Buntings are a family of birds that includes the Cirl Bunting. This bird is very rare and can be found by the coast in South Devon. Just like us! Many Buntings are long distant migrants which means they travel many miles around the world every year. Just like we will be doing in our learning in this Term's theme!
This Terms Theme
'Once upon a time ...'
This term Year 1 are learning all about fairy tales! We have already listened to a wide variety of stories. We will be adapting them and writing our own versions. We will also be learning how to create different story settings in preparation to perform our own puppet show to Reception children. The children will have an opportunity to role play their favourite character. We would like to invite you to share our learning on Wednesday 17th July 2019.
(For more information about this term's theme, scroll down to our curriculum map)
P.E & Dance days
P.E. Days are Thursdays and Fridays.
Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school all week. We will ensure that they are sent home at the end of every half term
Home Learning days
Home Learning will be handed out on a Friday and collected in on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. This will give you the opportunity to explore aspects of your child's learning if you wish.
Upcoming events
Wednesday 17th July 2019 - Year 1 Learning Celebration
Meet The Team
If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher (Mrs Dann) or alternatively please contact a team leader (Mrs Dowdeswell or Mrs Jarrett).
Monday 22nd July 2019 - Art
Today we loved recreating images of ourselves using pastels. The results were amazing!!
Wednesday 17th July 2019 - Learning Celebration
Today we had our Learning Celebration where we sang a song about trees. We helped our adults to identify trees by looking carefully at their leaves. We then planted our own apple tree seed and can't wait for it to grow!
Thursday 11th July 2019 - PE
We enjoyed our PE lesson with Mrs Tyson today practising our catching and throwing skills!
Monday 8th July 2019 - Art
Today we have been experimenting with clay. We rolled, Squashed, shaped and use different tools to cut the clay.
Thursday 4th July 2019 - Drama
Today we worked in teams to role played the traditional tale 'Three Billy Goats Gruff'.
Tuesday 2nd July 2019 - Handwriting
Today we enjoyed practising our handwriting in the sunshine. We made sure we joined the letters ol and ot carefully making sure our letters were small and neat and that our ascenders were tall.
Monday 24th June 2019 - School Trip to Stover Country Park
What a great day we had at Stover Country Park. We explored around the park observing the animals closely and identifying trees. Pond dipping and mini beast hunting was such fun we identified lots of bugs ants, spiders, woodlice, butterflies and many more. Which was your favourite activity?
Friday 21st June - Art
We had a fun afternoon creating our daisy collages. Mrs Dann was very impressed with everyone's exceptional concentration and the end results were really effective!
Thursday 20th June 2019 - Letter from the Queen
A proud moment ... Buntings were all really proud and excited that a class member received a letter From the Queen!
Wednesday 12th June 2019 - Maths
Today we partitioned 20 in lots of different ways.
Wednesday 5th June 2019 - Teddy Bear Workshops
Today we had some medical students visit us from Plymouth. They showed us lots of different medical equipment that doctors use. We learned what each piece of equipment does.Then we helped our teddy bears to feel better and wrote them a perscription!
Tuesday 4th June 2019 - Maths
We have been learning about time. We enjoyed using one minute timers to time ourselves doing different activities. We learned that there is 60 seconds in a minute and that there are 60 minutes in an hour.
Thursday 23rd May 2019 - Handwriting
We are learning to form a diagonal join. Look at how neat our writing is getting!
Wednesday 22nd May 2019 - Theme
Today we watched a very funny theatre perfomance of the Three Little Pigs. It gaves us lots of ideas about how to act in our own performaces.
Tuesday 14th May 2019 - Art
We started our lesson by going outside and each choosing our own daisy from the field. When we got back into the classroom we spent time looking closely at it, with a magnifier, before drawing our own picture in pencil.
Thursday 9th May 2019 - Maths
We have being learning about the value of money. Today we chose an item and had to find the correct coins to pay for it. Some of us challenged ourselves by finding lots of different ways to make the amount.
Friday 3rd April 2019 - Assembly
Today we had the RNLI come to talk to us about their job. They told us about what the RNLI do and we enjoyed trying on some of the special clothes they have to wear. Ask us what their job involves.
