Miss Johnson's email address
21.07.20- Have an amazing summer Wrens!
21.07.20- Final Daily Hello Good morning Wrens, this is our last daily hello today and I'll be sharing your yummy looking sandwiches! Have an amazing summer and I can't wait to see you all in September!
20.07.20- Happy 7th Birthday Myles!
20.07.20- Wrens Daily Hello Happy Monday Wrens! Today I'll be answering some more of your questions and we'll have a go at making our own lunches. Make sure you are with an adult if you need to chop anything up!
17.07.20- Happy 7th Birthday Emerson for tomorrow!
17.07.20- Wrens Daily Hello Hello Wrens, happy Friday! Today I'll be answering all of your questions from yesterday and I'll be setting another challenge for you. Have a wonderful weekend!
16.07.20- Wrens Daily Hello Good morning Wrens! Can you guess where I am? Today I'll be showing your amazing pebbles from yesterday and setting you a new challenge...what questions do you want to ask about Year 3?
15.07.20- Wrens Daily Hello Hello Wrens! Come and look at all the amazing things you want to learn about in Year 3! Today's challenge will involve a pebble (if you don't have a pebble, you could design your pebble on a piece of paper). Have a wonderful day!
14.07.20- Wrens Daily Hello Hello Wrens, it was soooo lovely to see you all yesterday, I'm really excited for September! Today I'll be talking about your favourite books and setting you a fun new challenge for today.
13.07.20- Wrens Daily Hello Happy Monday Wrens! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Today I'll be sharing all of your lovely work from Friday and I'll be giving you a brand new challenge! I can't wait to see you all today, see you at 3.30pm!
10.07.20- Wrens Daily Hello Happy Friday Wrens! Today we'll be talking about your hobbies and interests from yesterday and today I want to know all about who your friends are, join me for another crafty hello! Have a wonderful weekend Wrens, I can't wait to see you on Monday!
09.07.20- Happy Birthday Amelia!!
09.07.20- Wrens Daily Hello Good morning Wrens! Today is Amelia's birthday, happy birthday Amelia! I'm also going to be sharing your pet photos and drawings with everyone today and I'll be setting you a new daily challenge. Have fun Wrens!
08.07.20- Wrens Daily Hello Hello Wrens! Today I've got all of your AMAZING family trees to share with everyone! I wonder if you can guess what today's activity is all about from the clues that I give you?! Have a wonderful day, I cannot wait to see all of your learning today Wrens!
07.07.20- Wrens Daily Hello Good morning Wrens, it was so lovely to meet you all yesterday! Today I'll be sharing your amazing 'all about me' learning from yesterday and setting you a new piece of learning so I get to find out more about you. You can email me any photos of your learning, I cannot wait to see them all! Have fun Wrens!
06.07.20- Welcome to Wrens! Good morning to the new Wrens class! Come and join me Miss Johnson, for our first daily hello! Today we'll be completing an activity so we can get to know each more a little better, you will need a piece of paper, pencil and some colouring pens/pencils! I can't wait to see you for our transition session today! Have a wonderful day.
My picture telling you all about me! I cannot wait to see all of yours Wrens!