White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School


Buzzards are beautiful, graceful and strong birds of prey. They have to find their own food by hunting, so they constantly have to learn where food can be found and how they can get it. Buzzards learn every day in the same way we do.  Buzzards have fantastic looking and listening skills. These skills are as important to us in our learning as they are to Buzzards in their daily life.


'Explore More'

This term we will…

compare and contest our local area, Paignton, with Mombasa in Kenya. We will be inquisitive Scientists and explore the world of animals and plants. This will all cumulate in an exciting learning outcome to share with our parents. 




P.E/Dance Days are Wednesday and Thursday each week. Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school all week. We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of every half term.



Home Learning will be handed out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. This will give you the opportunity to explore aspects of your child's learning if you wish.




18.04 - First day back

27.04 Teachers STRIKE day 

1.05 Bank holiday

01.05 - National Gardening day

02.05 - Teachers STRIKE day 

08.05 - bank holiday Kings coronation 

26.05 Last day of term

June - Pride month

12.06 - Phonics screening week Y1

20.06 - Sports day

26.06 - RSHE week

29.06 - Y1 trip to Paignton zoo 

06.07 - Transition day 

07.07 - Summer Fayre 2pm

13.07 Annual Reports out to parents

17.07 - Year 1 Learning Celebration 2:30pm

25.07 - Last day of term 



Contact details 

If there are any issues or concerns, please contact your class teacher (Mrs Vine) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Mrs. Ayling);






Summer Term

Summer Term Curriculum Map

Tuesday 4th July - Computing

In Computing this week, Year 1 have been exploring music software in Purple Mash. They have found out that when we are trying out new software and testing what it can do - we call that tinkering.

They were also looking for familiar controls in Purple Mash. The work below was completed by one of the children. You could ask them what all the tools do.

Tuesday 4th July - Dance

In Dance, Year 1 have been reading 'Giraffes can't Dance'. We have danced like Gerald the Giraffe when he finds the music he loves, waltzed like the warthogs at the Jungle Dance and then this week we have danced an elegant tango like the lions. We have been really enjoying trying out these different dances as you can see from the photos below.

Thursday 29th June- Zoo trip

Year 1 went on a fantastic school trip to the Zoo this week to learn more about African Savannah animals for our Writing and Science lessons. Everyone had a wonderful time and the children were so well behaved and enjoyed the day. Well done Year 1! 

Friday 23rd June- Sports Day

Today, we took part in sports day with Reception and Year 2 all working together in our house teams to complete a selection of activities.

Although it was very hot outside, we all tried our best and cheered on our team friends. The photos below are a selection of all year groups due to the classes splitting into different groups! 

Friday 9th June 2023- Geography

Today all 3 Year 1 classes came together to see our 'hook' into our Geography learning. We are starting a series of Geography lessons on the similarities and differences between Paignton and Mombasa in Kenya. We listened to African music, watched savannah animals on the interactive whiteboard and looked at lots of artefacts special to people in African countries. We also remembered that Africa is a continent not a country and that African countries are all different and full of cities and technology. We are hoping to show that not all places in Africa are deserts with people living in huts!

Friday 30th May 2023- KS1 Sports Festival

This morning, we participated in a sports festival which our Year 5's led. We worked on a range of skills such as throwing and catching, hitting a ball using an underarm throw and most importantly, how to work as a team taking it in turns. 

Everyone tried their best and cheered on their team when it was someone else's turn to have a go. The Year 5's also showed how brilliant they are at working as a team and were very caring and responsible with the younger children. Well done everyone!

Friday 16th May 2023- Science

For Science, we have been looking at how to identify the different trees and flowers that are growing in our school grounds. We went on a hunt around the school to find different trees and learnt how to look carefully at the details on the leaves in order to identify the tree by name. 

Thursday 18th May 2023 - Computing

In Computing this week Year 1 have continued to create their own e-books in Purple Mash. Most children were animating their pages and some, who have finished this, were adding sounds. If you are a parent and would like to see their learning, you could get them to log onto Purple Mash in order to show you. They are very proud of what they have completed so far.

Friday 12th May 2023- Music

For Music this week, we have been looking at tempo which means a quick or slow beat. We then watched videos of different African animals and decided if they would need a quick or slow tempo to represent their movements. We then chose an instrument to represent an animal and composed our own music with either a quick or slow tempo.

Friday 5th May 2023- The King's Coronation celebration

This week, we have been learning all about the King's coronation! We listened to an assembly by Mrs Holloway on Wednesday and she told us that there are 444 jewels on the King's crown!

We all made flags to take into our whole school assembly and we have been practising 2 songs to celebrate the coronation. 

Friday 28th April 2023- Equal groups

For Maths, we have been looking at how to arrange objects into equal groups. This helps us to think about multiplication (by adding the same amount) and division (by grouping equally).

We enjoyed working with our learning partners to create arrays and write the repeated addition calculation to match the groups. 

