White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School


The Royal Academy are currently taking submissions for this year's Young Artist's Summer Show. The school has registered, and we hope that some of you will get involved.

All the details can be found here:

There is also a competition element, where you can submit up to three artworks with no specific theme. This will be judged by a panel and featured in an online exhibition. Some of the pieces will also be exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts. Also, prizes are awarded for two artworks from each key stage, as chosen by the President of the Royal Academy, and the public can also vote for their favourite artwork in the annual People’s Choice Award. 


Please find below further details, a poster and permission forms.

This is a really exciting opportunity and we’d love for as many of you to get involved as possible. There is also a video, on Facebook, which you can watch with your parents. Here is the link.

Good luck everyone – let’s get creative!

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