Ducklings, Goslings and Cygnets are hatching new ideas and exploring and beginning to learn about the world around them.
We dive into new learning experiences, always making a splash, do our best to get along swimmingly and are discovering how to spread our learning wings and fly. To see our weekly learning scroll down past the Phonics section. Thank you.
This Terms Theme
Once Upon a Time
(For more information about this term's theme, scroll down to our curriculum map)
Upcoming events
Week beginning 20th May- Woodland Wander
We will be running afternoon sessions where we will invite parents to come and share our learning from this term in the Woodland. Look out for the flyer with more information.
Meet The Team
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see member of the Reception team or contact the Team Lead, you can do this by email, nhoward@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk or losullivan@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk or call us.
Academic Year 2018-2019
Spring Term Curriculum Map
Phase one (Nursery and Reception)
Phonic Knowledge and Skills
Activities are divided into seven aspects, including environment sounds, instrumental sounds, body sounds, rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and finally oral blending and segmenting.
Phase Two (Reception) up to 6 weeks
Phonic Knowledge and Skills
Learning 19 letters of the alphabet and one sound or each. Blending sounds together to make words. Segmenting words into their separate sounds. Beginning to read simple caption.
Phase Three (Reception) up to 12 weeks
The remaining 7 letters of the alphabet, one sound for each. Graphemes such as ch, oo, th representing the remaining phonemes not covered by single letters. Reading captions, sentences and questions. On completion of this phase, children will have learnt the “simple code”, i.e. one grapheme for each phoneme in the English language.
Phase Four (Reception) 4 to 6 weeks
No new grapheme-phoneme correspondences are taught in this phase Children learn to blend and segment longer words with the adjacent consonants, e.g swim, clap, jump.
Phase five (Throughout Year 1)
Now we move on to the “complex code”. Children learn graphemes for the phonemes which they already know, plus different ways of pronouncing the graphemes they already know.
Phase six (Throughout Year 2 and beyond)
Working on spelling, including prefixes and suffixes, doubling and dropping letters etc.
Below is a chart showing the order that children will be taught in.
Phase 1
- Listening to and for sounds
- Rhythm and rhyme
- Alliteration
Phase 2
- Sounds taught: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k , ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss
- Tricky words: the, to, go, no
Phase 3
- Sounds taught: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er
- Tricky words: no, go, I, the, to, he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, they, her, all, are
Phase 4
- Recap all previous sounds
- Teach reading and spelling tricky words: said, so, he, we, me, be, have, like, some, come, was, you, were, little, one, they, all, are, do, when, out, what, my, her
- Read and write the words with their initial and/or final blends: st, nd, mp, nt, nk, ft, sk, lt, lp, tr, dr, gr, cr, br, fr, bl, fl, gl, pl, cl, sl, sp, st, tw, sm, nch, shr, str, thr
Phase 5
- Learn new phonome zh
- Teach new graphemes for reading ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e
- Teach reading tricky words oh, their, people, Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked, water, where, who, again, thought, through , work, mouse, many, laughed, because, different, any, eyes, friends, once, please.
- Teach spelling words said, so have, like, some, were, there, oh, their, people Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked.
- Teach alternative spellings for ch, j, m, n, r, s, z, u, i, ear, ar, air, or, ur, oo, ai, ee, igh, oa, y/oo, oo, sh
Phase 6
- Understand and supply suffixes—ed, ing, ful, est, er, ment, ness, en, s, es
- Understand the rules of adding ing, ed, er, est, ful, ly, y
- Investigate how adding suffixes and prefixes changes words
- Introduce the past tense
Phoneme - The smallest unit of speech-sounds which make up a word.
Grapheme - The written representation of sounds
Tricky word - Word which can’t be sounded out
Key words - High frequency words
VC Word - Vowel consonant word (it, as)
CVC Word - Word made up of a consonant, vowel, consonant (cat, dog)
Initial sound - First sound in a word
Summer Term Curriculum Map
This Week's Learning - 08.07.19
Transition day 4.7.19
Today, we had a fun and very busy day in Year 1!
We started with a wake and shake, then we thought about our class charter and did a bit of role play to demonstrate how we can help one another in September. We created repeating patterns (everyone was amazing at this!!) and made our own bracelets and rings.
We did some fabulous writing based around a video clip, then finished our day with some parachute fun as a class.
We look forward to seeing you develop and grow in Year One in September.
Transition Day 4.7.19
This Week's Learning - 01.07.19
This Week's Learning 24.06.19
As part of our learning on 'The Little Red Hen,' we had a go at making our own bread this week in provision.
This Week's Learning 24.06.19
This Week's Learning - 24.06.19
This Week's Home Learning - 21.06.19
This Week's Learning - 17.06.19
We were lucky enough this week to have a visit from the fire brigade. They showed us how the fire engine worked and then let us shoot the hose at targets.
This Week's Learning - 17.06.19
This Week's Home Learning - 14.06.19
This Week's Learning - 10.06.19
As part of our learning on 'doubles,' Reception class have been making smoothies by doubling the ingredients. We made enough for everyone in all 3 classes to have a try!
This Week's Learning - 10.06.19

