White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School

Eagles are high flyers, tenacious hunters and have excellent vision. Once they have a goal in mind they strive to obtain it and never let it slip through their talons. As King of Skies, they soar high with ambition and innovation.

Welcome to Y6 Eagles Class.


In class 6 Eagles, the teacher is Mrs Gidley. The adults who are supporting our learning in Year 6 will be: Mrs Edmundson, Miss Evans, Mrs Proctor, Mrs Jones and Mrs Rose.  


PE:  Please ensure that a PE kit is brought into school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday.  All items of PE kit (and school uniform) should be labelled with the child's name and class.


Home Learning:  All home learning is to be completed in your Home Learning books and will be given on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday. All pupils in Year 6 are expected to complete their Home Learning to a high standard and be handed in on the due date. Those pupils who have not completed the task will be expected to stay in during the first twenty minutes of Thursday lunchtime.


If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to come in and see your teacher or contact the Team Lead Mrs Sage. 

Class Teacher: Mrs Gidley: rgidley@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk

Team Lead: Mrs Sage: lappleby@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk

KS2 Lead: Mrs Foster: lfoster@white-rock-primary.torbay.sch.uk

Upcoming Events


Monday 16th April 2018: First day of Summer 1

Monday 14th May 2018 - Thursday 17th May 2018 : SATs Week

Monday 25th May 2018 : Last day of Summer 1

Monday 4th June 2018: First day of Summer 2

Wednesday 6th June 2018: Parents meeting for York at 5.30pm

Monday 11th June 2018 - Thursday 14th June 2018: Year 6 York Residential

Thursday 28th June 2018: Learning Celebration - Be Curious

Tuesday 17th July 2018 - Wednesday 18th July 2017: Year 6 Performance

Tuesday 24th July 2018: Leavers Assembly at 2.00pm

Tuesday 24th July 2018: Leavers Disco 6.30pm-8.00pm

Wednesday 25th July 2018: Woodlands

Wednesday 25th July 2018: Last day of Summer 1

Academic Year 2017-2018

Wednesday 27th June 2018 - The Red Cross - First Aid


The Red Cross came to visit Eagles today. We had a looked at how the Red Cross/Red Crescent began with a man called Henri Dunant. We watched videos to help us decide how people should react in different scenarios and where we may need to used our first aid skills.
Today, we found out how to open someone's airway and how to safely put them on their side before calling 999. We then learnt how to do CPR. We need to make sure that we get close to our patient, be on our knees with straight arms and then put our strong arm on the chest with our weaker hand on top. This acts as the heart pumping - we can sing ‘Staying Alive’ by the BeeGees to help us keep to time.

Next, we looked at how to treat a burn. We found out that you can use any cold liquid that you can drink to cool a burn. If it’s safe for your tummy; it’s safe for your burn. You can also use cling film to cover the burn and help to stop it from hurting. 

Everyone in the class learnt lots of information and would now feel more confident if they needed to use their first aid skills.

Thursday 21st June - Coasteering


Coasteering is an exhilarating combined rock and water activity that Year 6 have loved! Catered to every individual level, this activity is suitable for those with no fear of heights or water as well as those who may not be quite so confident.  During their Coasteering trip they experienced rock climbing and scrambling techniques as well as how to jump from heights into the sea safely. Wearing sturdy footwear, wetsuits, buoyancy aids and helmets, Owls and Eagles travelled along Fishcombe Cove section of coastline; sometimes swimming in the sea, sometimes scrambling on rocks and jumping from rocks into the sea. They all had a fantastic day!

Monday 18th June 2018 - Pirates of the Curry Bean - Rehearsals


Year 6 have started to rehearse our end of year performance. It is sounding and looking great already. What a bunch of stars!

Monday 11th June 2018-Thursday 14th June 2018 - Year 6 Residential - York


Year 6 had a fantastic time on their residential. We went to many different places: Eden Camp, Castle Museum, Yorvik DIG, The York Chocolate Story, York Minister, York Ghost Walk, Flamingoland, MAGNA Science Centre. Everyone was very tired but we packed in so much.

Thursday 17 May 2018 - Art - World Outdoor Learning Day 


Across the country today, children and teachers are going outdoors to do their learning. We have been looking at, and classifying, different leaves. We have observed their features and used this information to add detail to our drawings.

Monday 14th - Thursday 17 May 2018 - SATS - Year 6 Breakfast


This week we have been taking our SATs in Reading, SPaG and Mathematics. We've all worked really hard and to kick-start the day we made sure that our stomachs were nice and full and our brains had lots of energy. We all loved the bacon sandwiches.

