White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School


Robins are cheerful and friendly birds, well known for their distinctive colouring and beautiful song.These colourful characters are lively and outgoing, and will brighten anyone's day. Although small in stature, they are daring and adventurous, and use their inquisitive nature to innovate and solve problems. As young members of the year 3/4 team, Robins use these skills to work together harmoniously and set their sights high and soaring in the sky. 



'Explore More'

 Please scroll down to see our curriculum map to find out all about this terms learning. 



P.E. - Monday

Dance - Wednesday.

Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school all week, which is clearly labelled. For more information about kit requirements, please visit our 'Physical Education&School Sports ' page.  We will ensure that PE kits are sent home at the end of every half term.



Home Learning will be handed out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. This will give you the opportunity to explore aspects of your child's learning if you wish.



Tuesday 18th April  - First Day of the Summer Term

Friday 21st April – National Gardening Day

Thursday 27th April - Teacher STRIKE Day

Monday 1st May - Bank Holiday

Tuesday 2nd May - Teacher STRIKE Day

Monday 8th May - Kings Coronation Bank Holiday

Tuesday 20th June - Sports Day

Thursday 22nd June - Reach Outdoors

Monday 26th June - RSHE Week

Friday 30th June - Coastal Boat Trip

Thursday 6th July - Transition Day

Friday 7th July - Summer Fayre @ 2pm

Thursday 13th July - Annual Reports out to parents 

Wednesday 19th July - Learning Celebration @ 2.45pm

Tuesday 25th July - Last day of Summer Term

Meet the Team

If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to contact your child's teacher Mrs Proctor or alternatively please contact a team leader

(Mr Passmore)






Summer Term Curriculum Map

Friday 30th June 2023 - Our Boat Trip!

Today we sailed around the bay and spotted all the coastal features we have been learning about. We recognised the towns we passed and were able to talk about the different types of rock we saw. We had the most fantastic day! Miss Brewer, Mrs Proctor and Mrs Dowdeswell said they were very proud of the fact that we were all very responsible sailors :) 

Thursday 22nd June 2023 - Reach Outdoors!

Robins have had the most brilliant day on Goodrington beach today. Have a look at the photos below to see what great fun we had!

Tuesday 20th June 2023 - Sports Day!

Thursday 15th June 2023 - PSHE

This term in PSHE, we are learning about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy. We have talked about examples of how to stay healthy e.g. eat a healthy, balanced diet, get 8-9 hours of sleep a night, exercise regularly and ensuring you do something that makes you feel happy!  This week, we looked at healthy and unhealthy choices and sorted them into two groups. See some of our wonderful learning below and remember to make healthy choices!

Wednesday 7th June 2023 – Computing

This week in Computing the children have been exploring what makes a digital device. They found out that a digital device has an input, a process, and an output. During the lesson they were able to complete a range of sorting and role play activities.

Monday 5th June 2023 - Writing

Today we went on a tour of our school. We visited different areas and took notes. We wrote facts about the playground, ASC, hall and classroom and then wrote down our opinions about each of these. We will be using this information to write our own version of the text 'A Walk in London'. Our text will be 'A Walk around White Rock Primary School'!

Thursday 25th May 2023 - Science

Today we were inventors and engineers. We used our Science knowledge to create our own magnetic mazes. Take a look at them!

Friday 19th May 2023

Can you believe it! For the second week in a row, we have won the Mathletics trophy. Well done Robins!

Friday 19th May 2023 - PSHE - Police Visit

Today we were lucky enough to have a visit from our local PCSO. Lisa told us that in an emergency we must ring 999. If it is not an emergency, we can ring 101 and we'll get to speak to Lisa or one of her colleagues. Lisa described how she helps people in our local community. After her visit to White Rock, she had to visit an elderly person in their home. We were lucky enough to have a good look at her police van. We heard the siren and saw the cage that people who are arrested have to sit in. We promised that we would listen to the little voice in our head that we hear when we are tempted to make the wrong choice. Lisa explained that if we think our parents would disapprove, then we must not commit the crime!

Friday 12th May 2023 - Religious Education

In RE we have been learning about the Hindu faith. The story of Rama and Sita is an incredibly significant tale to Hindu people and more specifically the festival of light, otherwise known as Diwali. The story teaches us how good is more important than evil and about perseverance and commitment to those we care about.