This Week's Home Learning - 7.6.19
This Week's Learning - Sports Day - 3.6.19
This Week's Learning - 03.06.19
This Week's Home Learning - 24.05.19
This Week's Learning - 20.05.19
This Week's Learning - 20.05.19
This Week's Learning 13.05.19
We have spent the week meeting and learning how to look after our new pets. We have 4 chickens, 2 guinea pigs and a rabbit. We've also been coming up with names for them and voting for the most popular.
Our Learning This Week - 13.05.19

This Week's Learning - 13.05.19
This Week's Home Learning - 10.05.19
This Week's Learning - 06.05.19
This Week's Learning - 06.05.19
This Week's Home Learning - 03.05.19
Reception Zoo Trip - 01.05.19
Reception had a fantastic time visiting Paignton Zoo. We saw lots of animals and had a brilliant talk on how animals use camouflage to disguise themselves.
Reception Zoo Trip - 01.05.19
This Week's Learning - 29.04.19
This Week's Home Learning - 26.04.19
This Week's Learning - 22.04.19
In Reception this week we have been learning about time. We have enjoyed making our own clocks, ordering sequencing cards and playing time games.
This Week's Learning - 22.04.19
This Week's Learning - 22.04.19
This Week's Learning - 25.03.19

This Week's Home Learning - 22.03.19
This Week's Learning - 18.03.19
This Week's Learning - 18.03.19
In Reception Class this week we had a great time walking down to the Post Office to post our letters to the queen. We have asked her lots of questions in the letters and are hoping that she will write back to us soon. Whilst on our walks we hunted for different things like cats and dogs and chatted about all the different things we saw.
This Week's Learning 18.03.19
This Week's Home Learning 15.03.19
This Week's Learning 11.03.19
In Reception class this week we have focused our learning on subtracting and taking away. We have also been looking after the seeds we have planted and taken care of our tadpoles. In Literacy we have been writing letters to the Queen which we are going to take to the post office to send to her soon.
This Week's Learning - 11.03.19
This Week's Home Learning - 08.03.19
This Week's Learning 04.03.19
We had a brilliant time this week making pancakes! We designed our perfect pancake, voted for the best toppings and then made our own delicious pancakes to enjoy!
This Week's Learning - Pancakes!
This Week's Learning - 04.03.19
This Week's Learning - 25.02.19
Our learning this week has focused around planting cress seeds. We have explored how we need to care for them to ensure they grow. We have also been writing instructions to help others plant cress seeds.
This Week's Learning - 25.02.19
This Week's Learning - 25.02.19
This Week's Learning - 25.02.19

This Week's Learning - 11.02.19
This Week's Home Learning - 08.02.19
This Week's Learning - 04.02.19
This Week's Learning - 04.02.19
In Reception this week we have been learning all about the language of money. We have been using real coins to pay for our snack and have began to look at how we can make amounts using different coins.
This Week's Learning 04.02.19
Home Learning - 01.02.19
This Week's Learning 28.01.19

