The Brambling can be found most commonly in the British Isles during the cold winter months, the rest of the year it explores other regions of the world. They travel in large groups (usually in the thousands!) and we will take this characteristic of this bird and use it in our classroom to ensure that there is a sense of teamwork to encourage all children to work together and support each other in their learning journey!
This Terms Theme
'Through the Keyhole'
This term Year 1 have a historical focus. We will be going back in time and learning about what family homes used to look like. Our class text The Three Little Pigs will be used to help us story write and will also link to our Science learning on materials.
P.E & Dance days
P.E. will be on a Friday and Dance will be on a Wednesday.
Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school all week. We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of every half term.
Home Learning days
Home Learning will be handed out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. This will give you the opportunity to explore aspects of your child's learning if you wish.
Upcoming Events
Parents evening - 27th and 30th January 2020
Learning Celebration - 17th March 2020 - 2.30pm
Meet the Team
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Mrs Proctor) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Mrs Dowdeswell or Mrs Jarrett).
Spring term curriculum map
Thursday 5th March 2020 - World Book Day
What a fun day we all had! We came to school dressed as our favourite book character. We explored the school hunting for book trail clues and then we took our favourite book to Year 5. The year 5 children read to us and we read our books to them. They were impressed with our reading skills!
Wednesday 26th February 2020 - Maths
This week we have been using different resources to represent the same number as our friend. We used Dienes and Numicon to represent our numbers. We decided using counters to represent our numbers would not be a good choice as we would need too many counters for some of the numbers.

Monday 10th February 2020 - Art
We have been learning how to draw pictures using lines. You can see here we have been drawing our houses. We had to draw in one continuous line. Each time we drew our house we were able to draw with more detail and accuracy.

Friday 31st January- History; Representing homes from the past
For our topic 'Through the Keyhole' we have been looking at homes from the past. We looked at some of the earliest homes and discussed how we could represent them. We decided that we could re create a Celtic roundhouse using our version of Wattle and Daub. We mixed straw and some clay with mud and created our own homes in the woodland area. We had such an amazing time working together as a team! Some of us had a go at being Archaeologists and even found an artifact under the ground! Look at the pictures below to see some of the houses that we created.
Friday 24th January 2020 - Handwriting
This week we have been practising our diagonal join to an ascender when we joined the letters 'ch'. We practised our 'ch' join and made a paper chain out of all the pieces of paper.
Thursday 16th January 2020
Today we had a story teller visit us in school. Pip and her story machine amazed us with their wonderful imaginative stories. We listened to her amazing stories all about letters from the alphabet. We then used our own imagination to draw pictures for Pip to use in her story machine.
Monday 6th January 2020- History
For our topic 'Through the keyhole' we looked at how houses have changed over time. We looked at the earliest houses built in Great Britain and how they were made. We discussed the different materials used to create them and answered questions about why the earliest houses may not have been made out of bricks. We learned that Saxon houses were mostly made out of wood because there were so many forests to use for the building materials. We used lolly sticks to recreate the types of houses the Saxons would have lived in.
Autumn term curriculum map
Tuesday 10th December - Polar Express
Today we had our Polar Express ticket stamped and we boarded the train heading for the North Pole! Whilst we listened to the story of the Polar Express we could hear the thundering of the train on the tracks. We heard wolves howling in the forest as we sped past. We ate our cookie and drank our luxury hot chocolate! When we returned from the North Pole we all received a reindeer bell from Santa's sleigh. What an amazing adventure we had!
Wednesday 27th November 2019 - Maths
Today in Maths we have been looking at how to sort objects based on their characteristics in more than one way. This will help us build up our knowledge and understanding of counting and representing a number as part of our new Maths journey.
Friday 22nd November 2019 - Handwriting
Today in Handwriting we focused on our letter formation and practised the one armed robot letters 'b' and 'h'.

Monday 11th November 2019 - Art
Today we learned that blue, green and yellow are primary colours. We experimented and mixed two primary colours together to make the secondary colours orange, green and purple. Have a look at some of the lovely colour wheels we created.
Wednesday 6th November 2019 - PE
In PE with Mr Leaman, we started looking at a new unit of work that is focused around the core skills of throwing and catching. We used bean bags and hoops to develop technique and accuracy in our underarm throwing.
Monday 28th October 2019 - RE
Today we celebrated the Hindu festival 'Diwali'! Our visitor told us the story of Rama and Sita. We decorated Diya pots and learned a traditional Indian dance. What an exciting first day back we have had!
Tuesday 15th October 2019 - Phonics Workshop
Today our parents joined us for a phonics lesson. After listening to Mrs Jarrett in the hall telling them all about our phonics they joined us in the classroom. They joined in with our lesson and helped us sound talk our 'trash' and 'treasure''oa' words.
Thursday 10th October - History
As October is Black History Month we have been learned about Rosa Parks. We listened to a story about her life and then worked together to role play her eventful day on the bus.
Monday 30th September 2019 - Literacy
In our Literacy lessons this week we have been learning the difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction books. We learned that fiction books are story books and Non-Fiction books are books that tell us facts about different things.
Wednesday 25th September 2019 - Handwriting
This week we have been practising our curly caterpillar letters 'c' and 'a'.
We practised different ways to make the letter'c'. Have a look at how we got on.
Tuesday 17th September - Geography.
In keeping with our theme 'The Same but Different', we have been looking at the World. We started by looking at the 7 continents that make up the World and then looked at where the different oceans are located. We worked together as a team on our tables to place the continent and ocean labels in the correct place.

Friday 13th September 2019 - Science
Today in our Science lesson we looked at different animals and discussed how they can be grouped. Outside our classroom we saw some seagulls and our goats!
Tuesday 10th September 2019 - Phonics.
Today in our Phonics lesson we matched CVCC (consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant) words to pictures.