Wednesday 3rd May 2023 - Gymnastics

We have been practising using body tension when making shapes with our bodies. We have to keep our body tense to stay in the correct shape when doing our Gymnastics, like rolling. This week we have been linking our rolls together and learning some balances so we can start creating sequences next week.

Friday 28th April 2023- Spanish -Transport words

This week in Spanish Year 3 learnt 7 different transport words. iMaravilliso!

The children were excited to pronounce the new Spanish words with the help pf Pedro the puppet. Senorita Head explained that iVamos! means "Let's go".

Here are the words if you would like to practise them at home.

en tren= by train

en avion= by plane

en barco=by boat

en coche= by car

en bici= by bike

en autobus= by bus

a pie= by foot (NOT A PIE YOU EAT!) 

Wednesday 19th April 2023 - Computing

In Computing this week Year 3 have been exploring Scratch on the desktop. Last year they used Scratch Junior and have now realised that some parts of it are the same as the desktop Scratch and some parts are different. They spent the lesson finding out what they could do with the program.




Spring Term Curriculum Map

Friday 31st March 2023- Spanish- Higher Numbers

This week in Spanish Year 3 were learning numbers 1-30. We played lots of interactive games to practise the numbers. iFantastico! The children liked pronouncing 11-15 because of the "ce" sound. (th)

Can you practice these numbers at home! iVamos!






If you would like to  play some fun Spanish language games at home click the link below. smiley

Friday 24th March 2023 - Taleblazers

We have been Scientists for half a day today! Rich from Taleblazers came in to teach us what a geologist's role is. He showed us all the different equipment he takes with him when he goes exploring. He had a hand lens, bottle of acid, a hammer, a 'rock' map, a tape measure, helmet and Volcano Top trumps to play whist he eats his sandwiches! We listened with interest and were able to talk to him about the facts we have already learnt about rocks and fossils. 

Wednesday 22nd March - Dance - Romans

We have been learning about the Romans in our dance lessons this term and have created a dance that shows different aspects. We have been Roman soldiers, marching into different formations and used a roll, turn or jump to transition into our Roman Everyday Life sequence. Take a look at the photos.

Tuesday 21st March 2023 - Lego WeDo

We had a great day today. We used our DT skills to create Lego models. We had to follow instructions and work in a team so it was important that we listened carefully to each other. Have a look below at our great creations! 

Tuesday 14th March 2023 - National Science Week

Today we had the following question to investigate: Do people with the longest legs jump the furthest? We had to consider how to record and present our data and how to carry out our investigation. We concluded, unanimously, that people with the longest legs don't always jump the furthest!

Tuesday 7th March 2023 - World Book Day!

Today at White Rock, we celebrated World Book Day. We made up our own stories, created a picture book, sculpted a storybook character and had a giant book quiz. Have a look at how we dressed up!

Tuesday 7th March 2023 - Spoken Word

Today we took part in a spoken word activity. Our aim was to create a whole class story. We sat in a circle and established who would start the story and which direction it would go in. The first person said a single word. The next person had to say another single word that made sense following the previous word. We continued around the circle, with each person saying a single word. We made up some great stories! 

Friday 3rd March 2023 - PSHE Visitor

Today we were visited by Anthony Mangnall who is the MP for Totnes and South Devon. We asked Anthony lots of wonderful questions and learnt about his job as an MP. This links to our PSHE learning where we have been learning about parliament and how it works. Anthony told us about 'bobbing' which is when members of parliament are constantly sitting down and standing up as they wait to speak - once he was 'bobbing' for two and a half hours! Anthony also told us that speaking in parliament can be quite nerve-racking so you must be well prepared. He also spoke about his role in our local community, how he supports local businesses and about his frequent visits to other schools in our area. Thank you Anthony!

Friday 24th February 2023 - Fundraising

Have a look at us in our own home clothes today! We have been fundraising for the ShelterBox appeal. We learnt about the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria and we wanted to help. We handed in £1 and purchased a cake. So far we have raised over £400!

Wednesday 22nd February - Computing

Year 3 have spent the last few lessons trying out all the formatting options in Microsoft Word. We found out that many of the tools were the same ones we have used in Purple Mash.

This week we were all finishing our own documents and sending them to print.