Wednesday 1st May 2019 - Art
Today we created concentric circle paintings in the style of 'Kandinsky'. We used primary colours and mixed them to make secondary colours. It was a very messy afternoon enjoyed by all!
Tuesday 30th April 2019 - Maths
Today we used positional language to direct our partners to go left, right, forwards and backwards.
Monday 29th April 2019 - Science
Today we looked at parts of a plant. we dissected the plants and observed them closely using magnify glasses. We looked at all the different parts and talked about what each part of the plant does.
Thank you to all the generous donations which enabled us to have a great afternoon investigating and dissecting!
Thursday 26th April 2019 - Drama
Today we worked collaboratively to act out the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We enjoyed acting the story out in front of the class.
Tuesday 24th April 2019 - 2D Shapes
Today we identified 2D shapes and discussed their properties. We made our own squares using pegs, sticks and spaghetti!
How many 2D shapes can you find at home?
Wednesday 27th March 2019 - Writing
As we have been writing our own versions of The Queen's Handbag, we had the opportunity to go and share our stories with reception. They really enjoyed hearing our stories and we were so proud!
Wednesday 27th March 2019 - Learning Celebration
We were delighted to invite our parents to our royal ceremony today. The Queen came and knighted us all for our great learning this term. We then went back to classes to make sandwiches and cakes.
Wednesday 20th March 2019 - Plymouth Aquarium
Today we had a very exciting day at Plymouth Aquarium! We learnt all about different sea animals, what a habitat is and had a go at designing our own habitat hats!
Tuesday 19th March 2019 - Computing
We've enjoyed using 2Go in Computing to programme a turtle to follow routes. We've linked this with our Maths learning, using positional language to describe the movement of the turtle.
Wednesday 13th March 2019 - Maths
In Maths we have been programming floor robots to follow a route around a 2D shape!
Tuesday 12th March 2019 - Handwriting
This term we are learning how to join our letters together. Can you think of any words with these joins in? Can you join your letters in your independent writing?
Thursday 7th March 2019 - World Book Day
We've had an exciting day celebrating World Book Day - we started off with a book trail around the school, then we shared our reading with Year 5. We also started making our book marks!
Monday 25th February - Maths
This week we are learning all about two-digit numbers. We have been partitioning them into tens and ones using different resources, such as the Part Part Whole model, counters, Diennes and place value counters.
Thursday 14th February - Science
Today we did our Science in the Woodland area. We enjoyed searching for animals and recording these as tallies. What have you found in your environment?
Monday 11th February - Handwriting
We have been practising our joined handwriting out in the sunshine!
Thursday 31st January - Gymnastics
We have been learning how to do egg rolls today in gymnastics!
Monday 28th January - Science
Today we had the opportunity to go to the woodlands and look for living things in the environment. We talked about the habitat and which creatures liked to live there. We lifted up lots of logs and stones and were excited to find woodlice, spiders, worms and other mini beasts!
Thursday 24th January. - PSHE
Today we had a visit from some Firefighters. We learnt about how to look out for different fire hazzards. We learnt how to protect ourselves and practised the, 'Stop, drop and roll' procedure. Mrs Varney told us what it was like to wear the firefighters uniform. She told it was very heavy!
Wednesday 23rd January - Maths
In Maths we are learning about odd and even numbers. We have been grouping counters in twos to see if the number is a multiple of two. Then we went on a hunt around the school to find numbers and decide if they are odd or even. Can you find any numbers in your local environment?
Monday 21st January 2019 - Theme
Our theme is Queen Elizabeth II. We have learnt lots of facts about her but we still had some unanswered questions. We were delighted when she visited us today! She told us about where she lives, her pets and what her favourite food was. We had to call her 'Your Majesty'!
Friday 18th January - Maths
We are learning about equal groups and sharing in Maths. Miss Wallwork tried to share her biscuits with Mrs Varney but clearly struggled, so we looked at strategies of sharing equally! Can you find any equal groups at home? Do you share your sweets with your sibling? Maybe you could teach them some strategies too!
Thursday 17th January - Gymnastics
We have started our Gymnastics lessons this week, with a focus on bunny hops!
Tuesday 15th January - Science
In Science we have been learning about the body. We played a game where we had to find the different body parts and label ourselves. We also looked at the five senses and which body parts are used for each. Which senses have you used today?