Thursday 20th April 2023 - Gymnastics

In our first ever Gymnastics lesson, we were learning how to do a bunny hop, frog leap and egg roll. When we do a bunny hop, we are in a tuck position and when we do a frog leap, we start in tuck and then are in a straight position when jumping. An egg roll uses lots of control to stay in a tuck position the whole time. Take a look at the photos of us in action.

Friday 31st March 2023- D.T.

Today we designed, made, tested and evaluated boat designs. We learnt about the history of boats, considered materials for the job and then started to plan. We are very proud of what we have created!

Thursday 30th March 2023 - Computing

This week in Computing Year 1 have been becoming more familiar with letter placement on the keyboard. Their task was to find all the letters as quickly as possible and keep track of their own scores. They learned about the home row and the bumps on the F and J keys.

Tuesday 21st March 2023- Art

In Art, we have been comparing the art work of John Piper and John Matisse. We then created a collage using a variety of resources. 

Friday 17th March 2023 - PSHE

Today we have been celebrating red nose day by raising money in a variety of ways. We came in our non-school uniform, wore our red noses and learnt about where our donated money goes and how it helps others. 

Monday 13th March 2023 - P.S.H.E

This week in P.S.H.E we have been thinking about why we need to have good listening ears. We came up with lots of ideas and we acted out showing each other good listening. 

Thursday 9th March 2023 - Dance

In Dance, we have been learning dances linked to different countries. This week we have been creating a Chinese Dragon dance with our Learning Partners. We moved our bodies in different ways to show how a Chinese Dragon moves. As our warm up, we were being different animals to get ourselves ready to be Chinese Dragons.

Tuesday 7th March- World Book Day

Buzzards have enjoyed a fun filled day celebrating World Book Day in fancy dress! We have been busy creating our own picture books, taking part in drama activities, book mark making, completing a whole school book quiz and finally listening to a range of wonderful stories throughout the day. 

It has been a fabulous day! 

Monday 27th February- History and Writing 

Today we had a Titanic 'hook into writing' day. We learned how Historians use photos, interviews and pictures to learn about the past. We learned about the different passengers on the boat and what went wrong, then we sequenced the events of the night the Titanic sunk. 

During the day, we hot seated each other and learned about what life was like on board the Titanic by visiting each 'class' room (Buzzards were 2nd class!). 

Then, we discovered what went wrong with the Titanic and why it is important to study History in order to learn from past events. 

We all had a fantastic day!

Tuesday 21st February- R.E. 

This week, in R.E, we have been looking at Celebrations. We discussed what the word celebration means to us and also what it means to Christians. This sequence of lessons will look at Easter, birthdays and baptisms and how these celebrations affect us in our own lives. 

Thursday 9th February- Art 

This week we have been using clay to make pinch pots. We experimented with a range of tools to make different marks and patterns. As soon as our pots had dried, we painted them ready to bring home to enjoy! 

Tuesday 7th February – Computing – Safer Internet Day assembly


Today is Safer Internet Day and we marked this by holding a whole school assembly.

During the assembly each year group shared their own online safety song or poem with the rest of the school. They had all worked really hard to learn their pieces and this level of effort was clear to see in their confident performances.

The Digital Leaders had written their own poem, which will appear on the school website once they have filmed and edited it into a video.

Tuesday 31st January- Science

In science we have been exploring and looking at the properties of materials. We really enjoyed the feely bag game and searching for objects made from specific materials. 


Thursday 2nd February 2023 - Computing

This week in Computing Buzzards have been exploring the inputs on a Bee-Bot. They found out that before a new set of instructions is put in they need to clear the memory. Also, that knowing your left and right is useful when trying to control a floor robot and get it to a particular spot! 


Monday 23th January- Writing

This week we have been innovating the story we have been learning, Don't Spill the Milk. We wanted to re-enact the idea of going on a journey by creating our own obstacle course and trying not to spill the water! 
Following this, we have been planning our own ideas, thinking about different characters, setting and object, using a similar theme but with our own individual twists in preparation for when we write our own journey story. 

Wb. 16.1.23
This week, Buzzards have been exploring a journey story- Don't Spill the Milk. We have been practising the story using actions and creating a story map to help us to remember the beginning, middle and end. 
In Maths, we have been focusing on ordering numbers within 20 and using number lines to support our learning. 

We have also been working really hard on trying to improve our handwriting- practicing to keep our letters on the line and using the correct formation. 

Wb. 9.1.2023- Maths, Writing and Geography!

This week Buzzards have been busy getting back into the swing of things! 
In Maths, we have been learning about how many tens and ones are in teen numbers in Maths. 

In Writing, we have started to think about writing our own stories based on a picture. The children have used their imaginations to think about what might happen at the beginning, middle and the end. In Phonics we have continued to spot phase 5 sounds in words and then reading the words. 

This week, we have also been focusing on learning the 7 continents of the world. We have identified them on a map and sung a very popular continents song (link attached below if you wish to sing along at home). Our topic this term is 'Around the World in 80 days' and understanding the continents and countries of the UK will be a key focus for us in Year One. 