10th February 2023-Familia y Mascotas-Spanish

Senorita Head was really impressed with Year 3 this week. We re-capped family members and pets plus key structures such as tengo= I have and se llama= who is called.

We played lots of interactive language games to revise numbers 1-15.  The children enjoyed singing the “Tienes mascotas?” song with the help of Senorita Head’s puppets (Carlota, Pedro, Rocky and Rosa)  iMaravilloso!

The children read a short Spanish text about Puss in Boots and picked out key information. iEstupendo! We even talked about a Spanish connective “tambien” which means "also". 

Here is the vocabulary to practise at home. iVamos!

Mi madre=my mum

Mi padre= my dad

Mi abuela= my grandma

El gato= cat

El perro= dog

El serpiente= snake

El raton= mouse

El pez=a fish 

Wednesday 8th February 2023 - History

We have been learning about the Romans. Did you know that they were the first people in history to create roads? Half of us pretended to be the clever Romans whilst the rest of us were Iron dwellers. The routes we took from one destination to another  were very different. Because the Romans built straight roads, their journey time was much quicker. Romans invented many other amazing things. Ask us and we'll tell you! 

Tuesday 7th February – Computing – Safer Internet Day assembly

Today is Safer Internet Day and we marked this by holding a whole school assembly.

During the assembly each year group shared their own online safety song or poem with the rest of the school. They had all worked really hard to learn their pieces and this level of effort was clear to see in their confident performances.

The Digital Leaders had written their own poem, which will appear on the school website once they have filmed and edited it into a video. We will be writing our own acrostic poems based on safer internet use!

Thursday 2nd February 2023 - Writing

Today we have been learning about similes. We know that to create a simile we use the words 'as' or 'like'. It also has to be appropriate! We played a sorting game which gave us some ideas and then wrote our own. Here are some of the similes we thought of today:

as quick as a cheetah

as tired as a sleeping sloth

bright like a shining torch

as beautiful as a country meadow

dark like the midnight sky

At the end of our journey, we will be adding similes to the poem we write. We want to excite and engage our reader!

Tuesday 24th January 2023 - Art

This week we are studying the artist Emily Powell. First we painted a picture in her style then created an 'artist study page'. Our next task is to learn how to create an effective background/foreground.

Wednesday 18th January 2023 - Science

Today we made our own shadow puppets. We now know that light travels in straight lines and that if an object blocks the light, a shadow is formed. That is how we could create a puppet show!

Thursday 12th January 2023 - Maths

Today in Maths we used counters and a place value gird to help us multiply a 2 digit number by a one digit number. Have a look at our amazing calculations!

Wednesday 4th January 2023 - Science

We started our new year with a new topic in Science. This term we are learning all about Light. We learned there are two different types of light, natural and artificial. We categorised different sources depending if they were natural or artificial sources of light. We learned an amazing fact - the moon is not a natural source of light as it does not emit its own light, it reflects light form the sun!



Autumn Term Curriculum Map

Tuesday 6th December 2022 - Computing

This morning our online safety leaders came into our classes and taught us the song 'Zip it, Block it, Flag it'. They are our computing experts who are there to help us with all our Computing queries!

Thursday 1st December 2022 - Learning Celebration

We focussed our Learning Celebration on our History learning this term and took our parents on a journey through the ages - Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We had a choice of which era we wanted to choose. Some of us chose to create a Stone Age cave painting. Some of us instructed our parents on how to create an Bronze Age pot out of clay, while some of us designed some fabulous Iron Age shields. Have a look at our amazing photos!

Tuesday 22nd November 2022 - Handwriting

When we do our Handwriting we begin by warming up our arm and hand muscles. We use subject specific vocabulary such as descender, ascender, horizontal, diagonal, clockwise and anti-clockwise as we join our letters. We are trying hard to join consistently, making sure our letters are a similar size to each other.

18th November 2022 - Children in Need Day

Have a look at our Pudsey designs! We had a great day dressing up and we raised lots of money for charity.

Tuesday 15th November 2022 - RE

In RE, we have started to look at the Hindu faith. This week we have been comparing the similarities and differences between the inside of a Christian place of worship and a Hindu place of worship. A Hindu place of worship is called a Mandir. The children noticed that the Mandir was much more colourful and there were lots of shrines that you could pray to rather than just having one statue at the front.  Although Christians and Hindus believe in different things and Gods, the children recognised they have many similarities such as: holy book, a religious symbol and the use of prayer to talk to God.


