Early Years Foundation Stage
Ducklings, Goslings and Cygnets are hatching new ideas and exploring and beginning to learn about the world around them.
We dive into new learning experiences, always making a splash, do our best to get along swimmingly and are discovering how to spread our learning wings and fly.

Mr Liam O'Sullivan is the Ducklings' class teacher, Mrs Vicky White is the Goslings' class teacher and Mrs Sam Barlow is the Cygnets' class teacher.
Our learning is also supported by Miss Rebekah Holmes, Miss Lucie Durbidge, Mr Mat Vanes, Miss Amy Watkins, Miss Sarah Stevens, Mrs Claire Burgess and Mrs Louise Bones.
Our Early Years Teaching and Learning lead is Mr Liam O'Sullivan
Our Foundation Lead is Mrs Nicky Howard.
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see the teacher or contact the Team Lead.
Summer Term Curriculum Map
Garden Party 18.07.18
Crabby Visitors!
On Wednesday morning we were lucky enough to have a visit from a Spider Crab, Brown Crab and a lobster. We learnt about what they use their different claws for and also where they were fished from. Some of us were even brave enough to hold them!
Special Visitors - 11.07.18

This Week's Home Learning - 6.7.18
Transition Day - 05.07.18
We had a fantastic time this week meeting our new teachers and spending time in our new classes. We can't wait for next year!
This Week's Learning - 25.06.18
This Week's Home Learning - 22.06.18
Reception's Trip to Combe Pafford
This Week's Learning - 11.06.18
In Math's this week we have been focusing our learning on weight. We have been using balancing scales and ordering different objects based on how much they weigh.
This Week's Learning - 11.06.18
This Week's Learning - 04.06.18
This Week's Learning - 21.5.18

This Week's Learning 21.05.18
This week we had a great time learning how to find half. We have been practising by cutting different foods in half and sharing them with our friends.
This Week's Learning - 14.05.18

This Week's Learning - 14.05.18
This Week's Home Learning - 11.05.18
This Week's Learning - 07.05.18

This Week's Learning - 30.04.18
As part of our whole learning 'Be Curious!' we have been carrying out a number of Science investigations this week. We have been exploring what different seeds grow into when we plant them and what happens when we put different fruits into the water tray.
This Week's Learning - 30.04.18
This Week's Learning 30.4.18
Home Learning - 27.04.18
Reading Buddies - 23.04.18
This week saw the beginning of an exciting reading project with the pupils in Year 5. Every day a group of Year 5 children will join us in provision to read a story with the Reception Children. The Year 5's will also listen to the Reception children read their books.
Reading Buddies - 23.04.18
This Week's Learning - 16.04.18
We have enjoyed our first week back of the summer term learning about and planting different seeds. We have also started to design our own fairy garden in the woodland and will be doing more planting next week.
This Week's Learning - 16.04.18

Spring Term Curriculum Map
Mixing Colours in the Snow!
22.3.18 - We used all the snow left in our outdoor area to experiment with mixing colours.
Snow Painting - 22.03.18

This Week's Learning - 19.03.18
This Week's Home Learning - 16.03.18
This Week's Learning - 12.3.18

Our Math's learning this week has been focused on making patterns. We have been spotting patterns in the environment and making our own using different resources.
This Week's Learning - 12.03.18
This Week's Home Learning - 9.03.18
Our Junk Bands - 5.3.18
This Week's Learning - 05.03.18
This Week's Home Learning - 02.03.18
This Week's Learning - 26.02.18
We have had a fantastic time this week making pizzas, developing our fine motor skills by using screws and screw drivers and building snowmen! We have also set up a shop to sell our snack as part of our Math's learning on money.
This Week's Learning - 26.02.19
This Week's Home Learning - 23.02.18
Junkman Visit
This week we were lucky enough to watch a music performance from 'The Junkman.' He showed us how to recycle every day materials to make musical instruments. We were inspired by this so much that we are going to make our own junk band in provision next week. Look out the pictures and videos!
This Week's Learning 19.02.18
Celebrating our Learning!
We had a fantastic time celebrating the learning we have done this half term on China. We were joined by children in the nursery and we spent time making dragons, making masks, Chinese dancing, painting good luck Chinese messages and trying Chinese food.
Chinese Celebration 07.02.18

This Week's Learning - 05.02.18
Maths Learning
Our Maths learning this week has been focused on ordering objects based on their length and height. We have been finding things around the classroom to measure and compare.
This Week's Learning 29.01.18
This Week's Learning - 22.01.18
This Week's Learning - 22.01.18
This Week's Learning - 15.01.18

This Week's Learning - 8.1.18
This Week's Learning - 08.01.18
This Week's Home Learning - 05.01.18
We have got straight back into the learning in Reception Class this week, starting our topic on 'One Wolrd, One Heart!' We have been discussing the different things we would like to learn about this term and completing some activities on Chinese culture.
This Week's Learning - 03.01.18
Autumn Term Curriculum Map
This Week's Learning 4.12.17
1 more 1 less

1 more and 1 less!
We have spent the last 2 weeks exploring what 1 more and 1 less means. We have been comparing amounts and deciding what more or less looks like and using different maths resources to deepen our understanding of 1 more and 1 less. We have really enjoyed comparing who has more or less chocolate and more or less Christmas presents.
This Week's Learning - 27.11.17
We were lucky enough to have a nurse visit us from Torbay Hospital. She answered our questions about being a nurse and then gave all our teddies a health assessment and helped us bandage up any injuries that they had.
A visit from a nurse
This Week's Learning 20.11.17
This Week's Learning 13.11.17
This Week's Learning - 6.11.17
This Week's Learning - 6.11.17
This Week's Home Learning 3.11.17
This Week's Learning 30.10.17
This Week's Learning - 30.10.17
This Week's Learning 16.10.17
A Special Visit
Home Learning 9.10.17
This Week's Learning - 09.10.17

This Weeks Learning - 02.10.17
This Week's Learning - 02.10.17
Our Learning - Week beginning 25.09.17
Home Learning - 29.09.17
This Weeks Learning - 25.9.17

Home Learning - 22.09.17
Our Learning - Week Beginning - 18.09.17
Week Beginning - 18.09.17
Home Learning - 15.9.17
Week Beginning - 11.9.17

What a great start!
We have all settled in beautifully to life at White Rock School and have been exceptionally busy exploring our new environment. We have enjoyed making new friends and learning in all areas of our new provision.
This Week's Learning - 09.10.17