Friday 11th May 2018 - PE  - Capture the Flag 


Eagles have been playing the team game 'Capture the Flag'. This is a tactical game where you need to capture your opponents' flag and take it back to your base. If you are successful, you win the game.

Friday 4th May 2018 - Art - Art Project


As part of our Art project, Eagles have been making some fish to add to our canvases. We are all aware of how plastic is polluting our oceans and so we made some fish from plastic bags to highlight this issue.

Wednesday 2nd May 2018 - Science - Heart rate


Eagles class have been using their scientific thinking skills to investigate this problem:

Laura says:

'I can control my heart rate.'

Is she correct?

They have thought about how they can conduct their experiment, the data that they need to collect and how they can make it a fair test.

Eagles has learnt to take their own pulse rate and performed various different exercises to try and change their heart rate.

Wednesday 25th April 2018 - ICT  - Animations


Eagles have been creating a storyboard during ICT to create our animations. This week we have begun to use the animation software to take shots. We are carefully moving our images so that we can get an effective movie with good transitions.

Thursday 19th April 2018 - PE  - Gymnastics


This half term we will be concentrating on our gymnastics skills. Here's some of us practising our forwards rolls and stretches.

Spring Term Curriculum Plan

Thursday 15th March - PHSE - NSPCC


The NSPCC came to talk to KS2 about how we can keep ourselves and each other safe. We then had a Year Group discussion back in the classroom. We talked about who could help us if we had a problem and that it was important to share things if we have a concern with a trusted adult.

In our groups, we talked about our right to be able to say we didn’t want to do something and how we can stay safe when we’re on the internet. It is important to keep our personal information safe and not talk to people we don’t know. 
We watched a video that helped us to think about a child who was neglected and how they might be thinking and feeling. We talked about how other people’s behaviour can effect us and what we can do to help our friends. 
We were given a ‘Magnificent Me’ packed which got us to think about ourselves. 


Remember if you have need support you can ring ChildLine:

Image result for childline

Wednesday 14th March - Math - The Yorkshire Building Society


Year 6 have been using their practical maths skills! We were lucky enough to have some visitors from the Yorkshire Building Society in to talk to us about budgeting and profit. Our task was to play an end of year party. We had to decide what we wanted at the party and how much we would sell the tickets for so that we could either break even or make a profit. When planning the event, we needed to think about how much the tickets would cost and if the customer was going to get value for money. We had a great time.

Monday 12th March 2018. Live Music Now Performance


This afternoon we were entertained by Heather and Rosanna from Live Music Now on the concert harp and flute. They presented a repertoire of familiar themes and some classical favourites too such as: Saint Saens, The Swan and Ave Maria. by Schubert. We were really surprised to learn about the origin of the flute and see how many different playing techniques you could use on the flute. This included beat boxing, flutter tonguing and chirping sounds. 

Live Music Now Performance

Thursday 8th March - World Book Day


Eagles have had a great day celebrating 'World Book Day.' We've completed a book trail and been very competitive taking part in the Reading Quiz. Have a look at our photos to see how we got on and check out our costumes.

Wednesday 21st February - Music - Junkman


Inspired by the sounds his mechanic father made while working in the garage, The Junkman developed a music based upon the sounds of found objects, long before the green movement even existed, The Junkman was playing exclusively on recycled materials, composing a new style of music forged by their unique timbres, and guided by the artistic mantra, “tools that are no good require more skill”. The children were lucky enough to see and hear this unique performance and also participated in a Q & A session.

Friday 9th February - WHAT A TEAM!!!! - Fundraising for a defibrillator


Year 6 have done an amazing job today by raising money for a defibrillator that we are hoping is going to go near our school. They organised events and got the whole school joining in to raise their heart rate!

Friday 9th February - Art - 'Creating Ideas'


Year 5 and 6 are starting an Art project and as part of this we are drawing together images that inspire us about the sea. Eagles had a go at creating some ideas and patterns in our Art books that remind of the ocean.

Wednesday 17th January - Maths

In Maths, Eagles are developing their Geometric Reasoning by looking at Nets of 3D shapes. They are able to draw and build nets and describe the properties of the finished shape.

Friday 12th January - Art - Photography

In Art, Eagles are exploring Photography as an expressive medium. Using the title 'A Different Perspective', the children used the familiarity of the School grounds to look at their surroundings differently and express this photographically.

Thursday 10th January - Bollywood Dance

In Eagles, we have been recreating Bollywood dance positions. We have looked into the hand gestures, which are called Mudras, and included different gestures in our poses.