Friday 11th November 2022 - Tutankhamun Touring Company

We were very lucky to have seen a live orchestra company perform a fantastic opera today. We were taken on an exciting adventure down the River Nile and were given a glimpse of what life used to be like for local people who lived there – through the amazing voices of the singers. We learned all about the life and death of Tutankhamun – it was fabulous!

Wednesday 2nd November 2022 - Spanish


Year 3 had lots of fun during their Spanish session with Senorita Head this week. The children re-capped colours in Spanish. We talked about the "j" sound when pronouncing the colour naranja= orange. The children played Heads Down, Thumbs Up to practise the new colour words - gris(grey) and marron (brown). 

To end the session the children played the colour interactive games on Babelzone. Remember you can access these Spanish games from home. Here is the link....

French for Children, Spanish for Children, Fun French Spanish English – LCF BabelZone (lcfclubs.com)

Username: whiterock1

password: pedro13

Thursday 20th October 2022

Today we were visited by our local Minister, Jeff Short, from Goodrington Methodist Church. The Minister made a comparison between supporters at a football match and people who go to church. There are lots of different churches but everyone is there for the same reason. Everyone is there to support the team or because they believe in God. The Minister told us what he does and showed us some artefacts from the church. The Minister said some of his roles are to visit schools to teach children about the church and spends his time helping people. Minister Short said he's been doing his job for about 40 years and loves it so much he doesn't want to retire!

Monday 17th October 2022 - Writing

Today we learned to write complex sentences. We learned that a complex sentence is made up of a main clause and a subordinate clause. These two clauses are joined together by a subordinating conjunction. The main clause makes sense on its own, but the subordinating clause does not and is dependent on the main clause.

Have a look at the great complex sentences we wrote.

Monday 10th October 2022 - History

In History, we are currently learning about the Stone Age. People who lived this long ago were called hunter gatherers. Hunter gatherers used tools to help them hunt like sharpened sticks. As time progressed they used bows and arrows. We used our imagination and pretended that we were hunter gatherers! Half of us went off hunting for bison and the rest of us gathered berries. We felt we had been quite successful until we realised that tomorrow there would be no more bison or berries to hunt/gather. We then discussed the consequences of this. We think we might need to move our home to a different area!

Monday 3rd October 2022 - Fire Safety

We had a visit from our local firefighters. They showed us how to 'stop, drop and roll' if our clothes ever caught fire. They told us why it is important that our adults check our smoke detectors in our homes. We know to call 999 in an emergency and Dan explained why it's crucial that we practise an escape route. We were interested to find out that there are many elements of a firefighters role. They help out with car accidents, talk to people in their homes about how they can stay safe and they even rescue animals!

Monday 26th September 2022

Today in our music lesson we learned some musical vocabulary and symbols.

Crescendo means the music gets louder. Diminuendo means the music gets quieter. Tempo means how fast the music is played and Pitch is when the sound of the music is high, medium or low. We came up with some actions to remind us which word is which.

Thursday 22nd September 2022 - Writing

Today in our Writing lesson we were learning about conjunctions. A conjunction is a word that joins two sentences together. We used the conjunctions after, before, although and if. On the yellow bits of paper we wrote our two sentences then used the red piece of paper to write the appropriate conjunction on and joined them together like a paper chain.

Monday 12th September 2022 - PE

We had our first PE session in Year 3 today.  We are learning to play Tag Rugby. We learned the fundamentals of holding and passing a rugby ball with the correct technique of receiving a ball with our hands in the 'ready' position. What great fun we had!

Wednesday 7th September 2022 - Our first day in Year 3

What a brilliant day we have had today! We have been busy creating our own class charter. We discussed different roles and responsibilities  that need to be undertaken in our class room to ensure we have a safe and happy classroom.

In our Maths lesson we learned about place value. We had our first Year 3 Dance lesson with Mrs Tyson in the Dance Studio. Finally, at the end of the day we listened to Mrs Proctor read our new class read, Charlotte's Web. We are all going to try to do what Mrs Tomkinson suggested which is to read at least for six minutes each night before we go to bed. She told us it will help us sleep better.


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