Seven Continents Song - YouTube

W.b. 12.12.22- Last week of term

We have made it! 

Buzzards have had a great last week before the end of term, having had a brilliant Polar Express Day filled with Christmas fun and Hot Chocolate! As well as enjoying a Poetry day, with a fantastic virtual visit from Joshua Seigal! 

Well done for completing your first term Buzzards! 

See you in the New Year! 

Wb. 5.12.22- Nativity!

We have had a fabulous week practising and performing our Nativity to parents and other year groups in school. 

It has been such a joy to see all of the children taking part, remembering all of the actions and lines. We are very proud of them! 


Wb. 28.11.22

This week, Buzzards have been really busy practising their Christmas songs ready for their Nativity. 

Buzzards have also been learning about 2D and 3D shapes, as well as practising their handwriting by focusing on one armed robot capital letters.  


Still image for this video

Wb. 21.11.22

This week, we have been learning about a new text 'Snow in the Garden'. We have been looking at features of poetry and have practised performing a poem called 'Hoping'. 

Wb 14.11.22

This week in Maths, Buzzards have been working on solving subtraction problems using the crossing off method. 

In writing, following their journey of learning about instructional texts, Buzzards have been creating their own instructional text about how to make gingerbread men. They have had to remember to include some of the important features of instructional texts, such as steps, imperative verbs and clear sentences. 

Buzzards have enjoyed wearing odd socks to school for Anti-bullying week, as well as helping to raise money for Children in Need. 

Wb. 7.11.22

This week, Buzzards have continued their writing journey focusing on instructional writing and have followed instructions on how to make gingerbread men. We worked hard, carefully following the steps to measure, mix, roll and decorate using the ingredients we needed to successfully create our gingerbread men. We were very proud with the outcome! 

Wb 31.10.22

Buzzards have been busy this week looking at instructional writing and exploring the important features of an instructional text. This week we have followed instructions on how to make a rain catcher. 

In Maths, Buzzards have been working hard on their number bonds to 10 using Numicon to support our learning. 

We will be looking forward to begin our Christmas song practice from this week, ready for our Nativity!

Wb. 17.10.22- Last week before Half Term!

This week the children have been learning to use Part, Part, Whole models in their Maths with numbers up to 10. They have practiced using this tool to aid their understanding of how a whole number can be parted in different ways. 

The children have also been focussing on addition calculations using The Bus template. This has supported their understanding of how addiction calculations are commutative. 

Buzzards also enjoyed using their artistic skills to explore the different ways of creating lines to show various patterns. 

Buzzards have had a very busy first half term and have truly earnt themselves a good break! 


Wb. 10.10.22- Maths, Science and African Dancing! 


This week, Buzzards have been busy ordering numbers to 10 using Numicon. The children have been developing their Mathematical language through discussion and reasoning with each other.


In Science, Buzzards class have enjoyed learning about the different senses of a human being- sight, touch, smell, taste, sound. They enjoyed thinking about these senses whilst making popcorn!


As a whole school, the children also joined in with some African Dancing. The visitors taught us lots of wonderful, traditional African dance moves that we were all able to get involved in. 




W.b. 03.10.22- Writing, Maths and Geography

In Buzzards class this week, in Writing we have been planning our own version of The Gingerbread Man story, using our story map and actions to help us remember the beginning, middle and end. 

In Maths, we have been looking at using More than, Less than and Equal to symbols to compare numbers between 0-10. 

Buzzards have also been using their map skills in Geography, to help look for The Fox that ate The Gingerbread man! They used their maps skills to search for him around the school and in the playground!


Wb. 26.09.22- Writing, Maths and Fire safety

This week, Buzzards class have been very busy!

In Maths, we have been using our Maths language to discuss More than, Less than and Equal to, using this language to compare numbers.

In writing, we have been creating posters to help us find the sneaky fox that ate the Gingerbread man. We have been using lots of adjectives in our writing, to help us describe the fox, so it should be easier to find him!


On Friday, Buzzards were very excited to join in with an assembly on Fire Safety, where we had a visit from our local Firemen! 

We learnt lots about how to stay safe at home and enjoyed taking part in a Fire Safety quiz. Mr Wingrove even got to dress up as a Fireman! 


Wb. 19.09.22- Maths, Number and Place Value

We have been thinking deeply about the number 10 and all of the ways we can count and sort objects. We spent time working in groups sorting objects in different ways and finding one more and one less than any number up to 10. 



Wb. 12.09.22- New writing 'hook' for the Gingerbread Man. 


We are starting a new writing journey and as a stimulus for discussion we staged a Gingerbread man breakout! The children enjoyed thinking of adjectives to describe the Gingerbread man and will be using them in their writing over the next few weeks. 


Buzzards were also very happy to have won the Numbots Trophy this week!

Well done, Buzzards! 

Wb. 5.09.22- First week in Year 1

What a fab first week in Year 1. The children have settled in really well and have really enjoyed exploring all of our provision activities. We have completed our class charter and learnt how to find things in our classroom. 

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