Monday 8th January - Maths - Missing Angles


In Maths, we having been using our reasoning skills and known facts to find the missing angles. We needed to know about the interior angles of 2D shapes, the degrees in a right angle, the angle of a straight line and other key facts.

Autumn Term Curriculum Plan

Tuesday 28th November 2017 - Open Day


Our parents came to see all the learning that we had been doing in the Autumn Term.

Tuesday 14th November 2017 - Music - Notation


After drawing the line graphs to show our data for the shadow experiment we discovered that some of our data did not fit with the rest of the information we had. As a class, we discussed how we could make our results as accurate as possible when we repeated the investigation. We decided to: stick the piece of paper to the table so it didn’t move, keep the metre stick at a perpendicular angle to the table, keep the torch parallel to the table and to mark where both the metre stick and the cube were positioned. This time our results were much more reliable. We plotted them onto the line graph so we could compare both sets of results.

Tuesday 14th November 2017 - Music - Notation


In Music, we used a 4 by 4 grid to follow a beat and used our hands to clap when we needed to. After that, we added different instruments to make the rhythm. Once we had got the hang of it, as a class, we split into groups to have a go at composing our own music. We used different shapes to represent different instruments on the grid. Once we had decided what to do, we practised together and then performed it to the rest of the class.


Tuesday 7th November 2017 - Dance - Breakdancing


Year 6 had an exciting morning learning how to breakdance. We had Matt from 'Just 4 Funk' in to demonstrate and teach us, which ended with a dance battle to show off our new moves.


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Still image for this video

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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Friday 3rd November 2017 - ICT - My personal Robot 


During our ICT session this week, we have been working out how to complete a simple programing sequence. As a group, we have been writing down a sequence of instructions for someone else to follow. If the instructions were not correct we reported a 'bug' and the group had to check the information that had been given and write down any corrections. The sequence was then tested again until the "Robot" could complete the task.  

Autumn 1 - Dance 


In Dance in Year 6, we have been using photographs to create dances. We created solos, duets and group dances which then ended in a whole class dance showing the different way photographs are taken and used in everyday life. We had to focus mainly on smooth transitions between each element of the dance. These photographs show us in our tableaux in the group part of the dance.

Wednesday 11th October 2017 - Visitor - NHS Radiographer


We have been lucky enough to have a third visitor in Upper Years. This time we had a Radiographer who works for the NHS. We had a look at all the different area of expertise that a Radiographer could do. We also learnt that the NHS see 1 million patents every 36 hours! We looked at X-rays and had to work out what was wrong with each patent. On one X-ray the patent had 6 fingers!

Tuesday 10th October 2017 - Visitor - Police


Today we had a detective in school. We learnt all about how to put together different clues to help us solve a case. In groups, we took our fingerprints. We learnt all about the history of the police force and why the police are sometimes called 'Bobbys' after the Prime Minister - Robert Peel - who help to found the police force in London.

Wednesday 4th October 2017 - Visitor - Animals in Distress


We had a visitor from 'Animals in Distress' who came to talk to us about all the animals they look after and find homes for. She told us all about the history of this wonderful charity and how it all began when a couple looked after their friends dog while she was in hospital. They have looked after thousands of animals in the last 36 years. Thank you to all the parents who were able to send in a donation for the animals at Animals in Distress. We got sent a lovely certificate to say thank you.

Friday 29th September 2017 - Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Research


Some of the Year 5 and 6 children were lucky enough to be invited to join the Macmillian Cancer Research coffee morning at Beverley Park. They were able to decorate their own cakes with butter icing and hundreds and thousands. All the children enjoyed eating them and said they were delicious! Here are some photos of our morning:

Thursday 14th September 2017 - 'The Tale' Art event at Berry Head National Park

Year 6 have been lucky enough to see and participate in creating new art in unusual places. Themes of the sea, journeys and local environment that fit in with many curriculum areas were considered as they explored the Berry Head National Park. The visit included guided walks with learning in terms of Local History, Geology and Living Things. They also participated in sound Artist Chris Watson's immersive sonic installation 'No Man's Land'. They also experienced the work of Contemporary Artist Ellen Gallagher and took part in an Art workshop exploring line and shape within the unique setting of Berry Head National Park.

Monday 12th September 2017 - Electricity - Science


In Science, this term, we are looking at Electrical circuits and how they are created. We have experimented with parallel and series circuits and begun to use scientific symbols to represent our findings.

Autumn Term, Week 1: Eagles have had a busy first few days back. Here we are taking part in Dance, Maths, ICT and Art.

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