White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School


Are you interested in becoming a school governor? Do you want to know more about the role? The following information should help understand the role, but if you would like more information, please contact our Clerk, Roxanna Mager - rmager@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk Alternatively, should you wish to discuss the governor role, please contact the Chair of Governors, Jo Beer - jbeer@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk



Governor Skills Requirements

The Governing Body have completed a review of our existing governor skills, we are looking to recruit governors who may have experience in personnel or HR and previous governor experience. This skills requirements are not essential, but are a preference, so if you are interested in applying, please get in contact to discuss the governor role in more detail.


Parent Governors - No Vacancies

Parent Governors are elected to serve a term of 4 years on the Governing Body. We are currently looking for a new parent governor to join our governing body, the application process will be sent to all parents this term. Parent governors are usually elected by parents and those with parental responsibility for pupils or students at the school. The role of a parent governor is as a representative parent but they are not delegates. A member of staff who is also the parent of a child at the school is not eligible to be a parent governor if s/he works for 500 hours or more in a school year. However, a parent governor whose child leaves the school may serve until the end of their term of office. Parents may also be appointed to other categories of governor.


Staff Governors - No vacancies

Staff Governors are elected to serve a term of 4 years on the Governing Body. The next Staff Governor elections will take place in February 2017 unless a vacancy become available before that time.


Co-opted Governors - No vacancies

Co-opted governors may be appointed to the governing bodies of all categories of maintained school. They are appointed (and re-appointed) by the governing body and are likely to be people living or working in the community served by the school. They should have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. Governing bodies often use this category to appoint individuals from outside the immediate school community, with the expectation that they will bring in specific expertise and 'fresh eyes'. The appointment of co-opted governors can also be a way of retaining governors who have ceased to be eligible in other categories. It can be a good way to try to redress any imbalance on the governing body such as gender, ethnicity or disability. Parents, elected members of the local authority and staff may be appointed to this category provided that the total number of co-opted governors who are eligible to be elected as staff governors, when counted with the staff governor and the headteacher, does not exceed one third of the total membership of the governing body.


Partnership Governors - One vacancy 

This category of governor only exists in foundation schools that have no foundation (all of the current foundation schools in Torbay) and governors serving in this category are intended to represent the wider community. Partnership governors are appointed by the governing body, which must seek nominations from the parents of registered pupils at the school and such others in the community as it considers appropriate. Individuals are only eligible to be nominated if the person nominating them believes that they have the skills needed to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. Anyone nominated must come from the community served by the school and be committed to the good governance and success of the school. An individual can self nominate or be nominated.


There are some restrictions about who is eligible to serve in this category: parents of pupils at the school, anyone eligible to be a staff governor, elected members of the LA, employees of the LA in posts connected with education functions or registered pupils, are not eligible for appointment as a partnership governor.


If you are interested in becoming a Governor at White Rock Primary School please contact our Clerk, Roxanna Mager on:



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