This Week's Learning 28.01.19
This Week's Learning 21.01.19
This Week's Learning 21.01.19
In Reception this week been reading 'The Queens Hat.' We have written letters to the queen, made her some new hats and also built boats to help her go on holiday. In Maths we have been learning all about weight and have spent time comparing different objects in our classrooms.
This Week's Learning Focus - 21.01.19
Length - 14.01.19
Our Maths learning this week has been focused on ordering different items based on their length or height. We have ordered ourselves, collected sticks from the woodland, measured ourselves using socks and compared the lengths of different objects within our classroom.
This Week's Learning - 14.01.19
This Week's Learning - 14.01.19
This Week's Home Learning - 11.01.19
This Week's Learning - 07.01.19
This week in Reception Class as part of our Maths learning we went on a bear hunt. We were learning all about positional language whilst we explored. We learnt the meaning of 'over, under, through, next to and on top.'
This Week's Learning - 17.12.18
This Week's Home Learning - 14.12.18
Kents Cavern - 4th and 14th December
Kents Cavern 4th and 14th December
We had a fantastic time looking for Santa in the caves. We had a tour from a elf who taught us a Christmas dance, showed us how do to some magic and helped us pick out a perfect present to give to Santa.
This Week's Learning - 10.12.18
This Week's Learning - 03.12.18
This week we have been practicing for our Nativity taking place on Tuesday 11th December. We have done lots of rehearsals and even preformed in front of the whole school. Half of Reception class had a fantastic time visiting Santa in the caves at Kents Cavern and the rest of the class can't wait to go next week!
This Week's Home Learning - 07.12.18
This Week's Home Learning - 30.11.18
This Week's Learning - 26.11.18
This Week's Learning - 26.11.18
This Week's Home Learning - 23.11.18
This Week's Learning - 19.11.18
This Week's Learning - 19.11.18
This Week's Home Learning - 16.11.18
Estimating - 12.11.18
We have spent our week estimating different things we see and do and then counting to check if we were right. We have estimated how many hops we can do in a minute, how many toys we can see in different pots and how many sweets are in different packets.
Estimating - 12.11.18
This Week's Home Learning 09.11.18
Recycling and Composting 07.11.18
We were lucky enough to have a visit from Alex Mack who works for Recycle Devon. She taught us all about the benefits of composting and how to look after our environment. We had a fantastic time pretending to be the mini beasts who munch on the compost.
This Week's Learning - 5.11.18
This Week's Learning - 05.11.18
This Week's Home Learning - 02.11.18
This Week's Learning - 29.10.18

This Week's Learning - 29.10.18
This Week's Home Learning - 19.10.18
A Visit From a Horse 15.10.18

This Week's Learning 15.10.18
This Week's Learning 8.10.18
Patterns 8.10.18
In Reception this week we have learning all about repeating patterns. We have been making patterns with sound and with different objects.
This Week's Learning 8.10.18
This Week's Learning - 5.10.18
This Week's Home Learning - 05.10.18
This Week's Learning - 01.10.18
In Reception this week we have been experimenting with colour mixing and making our own rainbow toast. We also discussed how the bread changes when we put it in the toaster.
This Week's Learning - 1.10.18
This Week's Learning - 01.10.18
This Week's Home Learning - 28.09.18
This Week's Learning - 28.09.18

This Week's Learning - 24.09.18
This Week's Home Learning - 21.09.18
This Week's Learning - 17.09.18
We have loved exploring our woodland area this week. We have been using the mud kitchen to make different concoctions and going on number hunts with our friends.
This Week's Learning - 17.09.18
This Week's Learning - 17.09.18
This Week's Home Learning 14.09.18
Our First Few Days at School
We have had a fantastic time exploring our new learning environment and making lots of new friends. We can't wait to start learning all about farms next week!