White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School


Buzzards are beautiful, graceful and strong birds of prey. They have to find their own food by hunting, so they constantly have to learn where food can be found and how they can get it. Buzzards learn every day in the same way we do.  Buzzards have fantastic looking and listening skills. These skills are as important to us in our learning as they are to Buzzards in their daily life.


This Terms Theme

'Once upon a time...'

This term Year 1 are learning all about fairy tales! We have already listened to a wide variety of stories. We will be adapting them and writing our own versions. We will also be learning how to create different story settings in preparation to perform our own puppet show to Reception children. The children will have an opportunity to role play their favourite character. We would like to invite you to share our learning on Wednesday 17th July 2019.

(For more information about this term's theme, scroll down to our curriculum map)


P.E & Dance days

P.E. Days are Thursdays and Fridays.

Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school all week. We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of every half term


Home Learning days

Home Learning will be handed out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. This will give you the opportunity to explore aspects of your child's learning if you wish.


Upcoming events

 Wednesday 17th July 2019- Year 1 Learning Celebration


Meet The Team

If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Mrs Dowdeswell) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Mrs Jarrett).



Academic Year 2018-2019

Summer Term Curriculum Map

Wednesday 17th July 2019 - Learning Celebration

Today we performed our learning celebration to our parents. We showed our adults how to identify a tree by its leaves and then we planted an apple seed. Hopefully it will grow into a strong healthy apple tree!

Friday 12th July 2019 - Literacy

Today we worked with the Reception children to perform the story Three Billy Goats Gruff!

Thursday 11th July 2019 - PE

Here we are with Mrs Tyson practising our throwing skills!

Monday 8th July 2019 - Art

We have been rolling, squashing and twisting clay! Next week we will be making a thumb pot!

Thursday 4th July 2019 - Writing

Today we worked in small groups to role-play a traditional tale.

Tuesday 2nd July 2019 - Handwriting

Today we went in the sunshine to form our letters on the ground. We had to make sure our small letters were small and that our ascenders were tall!

Monday 24th June 2019 - School trip to Stover Country Park

Today we all went on a trip to Stover! Have a look at the busy activities we took part in!

Wednesday 12th June - Maths

We have been learning our bonds to 10 and 20. We partitioned into two parts using the part part whole model.

Friday 7th June 2019 - Writing

A very well deserved headteachers award. We're all super proud!

Wednesday 5th June 2019 - Teddy Bear Workshop

Today we have some medical students come and visit us. They showed us lots of different medical equipment that they use in their hospital. We learned about what each piece of equipment does. Then we helped our teddy bears feel better by bandaging them up!

Thursday 23rd May 2019

We are learning how to form a diagonal join. Look at how neat our letters are!

Wednesday 22nd May 2019 - Theme

Today we watched a theatre performance of 'The Three Little Pigs'. It was really funny!

Monday 13th May 2019 - Maths

Today we did a number workout. Instead of our fingers we used a bead string. 

Thursday 9th May 2019 - Maths

We are currently learning about the value of money. Today we had an item and we had to choose the correct coins to pay for it!

Friday 3rd April 2019 - Assembly

Today we had some visitors come in to talk to us about their job. They work for the RNLI. Ask us what their job involves!

Wednesday 1st May 2019 - Art

Today we created circle paintings using colours we mixed ourselves!

Tuesday 30th April 2019 - Science

In Science we are learning about common plants. Oscar, Finnley and Morgan kindly donated some plants which we were able to study closely. We looked at all the different parts of the plants and talked about why every plant needed each part.

Monday 29th April 2019 - Theme

Our theme is 'Once upon a time...'. We are reading the story Little Red Riding Hood. Today we took on the part of a character and re-enacted part of the story with our friends.

Thursday 25th April 2019 - Handwriting

We are continuing to join our letters. First we do warm up exercises. Then we draw a pattern. Next we join our letters. The letters this week were ld and nd. Have a look at our neat letters!

Tuesday 24th April 2019 - 2D Shapes

Today we identified 2D shapes and discussed their properties. We made our own squares using pegs, sticks and spaghetti! 

Wednesday 27th March 2019 - Learning Celebration

Today we invited our parents in to share our learning about Queen Elizabeth II. We had a tea party and made a jam sandwich!

Wednesday 27th March 2019 - Story telling

Today we visited Reception class to read them our Queen stories. 

Wednesday 20th March 2019 - Plymouth Aquarium

Today we had a really exciting day at Plymouth Aquarium! We saw an octopus, shark, turtle and many more sea creatures. We learnt about the food they eat and where they live.

Friday 15th March 2019 - SCIENCE WEEK!

What a great week we've had enjoying the challenge of building houses to 'beat the flood'!

Wednesday 13th March 2019 - Phonics

Buzzards had fun learning the split digraph i-e. We made kites filled with i-e words and went outside to fly them - it was the perfect windy day for kite flying!

How many i-e words have you spotted at home?

Thursday 7th March 2019 - World Book Day

We are celebrating World Book Day in many different ways. We have been on a book hunt, we shared some reading books with year 4 children and we had a special World Book Day assembly. What a great day we have had! 

Monday 4th March 2019 - Punctuation

Today we went on a very windy search for capital and lowercase letters!

Thursday 14th February 2019 - Handwriting

Today we went out in the sunshine to write our new handwriting join 'ch'. Mrs Dowdeswell is VERY impressed with our beautiful letters!

Wednesday 13th February 2019 - Spellings

We are learning to spell tricky words. We look at the shape of the word, find little rhymes to help us spell them and discuss the tricky part of each word. 

Thursday 7th February 2019 - Maths

We are learning to recognise coins and notes. Here we are sorting our coins. We had to look at the colour, size and shape of each coin. 

Thursday 7th February 2019 - Handwriting

We are now joining our letters! Have a look at how small and neat our letters are now....

Wednesday 6th February 2019 - Geography

In Geography we are learning all about the United Kingdom. Here you can see us learning about our home town Paignton. We talked about where we have been in Paignton and what we like about it. 

Wednesday 23rd January 2019 - Maths

In Maths we are learning how to count efficiently. We realised that if we count two objects at a time it is quicker! That is why we are learning how to count in 2's, 5's and 10's. 

Tuesday 22nd January 2019 - Reading

We are currently learning to read and write split diagraphs. These are a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e and u_e. We sometimes do a 'phonic workout' to remind us of our Phase 5 graphemes. We talk about which other graphemes make the same sound as our chosen grapheme and we write words which have our grapheme in. 

Monday 21st January 2019 - Theme

Our theme is Queen Elizabeth II. We have learnt lots of facts about her but we still had some unanswered questions. We were delighted when she visited us today! She told us about where she lives, her pets and what her favourite food was. We had to call her 'Your Majesty'! 

Thursday 17th January 2019 - Maths

Today, in Maths, we learnt how to share a group of objects equally. We used Skittles to help us!

Thursday 17th January 2019 - PE

In gymnastics we learnt how to bunny hop!

Tuesday 15th January 2019 - Computing

Today we learnt how to log in to Purple Mash! We used '2paint' to draw patterns. 

Tuesday 15th January 2019 - Science

In Science we sang 'head, shoulders, knees and toes'. We talked about the parts of our bodies and their functions. We drew around our friend and labelled