White Rock Primary School

'Inspiring Learning Together'

White Rock Primary School

PSHE at White Rock


At White Rock, we believe our learning should enable children to become informed and responsible citizens of the future. It is vital that all pupils receive effective PSHE and Relationships and Sex Education to develop and maintain safe and respectful relationships within friendships, families and partnerships, both physically and online. We wish to enable children to make rational and well-informed decisions to keep themselves safe and well throughout their lives.

Implementation of PSHE at White Rock

In foundation stage, PSHE is taught through provision which enables them to develop in the following areas: 

  • Making relationships
  • Self-confidence and self-awareness
  • Managing feelings and behaviour
  • Health and Self-care


In Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, we follow the Torbay Healthy Learning Curriculum. This follows a spiral curriculum approach which enables children to revisit and deepen their understanding as they progress through school. Please find more information about the coverage of these lessons below. 


Our school values ‘Leadership, Belonging, Innovation and Teamwork’ thread through our curriculum. We recognise that as a prime area PSED underpins all other areas of learning and we understand the importance of children seeing themselves as a valued individual with a strong sense of belonging. We aim to establish good learning behaviours from the moment our children start school, and we do this by building respectful relationships, modelling positive behaviour, setting appropriate boundaries and by encouraging our children to show resilience and perseverance, with a can-do attitude. We maintain high expectations for our children and always highlight exemplary behaviour when children are kind and considerate and think about the perspective of others. Our school ethos is underpinned by the modern British values. PSHE it is also explicitly taught through our Christopher Winter project where our children learn about caring friendships, being kind and families. Our children recognise the importance of friendship and know that friendships make us happy. They also learn how to make new friends as they learn new skills that support them with this. Our children can talk about the importance of saying sorry and forgiveness. Together, we consider how arguing with friends and making up can make friendships stronger alongside developing a secure understanding that resorting to violence is never right. As we learn about families, we discuss the differences in families and compare these to our own. We identify different family members and talk about how members of our family can support and help one another.

Our children also learn about the importance of self-care and hygiene. In term 3, as our children learn about what a balanced diet looks like, they are given the opportunity to sort food into healthy and unhealthy food types and learn about the impact that physical activity has on our bodies. We ensure that our children receive at least 180 minutes of physical activity per day as recommended.

Implementation of RSHE at White Rock

Relationships and Sexual Health Education is taught mainly through our PSHE coverage, as outlined above. Our curriculum meets the requirements set out by the DfE in the 'Relationships, Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education' statutory guidance (2019). As well as delivering our PSHE curriculum, aspects of RSHE are taught through Food Technology, Computing, R.E, P.E, Dance and daily assemblies, as well as through specialist weeks/months, such as Anti-bullying Week or Black History Month. Alongside this, we teach Sex and Health Education through The Christopher Winter Project inline with the guidance set out by the DfE. 

As part of our RSHE learning, we follow The Christopher Winter Project for SRE (Sex and Relationships Education). Please see below for the overview in SRE for Reception up to Year 6.


Reception - Family and Friendship

  1. Caring friendships: understanding the importance of friendship

  2. Being kind: recognising the importance of forgiveness

  3. Families: understand there are lots of different families


Year 1 - Growing and Caring for Ourselves

  1. Different friends: knowing we can be friends with people who are different to us

  2. Growing and changing: understanding babies and children grow up

  3. Families and care: exploring different types of families and who can help us


Year 2  - Differences

  1. Differences: exploring gender stereotypes

  2. Male and female animals: exploring males and females are different

  3. Naming body parts: knowing the physical differences between males and females


Year 3 - Valuing Difference and Keeping Safe

  1. Body differences: exploring the differences between males and females

  2. Personal space: understanding appropriate touch

  3. Help and support: exploring different types of families and who can help us


Year 4 - Growing Up

  1. Changes: exploring the human lifecycle

  2. What is puberty?: exploring how puberty is linked to reproduction

  3. Healthy relationships: exploring respect in a range of relationships


Year 5 - Puberty

  1. Talking about puberty: exploring emotional and physical changes

  2. The reproductive system: understanding male and female changes

  3. Help and support: understanding the importance of personal hygiene


Year 6 - Puberty, Relationships and Reproduction

  1. Puberty and reproduction: understanding how and why the body changes

  2. Communication in relationships: understanding the importance of respectful communication

  3. Families, conception and pregnancy: understanding the decisions in starting a family

  4. Online relationships: understanding communication in a respectful way  

RSHE Weeks 2024

RHSE week will take place on the week beginning Monday 24th June. 

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