Teams Wordsearch
I have designed and attached a wordsearch that contains the second part of the name of 10 professional sports teams that play in the UK. The 10 names you are looking for are written on the page for you.
When you have found a word, circle it on the wordsearch. They are all in straight lines although some may be written backwards!
Can you match it to the correct place? You may need to ask google or an adult for some help!
There is an example included to help you, and there is a separate answer sheet when you are ready to check.
Underarm Throwing Challenge
Take a minute to watch the video attached that explains the way to correctly throw underarm using the correct technique.
What I'd like you to is to find a unique way of practicing! Maybe throwing a pair of socks at a bin or a soft ball at a bucket?
Count how many throws you can get into your target in a row. When you can do three, take a step backwards and start again from further away or make the target smaller.
Please do send me any pictures of what challenge you come up with and how well you do at
White Rock children have spent many play times showing off their skipping skills when in school this year making the latest challenge perfect for them..
The #DevonVirtualGames has an exciting opportunity for all the family to get involved in a skipping challenge.
If you don’t have a skipping rope at home, don’t worry, there is an incentive to join the challenge. Get an adult to click on the link below to receive a maximum of 2 free skipping ropes per family delivered direct to your door Skipping Challenge Rope Incentive Form.
There will be a choice of a Gold, Silver or Bronze challenge that consist of different elements like Single Bounce, Double Bounce, Run, Slalom skip and Speed Skipping to complete in sequence. If you are not sure what these are, head over to #DevonVirtualGames Skipping Tutorials with Dan the skipping man. He makes it simple and super easy to follow.
The challenge opens on Monday 1st February. The adult that registered you will then receive an email with the full challenge details and how to record your results on our quick and easy survey monkey link.
Spend the next week watching the tutorial videos, the spend loads of time with your adults at home trying all of the different activities and get yourself ready for the 1st February when the event begins!
The weather is finally getting warmer so it’s time for everybody to get outside! Now you can do it to earn some medals, certificates and prizes!
Active Devon have relaunched an Activity Challenge called Moving Minutes that can involve every member of your family. How to take part is fully explained in the attached document.
Your parents, carers or teachers may be able to help you:
- Choose the length of challenge you will go for.
- Plan your activities. How many different ways can you be active?
- Design a record sheet that suits you (you may want something more colourful or has pictures of your family members).
- Choose a lot of different ways to be active – how many can you think of?
If you are in school every break and lunch time activity counts!
Remember to get a parent or carer to report your scores to Active Devon when you have completed your chosen time. If the link doesn’t work the address to do so is
Let me know how you get on or if you need any help.
Best of Luck.
Mr Leaman.