Tuesday 15th January - Computing
We have been learning how to use the mouse and keyboard to log onto the computers and find our way around websites. We've begun using Purple Mash to create pictures and tinker with different tools. Can you log onto Purple Mash at home and create a picture? We'd love to see it!
Friday 11th January - P.E.
We enjoyed a very active session of P.E. with Mr Leaman today chasing and catching.
Wednesday 9th January - Phonics
After our exciting Christmas holidays we are straight back into our Phonics learning, crawling along a trail of paw prints whilst learning the 'aw' grapheme!
Academic Year 2018-2019
Autumn Term Curriculum Map
Monday 3rd December - Phonics
This week we are learning ay, ou, oy and ey. We've been playing lots of different games to help us learn these graphemes - what phonic games have you played at home? Can you think of your own games to help you learn the graphemes? We'd love to share them!
Wednesday 28th November - Maths
We have introduced the symbols for greater than and less than in Maths this week and looked at how to compare and represent amounts. We said that the crocodile likes to eat the bigger numbers, can you find any numbers around your home? Which is the biggest? Which number would the crocodile eat?
Thursday 22nd November - Art
In art we have been learning about primary and secondary colours. We use classroom resources to create a colourwheel!
Wednesday 21st November - Learning Celebration
Lots of our grown ups came to our Year 1 Learning Celebration, where they got to look at our learning books and share the activities we do in Year 1. It was a great opportunity to show what we do and how we learn!
Friday 16th November - Art
Today we have been learning about primary and secondary colours. We painted designs of Pudsey using these colours!
Wednesday 14th - Maths
We are learning to recognise each digit in a two-digit number. We've looked at teen numbers and are now learning about tens. What two-digit numbers can you find?
Thursday 8th November 2018 - Fiction and Non-Fiction
We are learning all about fiction and non-fiction books. Which books have you read at home? Can you find any features of a non-fiction text? We've found labels, contents, glossaries, photographs... What have you found?
Monday 5th November - Maths
For our 3D shapes we went on a shape hunt in our school grounds! We found cylinders, spheres, pyramids, cuboids, cubes and cones. What shapes have you found in your area?

Thursday 1.11.18 - Handwriting
We have been practising our handwriting in shaving foam this week! Which creative ways have you used at home to practise your handwriting?
Monday 29.10.18 - Maths
This week we have been learning about positional language. We read the story 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' and went outside to explore different positions. We used the vocabularly "under, on top of, beside, in front and behind".
Tuesday 16th October 2018 - Maths
In Maths we have been looking at images and amounts. We've been partitioning these and identifying the parts and amounts. After this, we've used double-sided counters to represent the parts and write addition calculations. We've looked at varying the ways of writing our calculations - putting the whole and the end or beginning and looking at where the symbols go.
Wednesday 3rd October 2018 - Maths
In Maths we have been learning about partitioning amounts. We have identified the whole of an amount and parititoned it, looking at the different parts. We've used the Part Part Whole model to represent this.
Thursday 27th September - Maths
Uh oh! Who's been walking through our class room today? Someone's left us dirty footprints all over our room... We measured the prints using cubes and found of that they were the same length as a baby Diplodocus! So we are now looking for other signs of dinosaurs roaming the school...
We then measured our own feet to find out if we have the same size feet as any baby dinosaurs.
Tuesday 18th September - Dinosaur Day!
Today we've had a really exciting morning - Chris came in with some dinosaur fossils! We learnt about how long dinosaurs were on the Earth for, what happened to them, and learnt exciting facts about a range of different dinosaurs. Then we got to learn about what a fossil is, where it comes from and how it's made. We wore our Paleontologist badges and excavated a range of different fossils!
Friday 7th September - P.E.
Today we met Mr Leaman for our first P.E. session - what an exciting afternoon we had! Mr Leaman and Mrs Varney were crocodiles and we had to cross their river.. Some of us made it but lots of us got caught!

Wednesday 5th September - First Day!
Welcome to Year 1 - Buntings have enjoyed various activities relating to our new Paleontology topic, such as creating dinosaur eggs and measuring how long dinosaur feet were!