Cranes are opportunistic birds that change their diet according to the season. Cranes class demonstrate this when they adapt their learning skills to different topics. Cranes are kind and helpful to others and bring teamwork into all aspects of our school day. However, they can be solitary at times, using independence and resilience when faced with certain challenges.
This term our focus will be all about the sea. We will be exploring why boats float and the different materials used to make them. We will be sharing our discoveries at the White Rock Science Museum on Wednesday 7th July 2021.
PE days are Tuesday and Friday.
Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school all week. We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of each half term.
Home Learning will be set on a Friday and due in on a Wednesday.
Monday 19th April 2021 - First day of the Summer Term
Monday 3rd May 2021 - Bank Holiday
Monday 17th May 2021 - Parent's Evening
Thursday 19th May 2021 - Parent's Evening
Friday 28th May 2021 - Last day of Summer 1
Monday 7th June 2021 - First day of Summer 2
Wednesday 7th July 2021 - Science Fair
Wednesday 14th July 2021 - Pupils Reports
Wednesday 21st July 2021 - Sports Day
Friday 23rd July 2021 - Last day of Summer Term
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Mr Wingrove) or alternatively please contact the team leader (Mr O'Sullivan).
WC 21 July 2021 - Joseph Coelho Virtual Session

This week we have been so fortunate to have a published author and poet teaching us! Joseph Coelho joined us with a virtual session and taught us all about poetry and how he takes inspiration from the world around him. He taught us how to make poems by pretending objects are people and also making poems about our emotions. We loved helping him come up with lines to his poetry and now we are going to write our own versions.
WC 14th July 2021 - Swimming

Our first week swimming was a wonderful experience. The children are loving the time spent in the water and we are already starting to see some brilliant progress. Here are some photos of some excited faces on our latest trip to Brixham Pool.
WC 7th June 2021 - PE
Whilst we have been disappointed not to have Mr Leaman for our regular PE slots, we have continued to have fun in our PE classes within our bubble. We have started a topic on invasion games and have been really enjoying some variations of different games. This week we were able to put on the tag rubgy belts and enjoy a game of 'cat and mouse' using our dodging skills to help us evade capture.
Summer Term Week 4 - WC 10th May

This week we have been continuing with our Science learning and thinking about waterproof and on-waterproof. We loved this fun experiment trying to keep the ginger bread man dry. We found that plastic was one of the best materials to use...
Summer Term Week 3 - WC 3rd May

In Cranes this week we have continued with our theme of boats and the water by exploring the life and achievements of Dame Ellen Macarthur. In this history learning we have been exploring how to put events in chronological order and identifying when things have happened. It has been so fascinating to learn about how she sailed single-handedly all around the world!
Summer Term Week 2 - WC 26th April
This week we have been doing some amazing Science Learning with our new topic...Materials. We have been able to name materials that we see in our local environment and also think about where they are used. We have been also learning some new vocabulary such as Transparent and waterproof to describe some material properties. In the photos above we are searching around school for some of the materials we have been learning about.
Summer Term Week 1 - Fractions W/C 19th April

This week we have been learning bout Fractions in Maths. We have been finding halves, quarters and thirds of shapes, objects and numbers. This week we also launched an investigation using fruit pastilles. We were comparing how many sweets each adult would get in the room if we shared them equally. We were also comparing the size of fractions thinking about whether you would rather half halve, quarter or a third of them....Of course we also got to eat them in the end!
Return to school - W/C 8/03/21
It has been a wonderful week seeing all the children back at school. They have been so excited to be playing and learning in the classroom again. We have had an action packed week of becoming punctuation Kung-fu warriors, learning about shapes and also enjoying some PE too. Here are some photos below.
Christmas Dinner 16/12/2020
Today we had a fabulous Christmas Dinner in the Cranes Bubble. The children loved how our the hall was set up and seeing all the fabulous decorations. We got to pull crackers and sit with our friends whilst enjoying the turkey and pigs in blankets! Alot of ice-cream has been consumed! Merry Christmas Cranes!
11/12/2020 Science Learning - Fizzy drinks
This week we have been continuing to learn about how our body stays healthy. As part of this learning we have been exploring why it is important to brush our teeth and the reason we shouldn't eat too much sugar. We have began setting up our own experiment putting egg shells in a fizzy drink and water t see what happens! Stay tuned for the results!

4.12.20 Geography Learning
This week we have finished retelling our class story of 'Rocket Mole'. At the end of the story Armstrong learns that things are much better when he has his friends around him and goes on on one final adventure around the world. In Geography, we have been learning about the places Armstrong visits and the different kind of climates that he experienced when he got there.

Maths Number lines 20/11/2020
This week we have been busy learning about adding and subtracting 10s and 1s. We have been able to do this by using number lines to count fowards and backwards and then progressing on to jumping in tens for bigger calculations. We are really confident now as we are drawing our own numberlines and adding and some people are now jumping in mutliples of 2s and 3s.

Writing 9/11/20
Check out our writing....As part of our learning about the book 'What if we were all the same?' we have been looking at what we were like as babies and how we were all born different. in Writing, we have been practising using conjunctions (because, and, but, so) to join sentences together and writing about what makes us unique.
Spanish with Senorita Head 2/10/2020
We have loved our languages learning with our new teacher...Senorita Head. She has been teaching us all about how to say 'holla' and 'adios' as well as teaching us about how to say lots of other greetings. Recently we have been learning how to say colours and playing lots of games with the different colours in the spectrum. We love it that Pedro comes along for lessons too.
This week in Literacy, Cranes have been learning about different word classes. We used adjectives to describe our friends and ourselves. We also took to the playground to find out about action verbs and writing sentences with adverbs! These are some of the things we like to do when we get home from school.

Science - Healthy Bodies 19/09/20
As part of our learning about keeping the body healthy. Today we explored the spread of germs on our hands in Science. We sprayed 'Glitterbug' potion on our hands and then watched as the potion turned invisible. Then we were able to see it under a special torch. Once we could see all the germs we then rinsed our hands and found that the pretend germs didn’t come off. We have learnt why it is very important to give hands a thorough clean!
Maths Learning From Our First Week Back - 11.09.20
We have had a great first week learning about number values in numbers from 0-50. We have been remembering how to count forwards and backwards and also learning how to represent numbers using Maths equipment. We have learnt two new words to describe numbers - tens and ones. We can now use this language to identify how big a number is.