adding 100 to a 3 digit number.
This week in Maths we have been using our place value counters, diennes and number lines to add 100 to a 3 digit number. See our amazing learning below...
Roman Skeletons!
This week we have been thinking about the importance of a skeleton and why we we need one. We were very excited by a news report that told us that archaeologist near Newton Abbot have made a discovery of Roman bones!
In order to help them put these bones in the right place, we have helped them by creating our own skeletons and labelling the different bones. We have also learnt a song to help us remember this!
First Day Back at School- Roman Day!
We really enjoyed starting our first day of Year 3 as Romans. During the day, we made and baked traditional Roman honey and ricotta tartlets and enjoyed eating these during our Roman banquet. We also got to design and make our own shields and found out some interesting facts about the life of a Roman.