White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School

Hello Kingfishers, 

Well done for finding this page and welcome to our Remote Learning Class Page. To find your learning, click on the relevant day. If you have any problems accessing your learning please let me know, my email address is jmay@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk


For your remote learning, you will need to login to Teams daily. The daily hello will be a live recording on Teams every week day at 9.30AM. There will be a group chat available every morning from 9am for us to catch up and check in with one another too. Your live lessons will be a different times: 


Group A - will be at 12.20

Group B - will be at 12.40 

Group C - will be at 1.00 


As well as this, there will be additional pre-recorded lessons which you can work on throughout the day. In addition to lessons from Mr Beattie, Miss Drohan and Mrs May, there will be lessons available for Spanish, Art, PE, Dance and Computing. 

You are all making me so proud - continue being amazing!! 
Mrs May

Guinness book of records attempt for 'The largest online football chain video'


Hi Year 4,


Please read through the following information with your ADULT. This email was sent to school below regarding the Guinness book of records attempt for 'The largest online football chain video' endorsed by the Dartmoor School Sport Partnership.


The record attempt is for 'The largest online football chain video' and we have already had over 100 video submissions in 3 days from around the world!

With this week being Children's Mental Health week, I think this is something fun & positive that they can be part of, and it's not limited to just children either! We are encouraging families to take part in this world record attempt - all they need is a football.

On both links below you can find a video explaining exactly what we need from people, feel free to take a look and share these links and information below with anyone and encourage them to get involved 😁🥇

Twitter - https://twitter.com/TheFootySkills/status/1354498546934943757?s=20  

Facebook - https://fb.watch/3eIqL2aM6k/  

Below are some 'rules' from Guinness which are very STRICT:-

1. Film a video in portrait.
2. Football rolled in on the FLOOR from YOUR right hand side like in the video.
3. Show us what you can do with the ball and then pass the ball on the FLOOR out on YOUR left side like in the video.
4. The video clip needs to be over 5 seconds long.
5. Use a size 5 football.

Videos can be sent to us on FootballChainVideo@hotmail.com


We would also love to see your videos, so please send them to your class teacher's email address as well, Miss Drohan x 

Year 2,3 and 4 spellings to help with writing

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